Everybody wants a peaceful home. I don’t think anybody would say, “I don’t want a peaceful home.” There’s two different sides of a peaceful home. One is intentionally setting your home up to be peaceful. But then sometimes, there is just stress. How can you, in the middle of a stressful day or tense afternoon, create a peaceful atmosphere? In this episode we’re going to cover both types of bringing peace into your home. I have worked really hard to set up a home that feels peaceful. In the way that I decorate. The way it’s laid out. The way I act as a mom. I have also come up with a handful of in-the-middle-of-stress peacemakers. Take a step back and ask yourself, “How do you feel when you walk into your home?” Take note of it. What could you change? What is it that you don’t like? You should like the way you feel when you walk in the house!
In This Episode, Allie Discusses:
The impact a peaceful home has on you and those who come into your home.
How to give your kids the gift of a home they can live in by finding a balance between a home that’s too kid-friendly and the mom hates it, or not kid-friendly at all and the kids hate it.
How to intentionally plan for peacefulness around usually stressful times.
Setting phone boundaries that create a peaceful home by fostering family time.
The tone that you, as the mom, can set in the middle of stressful situations.
Practical ways you can create a peaceful atmosphere in the middle of stressful situations.
Mentioned in this Episode:

Mom life. We are surrounded with the message that it’s the tired life. The no-time-for-myself life. The hard life. And while it is hard and full of lots of servitude, the idea that motherhood means a joyless life is something I am passionate about putting a stop to. I’m on a mission to help you stop counting down the minutes till bedtime, at least most days. I want you to stop cleaning up after your kid’s childhood and start being present for it. Start enjoying it. I believe in John 10:10 “that we are called to abundant life” and i know mothers are not excluded from that promise. Join me in conversations about simplicity, minimalism and lots of other good stuff that leads to a life of less for the sake of enjoying more in your motherhood. I’m Allie Casazza and this is the The Purpose Show.
Hey friends! I wanted to say I had to do the beginning of this episode five times and that’s never happened before. I usually hit record and I’m good, but I don’t know. I feel like I sounded weird, overly annoyingly cheerful. And then I said “Hey guys” and I started rambling about nothing. It was weird. I’m off today. Anyway…
This episode is all about how to bring peace into your home and set up a peaceful home. I’m really looking forward to sharing this with you. I think everybody wants a peaceful home. I don’t think anybody would say, “I don’t want a peaceful home.” I think my care, my deliberate action to create a peaceful home came from a few years ago when I started to really work on not yelling, which is a constant struggle for me. Just to give you guys some hope, if you also struggle with yelling, it does get easier. But it’s still a struggle.
A few years ago, I challenged myself to not yell at all for 30 days. Of course, I messed up. I did yell and had to correct it. But the point is it brought awareness how I often I turned to yelling as a solution, which in fact, is not a solution at all. It actually makes things worse. I really dealt with the fact that I go there really quickly… a lot. I think one thing that I saw was that my yelling wrecked all the peace in our home. When I do stumble and fall back into that habit, I notice again now. It kills all peace in our home.
It makes the people in our home anxious. It makes me anxious. It makes the whole house feel tense like we are on eggshells and just… anxious. That is the opposite of peace.
I have worked hard to set up a home that feels peaceful. In the way that I decorate. The way it’s laid out. The way I act as a mom. I have also come up with a handful of in-the-middle-of-stress peacemakers.
There’s two different sides of a peaceful home. One is intentionally setting your home up to be peaceful. But then sometimes, there is just stress. How can you, in the middle of a stressful day or tense afternoon, create a peaceful atmosphere? We’re going to come at this from both sides.
There are things you can do to set up a peaceful home. But maybe you find yourself in the thick of a stressful afternoon or something in your home. It feels anything but peaceful, even though you’ve set it up that way and you need some in-the-moment tips for creating some peace in your house.
In this episode we’re going to cover both types of bringing peace into your home. We’re going to start with ways to intentionally set up a peaceful home originally.
Let’s say you’re listening to this episode. It’s not a stressful moment right now. When you finish listening, you want to set up your home to be more peaceful. These are those kind of things; not the in the middle of stress things yet.
