
Ep 175: Instagram + Mental Wellness with Suzy Holman

September 7, 2020

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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On today’s episode of The Purpose Show I’m sitting down with Suzy Holman. Suzy is the founder of Suzy School where she teaches Instagram in a way where there’s strategy but also so much heart and boundaries and mental health.This is such an encouraging, breath-of-fresh-air conversation! So, let’s jump in! 




In This Episode Allie and Suzy Discuss:

  • Prioritizing your mental health on Instagram 

  • The effects of Instagram on mental health 

  • Boundaries for Instagram

  • Showing up authentically on Instagram

  • Action steps to like social media more and feel better about social media

Mentioned in this Episode:


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The Purpose Show Facebook Community

Simply Suzys

Suzy Holman Instagram



Mom life. We’re surrounded by the message that it’s the tired life. The no-time-for-myself life. The hard life. We’re supposed to get through it. Survive. Cling on by the last little thread. And at the same time, Carpe Diem—enjoy every moment because it’s going to go by so fast. The typical mom culture that sends us all kinds of mixed, typically negative messages. We shouldn’t take care of ourselves; it’s selfish. The more ragged you run yourself, the bigger your badge of honor. But also, ditch your mom bod and work out. Don’t yell. Make more money. Show up. Be better, but not at the expense of time with your kids. I am putting a hard stop to all of this. While being a mom, running a business, and whatever else you might have going on is hard, it is a lot and there’s lots of giving of yourself, the idea that motherhood means living a joyless, nonstop-hustle-with-zero-balance kind of life, where you give and give and give and never take, needs to stop. 

I’m on a mission to help you stop counting down the minutes till bedtime (at least most days). Stop the mom guilt and shame game. Stop cleaning up after your kids’ childhood and start being present for it. I want to help you thrive in work, home and life. I believe in John 10:10 that we are called to living an abundant life and I know moms are not excluded from that promise. Join me in conversations about simplicity, some business and life hacks, spirituality and lots of other good stuff that leads to a life of less for the sake of enjoying more in your motherhood. I’m Allie Casazza and this is The Purpose Show.

Hello, friends! Oh my gosh! This is going to be so fun! I sat down with my new friend, Suzy Holman. 

Suzy is the founder of Suzy School where she teaches Instagram. She teaches it in a way where there is certainly strategy, but there’s also so much heart and boundaries and mental health. She teaches how to gut check yourself before you post and dig into why you are about to post this. To dig into why you feel anxious when you’re going to go in and do Instagram for your business, for your personal life, whatever it is. She’s really amazing. 

She’s also a mom of four. I love following her on Instagram. You have to go and do that. She’ll tell you where to go at the end of the episode. 

I sat down with her because she’s been on a journey herself with social media lately. She’s been sharing it very publicly. It’s been so inspiring to me. So, I wanted to bring her on to speak about Instagram, mental health, boundaries and—whether you’re a business owner or not—how to do this social media thing and do it with mental wellness, awareness, and self care. 

This is a great conversation! Buckle up, and let’s welcome Suzy for this incredible, encouraging, breath-of-fresh-air conversation. 

ALLIE: Oh my gosh, Suzy, thank you so much for being here with me. I’m so excited to talk to you! 

SUZY: This is so fun! Thank you. Thanks for having me. Thanks for following me. I’m super stoked! 

ALLIE: Let’s talk about you and your adorable family. Tell us where you are. You live in a really cool place, right? You have a cabin? 

SUZY: Yes. I have a cabin in Idaho where our family lives, where we spend the summers (and quarantine), and then I have my home in Colorado, which is pretty cool. I’m currently out here in my she-shed. It’s on three acres. It’s an interesting life. 

There are bears here. Literal bears. I’m always scanning the horizon looking for bears. Who has to do that in 2020? I’m like a pioneer.

ALLIE: Yeah. I’m in the suburbs of Southern California. We went on “a hike” which means we just ventured out of our neighborhood, and I was scanning for wild cats or cougars, because those sometimes are here but it’s like a 10% chance. Sometimes they venture into neighborhoods and eat people’s dogs, so I’m just on the alert. 

