w/ Allie Casazza & Kendra Hennessy
This is a community for action-taking women who are SO READY to go to the next level in their business.
A mastermind is a collection of like-minded people who all want to move up in their businesses. It’s a place to share, connect, network, and borrow ideas - ideas that will boost you and your business in ways you couldn’t imagine before joining.
As business owners, we have both written the scary-big checks to join various masterminds over the past few years, so we get it - joining can be hella terrifying!
We really wanted to create a mastermind together, because we both want to balance teaching with community. We know the mindset shifts and strategies you need to reach that next level of success in your business, but we also want to create a space for ideating and partnering and sharing.
The only reason we became friends is because of our businesses! Business brings people together, and if you’re running your business as if you’re an island, that is the quickest way to failing.
The application window closes really soon! If this is calling you, hurry!
When you invest in a course, it’s a great step! But sometimes, you can feel that you need more.
What if you could have the teaching and value of a course, and also get the LIVE aspect of it?
What if you also got a community of women just like you who are ready to network and connect?
Courses give you the information you need, but a mastermind is a collection of people who can help you transform your business. Courses give you the need-to-know pieces of information for your business, but a mastermind is going to give you the things you don’t even know you need.
You enter it unsure, hoping you made the right decision, and you get off the first call with a feeling of relief/hope/joy/an overwhelming sense of I AM RIGHT ON THE BRINK OF PUSHING PAST WHAT’S BEEN LIMITING ME.
Every mastermind looks different. It’s so important to pick one led by someone you trust and admire. You would never want to join a mastermind led by someone who is okay working way more than you, or does not value what you value.
With this, you’re getting two experts who are ready to guide you down the path to 7-figures, clearly and intentionally. You’re also getting access to the knowledge and expertise of the other women in the group with you. Everyone has learned something that will change your business for the better. You have access to all of that!
Let’s also address the cost. One-on-one coaching with the two of us would cost more than $20,000 for the length of this mastermind.
Allie’s business coaching packages are $16,000+ and you’re getting a few hour-long calls. Yes, you get that one-on-one business advice for YOUR business, and yes, we have the ability to change your life and your business with our guidance, but is that what you want right now? It might not be the next best step for you at this point in time, and that’s why we’re offering this mastermind.
We know some of you out there are needing this, are ready for this, and are being called into this with us.
We believe you should build your business around your life, not the other way around.
We believe how many hours you work has NOTHING TO DO with how much money you make.
We believe the only rules and limits holding you back are the ones you believe are true.
We believe in building a TRIBE, not an audience.
We believe you can design the business and life you desire, and call in as much money as you’d like to make every month. We believe the resources and tools to get you there will appear.
We believe this mastermind is that resource for a small handful of you.
A few things we’ve accomplished (that we can’t wait to teach you!):
We are REALLY GOOD at:
There’s no reason you can’t do this too.
You have a business and know what you want to create and sell, but you haven't reached $300,000 per year yet.
Whether you’re at $50,000 trying to get to $100,000 or $10,000 trying to get to $50,000, we’re going to help you get there. We will help you get to whatever the next level is for YOU.
You’re serious about launching your next big thing, whether it’s a podcast, course, book, or other idea.
You have a deep desire to serve others and make an impact. You want to bring change to the world through your product or message.
You’re an action-taker looking to get to your next new level, and you’re willing to do the work to make it happen.
You’re coachable and ready to learn. We are going to drop the FIRE in our training sessions with you, so have a notebook ready and clear space in your life to implement!
Nothing is going to change if you don’t do the same for yourself. Show up 100% and you will get back more than you could ever imagine from this experience.
We will be covering SO MUCH ground! We are so freaking excited to teach you!
$2,000/month for 3 months
$5,700 pay in full
The application window closes really soon! If this is calling you, hurry!
QUESTIONS + ANSWERS If you have a question that’s not on this list, shoot us an email at and we’ll answer it ASAP!
Q: How much time will this mastermind require of me?
A: We'll start by counter-questionning...How much do you want to get out of it? You get what you put in. If you invest in a high level group, you need to make sure you have space to show up.
We have both joined masterminds at various levels in our businesses, and continued to run our businesses, households, and families as usual while also learning, giving, and growing in our mastermind groups. It's not like your entire life has to stop for this, so don't overthink or let "All Or Nothing Syndrome" (AKA perfectionism) steal away another opportunity from you!
That being said, this is what you make it. If you don't carve out time for any of the live calls, don't watch any of the replays, don't set aside a few minutes a week to join the group conversation... this isn't for you.
Q: How many women are being accepted into this mastermind?
A: As actively learning business owners, we have both been a part of multiple different masterminds and group coaching experiences. We feel confident that we know what works and what doesn't work (in our opinion).
We have a general cut-off number in mind, but we also know that smaller is not always better, and that it is important for the two of us as curators of this group to feel into each application. We would never want to say "we're stopping at 20 members" when there are 5 other applications that are really speaking to us, that we feel called to approving.
Also, one of the reasons we wanted to create this mastermind is to curate a space where like-minded women can network - much like they would if they went to a weekend business conference, but without having to get on a plane and leave their families.
We are not of the mindset "the more the merrier", but we know the power in community, in the ability to network and collaborate. Afterall, that is why we are together doing this in the first place :)
Q: Are there any in-person meetups planned for this mastermind?
A: Because this is a mini mastermind (only 3 months versus the standard 12 months), there are not currently not any in-person events or meetups planned for this particualr group of women.
Also, the price of this mastermind reflects that. We wanted to keep this doable for a particular woman.
However, we have been ideating and excitedly stewing over some in-person events, so if something gets put on our calendar, our mastermind ladies will be the first to know.
Q: This sounds amazing and I really want in! I'm just so nervous about spending this kind of money. This is new for me...
A: Girl, we get it! We can't tell you how many times one of us has called the other in a panic over dropped tens of thousands of dollars on masterminds, courses, whatever we felt called to to reach the next level. Between the two of us, we've spent over $300,000 on growing our businesses.
What you focus on expands. You grow where you focus and invest.
The application window closes really soon! If this is calling you, hurry!
Copyright 2020 | The Purpose Group, Inc.