First, use décor that makes you feel the most at home, relaxed, and happy to be there. I’ve said this before that when I walk into my home, even it it’s a really busy day and it’s not perfectly clean, I feel like it’s a breath of fresh air every time I walk in. I love every room. Even the rooms that aren’t quite finished yet in terms of decorating. I just love my home.
I have created a home that is perfect for me. It makes me happy and relaxed. It feels lived-in and functional, but still beautiful and stylish. It reflects my personality. I don’t really purchase things to decorate my home with, unless they are really amazing and “my favorite” and I love it that way. Everything in my home just makes me really happy. That is so important.
A lot of the time we just go off of like what was on sale, what was handed down to us and given to us, we don’t want to waste and we’ll just use it. Really though? Is it better to have things that are functional and don’t actually make us really happy?
I think it would be better to go slowly and maybe not have a house as super decorated, but to slowly wait and as your budget allows purchase things that really make you light up. This doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive. Most of my stuff is from Ikea, Target, or World Market, which are all really cheap places to get house stuff. The fact is that I love all of those things. It can be slow and budget friendly, but don’t just get something for the heck of it.
Even back when we really didn’t have any money (Episode 6), I loved my home. I didn’t love it as much as I love it now because money changes a lot of things and you can do more. But I did love it. I didn’t just get whatever the heck and not care.
I carefully thrifted for pieces that I loved and I repurposed them to make them more beautiful and more modern to fit my taste. I waited and I saved and got bookshelves that I thought were really beautiful.
Take a step back and ask yourself, “How do you feel when you walk into your home?” Take note of it. What maybe could you change? What is it that you don’t like? Do you not like the way it’s decorated? Do you feel like you don’t even know how to decorate? Educate yourself. Figure out a way to make it happen. You should like the way you feel when you walk in the house. I think decor is a big part of that because it’s so visual.
The next tip I have is to handle your entryway. Some homes have an “official entryway,” whether it’s a mudroom or whatever. My home does not have one of those, but I’ve created an entryway. Whatever you are standing in when you first walk through your front door, set that up. It’s the first thing you see when you walk in the door. Everything should have a place. It should be functional and work well for you, but also be pretty, well-lit, minimalistic, clean and clear of clutter so that you walk in and the first thing you see is good.
Now it’s kind of tricky in my house because when you walk in the front door, if you’re standing straight and looking straight ahead, you’re staring down a hallway that shows you the entire front room and goes into the kitchen/family room area. It’s a straight shot.
It’s important to me that I keep that whole area clear of clutter. I’ll post a picture in the show notes so you can see exactly what I’m talking about. I have this vintage mid-century modern console that I got for like $25 on Craigslist three and a half years ago. Super, super crazy find. It has a stamp underneath it from the furniture store that it was originally from and it says 1969 or something crazy old like that. It’s amazing. We painted it a little bit and repurposed it.
It’s a nine-drawer console on the left side (if you’re standing in my front door looking down that front hallway) of the wall underneath my bicycle art. And that is a place where I can keep things that need to be downstairs in our main area, like sunglasses and keys. There’s a drawer for mail that we need to sift through and things like that. It’s functional.
We keep Emmett’s pull ups in there, because he wears a pull-up to nap and go to bed still, and things that we need to grab and put in the diaper bag. We have a diaper bag/ backpack/purse packing station there. It’s a really great functional piece of furniture.
I would say about 60-70% of the drawers are empty because we don’t need nine drawers, but I love that piece of furniture. I really wanted to have it in the front room so I could see it all the time. It works really, really well for us and helps keep that front area clear of clutter. There’s really no reason for things to be sat on top of the ledge by the door or sat on top of the console. There’s drawers and they each have a purpose. It helps us with functionality.
Figure out a way. Do you come in through the garage? Do you come in through the back door? Do you come in through the front door? What do you and your family use as your main door? Where were you coming in from running errands and setting your keys down? Make that section of your home really functional, pretty and clear of clutter for yourself, so the first thing you see when you walk in is clear. That’s really going to help you set up a peaceful existence in your home.
Another thing is giving your kids the gift of a home that they can live in. I think there’s these two big opposite ends of the spectrum that moms typically fall under. One end of the spectrum is a home feels way too kid friendly. There’s kid stuff everywhere. There’s really no décor. There’s just the kid’s stuff – the toy kitchen, toy bins, kids’ books, homeschool stuff. It takes over the house. It’s very kid friendly, but the mom hates it. The mom feels like she’s lost herself, she has no decorative style, and she doesn’t really love being there.