I love that you’re like, “Oh, I see a bear all the time.” What would you do if you saw a bear though? Do you know what to do?

SUZY: I’ve literally seen them. I keep bear spray next to the Cheerios because that’s the quickest way to grab it. I’m serious. There’s a whole highlight on my Instagram called “Pet Bears.” They come around all the time. It’s an issue. 

ALLIE: Okay. I have to watch that when we’re done. So, tell us about your sweet, little family. 

SUZY: I have four kids, 8 and under. I’m mostly-ish a stay-at-home mom, heavy on the ish. Because I do a lot of things, but raising them is the highlight of my life. They’re just fun and funny. There are three boys and one girl.

ALLIE: I love that. I have three boys and one girl, too. 

SUZY: Oh, where does your girl fall? I can’t remember. 

ALLIE: She’s the oldest.

SUZY:  Oh! So is Lucy! We’re so lucky. 

ALLIE: I know. Because it’s literally tattletale city and it keeps the boys from jumping out of a window or something. 

SUZY: Well, Lucy gets her homeschool homework done in like 30 minutes, and with Jack it’s like every five seconds I’m like, “Dude, come on! On task!”

ALLIE: “If you would just sit for 40 minutes then you would be done for the whole entire day!” Instead it’s just distraction. Bella does a little bit better. 

In your business you do a lot of things, but mostly you teach Instagram. 

SUZY: Yes, I do. I teach women how to monetize their Instagram using their individual strengths, whether that’s a product, or as coaches or as influencers. I think there is a place on Instagram for everyone to make money if it really fits your strength. That’s what I teach. 

ALLIE: Yeah. I love that. I love the way you phrase that. 

Super recently you made a shift in your online space on Instagram and the way you talked about it was so brave. It really got to me. I would love for you to tell that story and expand on what happened. 

SUZY: I went “private” on Instagram, which is actually my second time doing this. I don’t do it for anybody else. I did it for myself to reclaim a little bit of control within my community. Because when it’s open to the public I don’t feel like I can be myself as much.

So what happened was I came across these awful blogs. I won’t even say their names out loud because I do not want to give power to them, but they are these blogs that literally sit and bash bloggers and influencers all day. 

“Did you see she did this? Did you see her husband did this? Can you believe her kid is covered in chocolate again?” 

It’s awful. And I came across that and I thought, “Oh, okay, that’s funny.” But then it wasn’t funny. It actually started to affect me.

And I was mad that it was affecting me. I was mad that it was affecting how I was showing up, because I realized I was walking on eggshells. And what’s crazy, Allie, is that everyone knew I was walking on eggshells. My story views were down. 

I thought, “This is uncomfortable. Everyone feels uncomfortable.” And it’s because I was living my life for those sad humans on those sad blogs. I decided that I had to do something for myself so that I could feel comfortable being myself again, because I can help nobody if I’m walking on eggshells. Not being yourself doesn’t get you anywhere. 

So I decided to turn my community “private” while I shift some things. I really want Instagram to be a place of value in my community. Not just a place of watching my kids have chocolate on their faces again, but be a place of value. So, I shut it down.

And it’s so fun! We are starting to have real amazing dialogues and conversations about weight, ethnicities, and really cool stuff. It’s fun! 

ALLIE: Yeah, because it became safe again for you. 

SUZY: Totally, totally. And for me, it’s all about the boundaries that I create for myself. No one was going to be able to make me feel safe in my own space again besides myself. So that’s why I took the power and went private. 

The big deal about going private is you lose the opportunity to be seen by brands. There’s no growth happening. So it’s a major, huge risk that people don’t take. But, for me, to regain who I really want to be, I had to take it.

ALLIE: Yeah, absolutely. I think what that says to me is that you are prioritizing your mental health and your community—the ones that matter, your tribe. Not the onlookers but your tribe. You’re prioritizing that over massive growth. Although there’s nothing wrong with growing, if it’s affecting you and it’s draining something, you have a choice.

SUZY: Totally. And I know how to grow on Instagram. But if I have all of this growth but I’m not really being myself, what is the benefit there? There’s not one. It feels so out of alignment.