Or on the other end of the spectrum, it’s like a kid doesn’t even live there. It’s really stylish and perfectly clean. Everything is hidden away. It’s magazine status. It’s beautiful, but it doesn’t feel like you can cozy up with a book on the couch and enjoy it.
I think there’s a balance between the two. This is one area where I feel, “OK, yes, I found it for myself,” so I love decorating. If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now, I think I would either own a flower shop or be doing something with decorating, because I love to decorate. My style is very important to me. It’s important to me that I love my home when I walk in. But I don’t want my house to feel so perfect and so beautiful that the kids are afraid to touch anything.
This is one reason that I don’t buy high-end furniture. I’d rather have juice spilled on a $300 couch than an $1,800 one. I would rather feel, “It’s OK; it’s not the end of the world.” Even if it was an $1,800 one it still isn’t the end of the world, but you know what I’m saying. I have Ikea couches so that I can take the covers off and throw them in the washing machine, so spills and greasy fingers, stains and things like that just come right out.
I think there’s a way to mix functionality with style and having a beautiful home that you love, that you’re proud to show off, that you’re proud to host things. Anytime I’m at church and an event comes up, I offer a host it. I love inviting friends over. I love my home. I love being here. I love hosting ladies’ nights and I love having other couples over for dinner. I love, love, love it because I feel confident about my home. It reflects my personality. I think it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world and I did that. I styled that myself and I love it.
Decorating is one of my gifts and I love using it to create a beautiful home to where I can have people over. But, I don’t want my kids to grow up remembering, “Mom wouldn’t let us sit on the sofa in the front room. I wasn’t allowed to do anything anywhere. My stuff always had to be put away upstairs.” I don’t want them to feel like that.
For example, (and I’ll also share a picture of this to show you what I’m talking about) I have my kid’s toy kitchen. My kids used to have a toy kitchen way back before we moved across the country. When we were moving it was something we had gotten rid of. We really didn’t bring anything when we moved to Arkansas. Now we are back in California, we’re settled, our traveling spurt is done and we’re here. My kids were saying that they would love to have a toy kitchen. And so, we got one for Christmas one year. Technically, it was for Emmett, but everybody plays with it.
It was less than a hundred bucks. I found it on Amazon. It’s white. It’s cute and vintage, yet modern looking. I got it because it matches the house. I put it downstairs in the main room for two reasons. Number one, I like it when my kids are around me. I want there to be kid’s stuff in my house. That’s why I incorporate my kids’ artwork with my décor. Because I want it to feel like kids live here. I like it when my kids are with me. They play in the toy kitchen while I’m in the real kitchen, making meals and stuff. I just think it’s really fun and imaginative and I love that they wanted a toy kitchen back.
I put it in the main room. You can see it when you open the front door. It’s one of the first things you see down that hallway. It’s right in the middle of the family room and the kitchen. It’s in the main part of my house and I put a little collage of photos above it. Um, there’s a big Fiddily Fig right next to it. I made it really cute. I incorporated functionality and kid stuff into my décor.
So instead of going and getting a toy kitchen that was cheap, but I thought was really ugly, I balanced it out. I got one that I thought was really cute that goes with my house décor and I put it in a main area. It’s functional and the kids love it. They use it every single day. It doesn’t look awful and it still ties in with my house.
That’s a good example of how you can find a balance between this home that’s way too kid-friendly and the mom hates it, or not kid-friendly at all and the kids hate it.
Do you feel like you are barely getting through your days friend? Does motherhood feel more like a hurricane of chaos that you are just surviving rather than the awesome, joy-filled season that you want it to be?
Well, motherhood is hard. I am not going to lie to you about that. While it is servitude and giving to your family from yourself, it doesn’t have to be something that we are waiting to be over. Something that we are counting down the minutes till naptime, or bedtime, or waiting for the next day to start. If you are wanting to sort through the clutter in your mind, your heart, your home calendar, your health, routines, and relationships, I created Unburdened just for you!
It is a guide that will help you go from drowning in the sea of stress and overwhelm, to owning your time and living the best version of your motherhood. So you can live abundantly while intentionally focusing on those who matter most.
Unburdened is the overwhelmed beginner’s guide to a simpler motherhood.
In Unburdened, I will walk you through how to stop over-complicating, procrastinating, and just start making positive changes now. How to declutter, just a little bit – not super deep into it, because you can’t handle that when you are this overwhelmed – but a surface declutter that will get you real results in your house so you can clean up less.
How to declutter toxic relationships in your life and set some good boundaries. How to simplify cleaning, get healthy and feel better – finally!
How to simplify your calendar. How to start owning your time and not just managing it as life happens to you.
How to stop just setting goals and letting them sit there. Start actually defining where you want to go and getting there through reverse engineering and goal-setting.
How to create a cleaning routine that works for you and your life.
This course is a mini-course. It is small. It is straightforward. But it is everything for the mom who feels like she needs a total overhaul, but is too overwhelmed to start.
It will help you simplify the things that have you stuck and leave survival mode behind for good.
Is this resonating with you? Sound like you? Does this sound like something that would really help you right now? Go to bit.ly/getunburdened.
I really poured my heart into this little course. I created it for the mom who is really wanting to simplify, declutter, and pursue a life of less, but she is so burdened and overwhelmed with the mess of life. It’s not just her house. She wants to simplify at the surface of all the different things in her life so she can focus on her family more. So then she can focus more on really, truly purging her entire house.
If this sounds like you, I encourage you to check it out. You are probably the person I created it for. I want you in there. I want it to help you.
Check it out. bit.ly/getunburdened
Another great idea that I see all the time is putting a big whiteboard on the wall or painting a wall with chalkboard paint, so the kids can color. Plus, this is a great way to discourage super little ones from drawing on your walls. You can find ways to bring in kid functionality and the fun stuff that comes with having kids without sacrificing the home that you love.
Another way that you can bring peace into your home is find a solution to the things that are regularly stressing you out in your home. For example, we had lived in one-story houses for a long time and our current house now is two-stories. I noticed pretty quickly the whole debacle of “this is downstairs, but it belongs upstairs.” Am I seriously supposed to go all the way upstairs and put this away every single time I find something misplaced? That’s not going to work for me.
I tried it for a while, you know, “just get it done,” but, No, it’s unrealistic. It doesn’t work for me. I’m not doing that. It created a pile of things that belonged upstairs at the bottom of the stairs every day and it was really ugly. I found a regular dark wicker basket that goes with my décor. It’s a super simple, big, rectangle one that has a lid. I put it in the empty space on the wall by my stairs. That basket is for anything that is downstairs that belongs upstairs. Now at the end of every day we take the lid off, we carry the basket upstairs and everybody puts their things away. Super simple. It’s a new rhythm that we have developed.
It took away the stress; it took away the mess. No matter how minimalistic you are, if there’s people, human bodies living in your house, you’re going to have stuff around. Sometimes something gets used downstairs that actually belongs upstairs and needs to be taken up. It’s not a big deal. It doesn’t mean you have a bunch of clutter you have to get rid of. It just means that you need a system. This gave us a simple system. The basket looks pretty and hides random things that need to be put away upstairs.
Now every night we take it up. It’s part of our nightly cleanup routine. We put things away, put the empty basket back downstairs for the next day. Little things like that.
Sometimes you don’t think outside of your box and you don’t realize there’s such a simple solution that would help you so much. That would free up your time and make you like your house better. That basket, as simple as it was, really helped and brought some peace into our home in this one small area that was causing a lot of stress.
Another way to set up a peaceful home is flowers. I personally love to always have fresh flowers in my house. I have a couple of vases I love and I swap them out on my kitchen sink. I do not like to do the dishes and I don’t particularly love cooking either, so one way that I helped myself is by making myself love my kitchen.
I take extra care. I put extra thought and budget into making my kitchen a place that I love. I have an amazing fridge that makes my life a lot easier. I bought my favorite color Kitchenaid. I bought a cute cookie jar and a cute little storage jar for my coffee beans and stuff on the counter. Everything that I have in there is my favorite. Another thing I do is keep fresh flowers in the vase by the sink. When I’m doing the dishes and prepping meals, I have fresh flowers because I love flowers. Every Sunday when we go to the store I stop at Trader Joe’s and I grab a fresh bouquet of flowers.