All of my Instagram is done from the alignment of my heart for my mental health. It’s my job, right? It’s a place where I spend a lot of time. If I’m out of alignment there, then I’m out of alignment in my home and I’m out of alignment with my kids, and it’s just not okay. Boundaries within the Instagram space are everything to me.

ALLIE: A lot of the women that listen to the show have online businesses, so they’re using Instagram and they’re growing it. How do you practice that balance when you’re in the beginning and you have goals? You don’t have a large audience, you don’t have a large following, you’re really in that stage where growth is important, and you’re feeling affected by comparison and mental health issues that come with Instagram. What do you do when it’s not time to go private?

SUZY: For the record, I don’t think people should go private. I’m not saying everyone should do this because I don’t want people to block their growth. I would prefer everybody stay in a good mental health space, so they don’t feel the need to block out everybody. 

So, I think it’s really paying attention to your heart. Do you walk away from Instagram and feel gross? Do you feel worse? 

The first thing people do before they can come to Suzy School is they have to unfollow almost everybody. Because if we are so focused on paying attention to what other people are doing, we lose sight of what we actually want to do. And what I also see is that we start becoming the other people that we’re seeing. I think a clean, fresh slate is a powerful place to start, so going through and unfollowing people who really do not add value is powerful. 

And let’s be honest, there are people I cannot follow. I can’t do it because they make me just want to travel. It makes me feel bad that I only travel to Idaho. So also, paying attention to if you’re comparing yourself to other people and if you are, unfollowing them. I think that is a phenomenal place to start.

ALLIE: So much of the time, it doesn’t really have anything to do with that person you’re unfollowing. It’s your story that you’re telling in yourself about them. 

SUZY: 100% it has nothing to do with them. I think it would be silly to put it on them if you’re feeling those feelings about viewing their life. But I think that is probably what happens a lot on those internet blogs. People sometimes have a reflection of themselves that they don’t like to see. We can control not having those feelings by just unfollowing those people. It’s easy. 

ALLIE: I think it just depends on where you’re at and what you need. You went private because that’s what you felt was going to be good. That’s what was aligned for you at that moment. 

But sometimes what I’ll do is I’ll notice something, and I use this as an example. There is someone online that I follow, and I really respect her. She’s a few steps ahead of me in business. I love watching what she’s doing and being inspired by her. 

But I noticed she had gone on so many trips. She went on trip after trip after trip in a row. And she was showing on Instagram that she was getting ready to go on another trip. And I immediately found my thoughts going into judgment. 

I started thinking, “Well, gee, is she ever home? Her husband must…” Then I thought, “Whoa, stop!” I stopped in my tracks. I shut down Instagram (which is the key there). And I asked myself, “Okay, what is it about my life that’s making me feel these things?”

And I realized I was really worn out that month. I needed a break. So, I scheduled a weekend away with my husband, and I just did it. It was a few weeks away from there, but I did schedule it. 

You can use Instagram as a tool for self-improvement. It’s possible. It’s what you’re doing. 

For me, the thing is the way my house is. I like to decorate. I like my house clean. I teach minimalism. It’s simple over here. 

It’s not always awful. It’s just not. I have my days and I show that, but it’s also not my responsibility to show that to make you feel better. So if something about the way that I am or the way my house is is offensive to you, you made that the story. I wish that people would take ownership more. 

SUZY: I know. Something we also say at Suzy School is pay attention to your jealousies. You’re jealous of something. What is it that you’re actually jealous of there? 

Were you jealous that she was going on trips? Were you jealous of the success in her business that she could go on trips? Were you jealous that she had the time to go on trips? Identify what is causing that feeling and then use that feeling to change and shift something in your life so that you can get more of that. It’s just holding up a mirror to ourselves.

But I’m also not going to be naive and say, “Just focus on yourself and these feelings aren’t going to happen.” I had to go private on Instagram because it was messing me up so bad. I think you should take the actions until you’re strong enough to know, “Oh, this is a reflection of myself.” Take the actions before you’re strong enough to do that and unfollow those people that are making you feel less than so that you’re not being the best mom, not being the best business owner, or whatever else. 

ALLIE: Yeah. I love that so much.

What effects do you feel are really prominent on mental health because of Instagram? What are some things that you’ve either experienced yourself or seen in other people? It has been proven to be damaging in a lot of situations. 

I feel like Instagram has the potential to be the best thing ever, or the absolute worst suicidal depression thing. What are you seeing? What’s causing this? What is it causing?

SUZY: Comparison is the thief of joy. We think, “Let me compare myself to every beautiful woman on the internet right now. I’m going to open up this app and start comparing myself to millions of rich people.” 

What? It’s such an unrealistic reality. But all of a sudden it feels like reality. 

We feel like these people are these weird friends, but they’re not. There are some boundaries that get crossed in our mind between reality and not reality. I think that we think other people’s realities should be ours when really we’re not seeing anyone’s reality. 

Until you actually know someone, know how they’re going to react in a certain situation, know little details about their personality, you do not know them. But we think we do. I think the alternate reality that Instagram is makes that such a problem. 

I will just speak to myself. I always see people so many steps ahead of me and discouragement is really easy to feel instead of the empowerment of, “Oh, she did it; so can I.” 

I like to stay in that place of empowerment, but I’m not gonna lie and say that I don’t sometimes get sucked into the place of, “Schiz, she did that way faster than I did.” Once again, it goes back to what am I feeling about me? What am I seeing in her? I think that’s hard, but it can be controlled. 

It can be controlled with what type of people you follow and what type of relationships you have on Instagram. If I had one tool, I obviously would go back and say again—unfollow, unfollow, unfollow. But don’t unfollow too many people because we also learned that if you follow more than 400 in a day, Instagram will block you for a week. Don’t go that crazy. Don’t do it in one day. 

I also like to bring lots of different views and diversity to my feed. People who have lots of different views than me. People who are socioeconomically much different than me. That makes it a tool to make me a better person and not worse. 

ALLIE: That’s really good because you’re getting a peek into somebody’s life. And it can make you either feel the jealousy/comparison thing or it can make you maybe open up and be more empathetic, understanding, and educating yourself on people in other countries or, like you said, in different life circumstances to have that eye-opening experience. 

SUZY: That’s why filling my feed with goodness is really, really important to me. I’m a fierce protector of my feed. I wish that more women were fierce protectors, because you let people speak into your life when you follow them. 

Most people aren’t speaking bad things. Obviously you wouldn’t follow those people. But what about their lifestyles are you letting speak into your life? Are you letting that speak into your life? 

That you don’t have enough? That there’s never enough? That you need to buy, buy, buy? You can control who speaks into your heart and your life through the Instagram app. 

ALLIE: I’m always trying to say that about every area that I teach women about. Whether it’s your home and being in ownership—being an editor of what comes in and takes up your time. Ownership over your body, your wellness, your calendar. Why are we allowing so much dark to seep in? 

And then we wonder why we’re drained at the end of the day. It’s not just the kids. There’s so much more input, input, input, and no clearing out. No purging of the yuck. 

SUZY: It’s so true. My mom says it all the time. She says, “I’m so happy I didn’t have to raise kids when there is social media. I am so happy I didn’t have to be a mom during social media.”

There is so much pressure, especially as an influencer, to show up online every day. And that’s not healthy or normal. Yes, I do it, because it is my job. And I usually love it. 

But there’s this weird pressure, especially if you’re a business owner, that you’ve got to show up. Even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it. You’ve got to show up, which takes its toll. And there is guilt if you’re not showing up, especially as a business owner. 

ALLIE: Show up for the results—the black and white results. 

For the business owners who are listening, is there anything that you do that is pre-done? Do you plan ahead so you can take a breather, but it doesn’t affect your business? Have you done anything like that? 

SUZY: When I’m PMS-ing I’ve learned that I’ve got to stay out of my DM’s because they will make me sad, make me feel bad, or annoyed. Also, if I’m just not feeling it, I love to post memes that make people laugh. Even if you’re not showing up, sharing people that are showing up and adding value is something I do on days when I just can’t show up. I want to tell you that I’m so good at pre-recording stuff, but I’m just so not. But you should be. 