Now if that’s not in your budget, you could get fake flowers. I actually have always hated fake flowers because I feel like they always look fake. But lately I’ve noticed they’re really upping their game. I was at Ikea and I found some beautiful fake Peonies. I bought a big bunch of them and a beautiful hand blown vase and I keep that in my bedroom. My bedroom doesn’t get a ton of light and flowers would die up there. But I like having them there when I’m getting ready in the morning. Now every morning I see a fresh bouquet of one of my favorite types of flowers. That’s actually what’s on my arm, my half sleeve, is Peonies. I love them.
I see them every morning when I’m finding my outfit for the day, getting dressed and getting ready. They reflect off the mirror when I’m taking a shower so I can literally see them all the time. They’re beautiful. They don’t look super fake. They are there all the time and don’t require a lot of care from me.
In some way, shape or form, flowers can really brighten up your home. And they do make for a more peaceful environment. It’s a gift they do.
Another thing you can do is diffuse essential oils or light candles or something. I have a diffuser that I will link to. I got it off of Amazon and it was pretty cheap. I think it was like $25 or less. It’s wooden and it totally goes with my mid-centuryish décor. I keep it on that console that I was telling you about earlier in the front hall of my house. Pretty much all day, every day I set it to “on”, to run until it runs out of water. I put distilled water in it, add some essential oil drops in there and I just diffuse all day.
It’s in the main area of the house. You can smell it anywhere you are downstairs; sometimes even upstairs too. I really liked the Stress Away Oil from Young Living. Sometimes I’ll diffuse Geranium oil or something that smells really springy and fresh. I’ll do Wellness Oils if it’s flu season or we’re battling some sickness or something. I always have that going. Seeing the steam and smelling the oils, really does create a more peaceful atmosphere.
I know somebody too that has like oil diffuser. She has candles lit. She has incense burning all the time. That’s a little too much for my senses, personally, but it does create peace. There’s all these different beautiful smells in her house. They all go really well together.
I also have a Sensi warmer. I’m not a huge fan of Sensi, but occasionally I will put a wax thing in there and let that go. It is a really overwhelming smell. If you want your house to smell really good, really quickly, that works great.
Intentionally planning for peacefulness around times that are usually stressful is huge. If you want to set your home up to be peaceful you have to think ahead. What are usually the most stressful times of day? Maybe it’s when you’re making dinner. Maybe it’s when the kids first come home from school. Maybe it’s the morning. Maybe it’s the last hour that you have to get work done before you go and pick up the kids from school. Whatever it is. Whatever they are. It doesn’t have to be one time; it could be all of those things. Intentionally look ahead and plan for peacefulness around those times.
Play worship music. Play instrumental music. Play acoustic music. Light candles during those times. Maybe take a minute and go in a closet or the bathroom or somewhere and just sit for a second and focus on your breathing. Consciously do a quick standing meditation for 5-10 minutes before those times. Get yourself in a place of peace because we reflect what we’re feeling on our kids and our families and they tend to follow how we’re feeling. I think there is something to be said about intentionally planning for peacefulness around those times that tend to be tense and stressful.
And then the last thing of ways to set up a peaceful home is to get your phone boundaries in place. Phone boundaries make for a peaceful home by fostering family time. There was a whole episode done on phone settings for a present life and I’ll link to that in the show notes. I would encourage you to look at how much you’re using your phone. It’s going to create stress if your kids feel like you’re always looking down at your phone.
If you’re busy getting the kids ready to start doing homework while you start dinner before you go to baseball, and your phone is making sounds for text messages, that’s going to add stress.
Put your phone in its place. It’s on the back burner. It’s not the main event, right? You can have your phone settings set up so your phone will ring for phone calls but not make other sounds. You can a have set time and place where you check your text messages and
Instagram. It is totally doable. If I can do it, you can do it.
A big part of my job is social media. I have set times of the day when I set my timer for 15 to 20 minutes and I answer Instagram comments, or look at text messages. When that timer goes off, it’s done. I put it down until the next time of day. It’s maybe 30 minutes a day for Instagram, because that’s a big part of my job and I love connecting with you all. That’s the only place in social media that I really give daily time. Facebook, text messages, and other stuff is less than that.
Putting it in its place will create such an atmosphere of peace because you’re focused on your family. You’re available to answer questions and talk to them about their day and be there without being distracted.
How many times have you been trying to finish a text message and your kid is talking to you? They’re asking you questions, saying “Mom!” and you’re like, “What? Hold on.” Did that really have that much of a higher priority than your kid? Probably not. I am guilty of the same thing.
When we put our phone in its place, it creates a more peaceful atmosphere by fostering families.
OK, let’s focus on the “in the middle of stress” peacemaker ideas. This is a handful of ideas to help you when you’re in the moment. You’re in the middle of a tense, stressful situation in your home. Your home feels like, “Ah! I don’t want my home to feel like this. What’s going on?” Here are some things you can do in those moments when you maybe didn’t set up your home to be peaceful before or maybe you did but sometimes you need more than that.
In the middle of stress I think it’s important to realize that as the mom, you set the tone. If you have to “fake it till you make it or fake it till you feel it,” that works.
By the way, I’m reading Gretchen Rubin’s A Happiness Project and there’s a whole section of that in here. “Fake it till you feel it” works. How do you want to feel? Pretend you feel that way and you eventually will. It’s amazing.
Or do something that can help you calm down quickly. Remember the standing meditation? Go in the closet, plug your ears, focus on your breathing for just a minute. Come out and feel lighter. Then start acting out of that calm and your family will follow your lead.
Play calming music. Maybe you didn’t have it set up that way before, but just change it now. Turn on what does it for you. Classical worship, acoustic playlist on Spotify, whatever it is, just call a timeout. Turn on some calming music on your speaker in your house. If you don’t have one, I would highly suggest you get one. I have Alexa; she’s amazing. There’s lots of different speakers that amplify the level of music in your house.
Music is used in therapy so much. There’s a reason for that. It affects your mood. This isn’t like a tip I added in here to fill this episode. This is legit and it totally changes things. Play calming music.
Another tip is to create a calm atmosphere. In that moment, what does that look like? Maybe you need to open the windows. Maybe you need to air the house out, diffuse those oils, light those candles, put that music on.
Maybe you need to open the front door and let the air in. Maybe you need say to everyone, “Let’s just take a time out. Let’s do the dishes real quick, do a five-minute pickup and then come back to homework after this.” Is it a mess, and you just are overwhelmed and you need to kind of clear some of that clutter so you can focus on the stressful task at hand? What is it going to take to create that calm atmosphere in the moment?
And speaking of that, that’s the other tip: clear the surface clutter. It has a direct effect on your brain and everyone’s mood. Here’s my empty-hamper trick. Get an empty hamper and go through downstairs or wherever you guys are spending your time right now, and clear the surfaces. Get all the clutter off the countertops, tabletops, coffee table, side table, couch, and put it in that hamper. Roll it out of the room and put it away for later. You can go through it and put things away later that night. Clearing the surface clutter really changes your mood.
And I think the last thing I want to say is in the middle of stress, to create some peace, maybe consider if at all possible, taking a break from whatever is expected right now. For example, if your kids are doing homework and there is bickering, crying, overwhelm or tension in the household while that’s going on, take a break from homework time. Even just two minutes. Have a dance party or let them go up to their room and have some alone time to unwind.
Don’t let the day’s time limits or stresses run your family. It can wait. You can be flexible at least a little bit.
There is a checklist that I’ve put together for you guys. I’m actually looking at it right now. It’s all the points that I covered written out for you to print out and put on your fridge. “13 Ways To Bring Peace Into Your Home.” What an amazing thing to have sitting on your fridge so you can look at it and be reminded all the time.
It’s divided into two sections: ways to set up a peaceful home and then “in the middle of stress” peacemaker ideas. If you feel like your house is getting really tense and your family really needs some peace, look at your fridge, look at these ideas and do one of them or all of them.
You can download that in the show notes and that is alliecasazza.com/shownotes/39. You’ll find all of that there. You’ll find the links to those pictures of my house. I told you about the link of a diffuser that I use and the link to download that free checklist.
I encourage you guys to not lose hope. Those certain times of day don’t have to feel as stressful as they always do. You can create peace there for sure.
This was an episode of The Purpose Show. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you are ready to uplevel and really take action on the things I talk about on my show, head to alliecasazza.com for free downloads, courses, classes and to learn more about what the next step might look like for you. I am always rooting for you. See ya next time!
Hey mama! Just a quick note, this post may contain affiliate links.
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