ALLIE: It’s so much easier said than done.

SUZY: In theory, that’s a blessed idea.

ALLIE: Yeah, totally. And I like what you said. I feel like you offered another option.

I have pre-done some stuff, but it always feels weird and shady to me. Like this is not me even this month. This is me four weeks ago because I forgot to post. 

And I love authenticity. It shines out of me. I feel sick to my stomach when something is not authentic, or if I even alluded that something was a little bit better than it actually was. I can’t do it. So, I like that you gave another option to share something funny. 

SUZY: I’m on the same page with that. And that’s why you and your business work, and that’s why me and my business work. These days authenticity can be sniffed out in 0.5 seconds. I still like to stay in the moment.

I also will say some of the things that have resonated most with my audience is when I’m in that bad place and I’m like, “Hi. Hello. Welcome. I’m in a bad place.” 

It gives them permission to be like, “Oh, cool. It’s okay to be wherever you’re at on Instagram.”

Yes, it’s okay. Actually, it’s needed. Until you cross the boundary of doing something that affects your mental health in showing up.

ALLIE: Yes. It’s a balance and it’s all feeling. Is this going to add to my mental health to share this and also know that I’m helping other people? Or is it too intimate and they don’t get to have this? 

SUZY: Yes, totally. I see people that teach Instagram courses and it frustrates me a little bit in that they’re teaching, “You have to do this. You have to do this.” It’s demanding this vulnerability and demanding things. 

No, you have to listen to what feels good to you. And that is not going to be the same from A, B, C, D to people. It is not one size fits all.

You and I are super authentic, super vulnerable; it’s all out there. But for other people it would crush them in their own mental health if they tried to show up in that way. If people are demanding vulnerability, authenticity, and for you to be a certain way it doesn’t feel good to anybody. 

ALLIE: That’s so good. That’s a lot of freedom for people who were told something or are trying to do something. Sometimes it’s not their thing to share like that. 

They don’t even know how to do it right because it doesn’t feel good. It’s not who they are. Just show up with your skill (or whatever your product is), and share authentically about it. 

SUZY: Totally. Also, I never push people to show up how they don’t want to. Say being on camera is not someone’s strength but they’re a beautiful writer. Great! 

Show up a ton in captions. Show up in your stories with beautiful things that you’ve written about your heart and a picture. It just has to feel aligned with your heart for it to hit home with your audience. If that’s your word, if that’s your video, if it’s aligned with you, it’s going to be aligned with your audience. 

ALLIE: That’s really good. 

I take a lot of breaks. I just straight up say, “I’m going on a break. I’m not posting. I know it’s going to tank me. I’ll recover when I get back.” 

Sometimes I’ll go to open up the app to post something and I get that feeling of dread rising up. And I don’t want to feel that. I don’t even know what specifically caused it, but it’s just there and I’m anxious. 

I see the number there on my DM button and I’m just anxious about it all. And there’s no real reason. How do you handle that for yourself? 

SUZY: There are two ways in which I handle it. One, I will push through. Or two, I will give myself grace and say, “This is not what I need right now.” I give myself grace in the fact that those DM’s are going to go unanswered and there isn’t going to be a post today. 

If I can push through, I will. And I will say, more often than not, those days where I wake up and I’m like, “Ugh, I do not want to show up,” are the days I show up extra hard. Because it actually gets you out of your funk. 

The longer you put it off, the longer you sit and camp in the feeling of, “Ugh, I don’t want to do this,” the worse that feeling gets. And it’s hard to get out of that hole. So I get up, show up, and keep showing up and trying. 

This sounds dumb, but I also believe the day provides. The day will provide content. If I wake up and I have nothing to say, nothing to do, guess what? I have faith that the day will provide. 

In my case, it’s always the day provided my son cuts his lip with scissors, or spilled Cheerios, or whatever. The day always provides something of value to share. Or it provides boundaries.  

Sometimes I will say, “Hey guys, I’m not going to answer my DM’s for this week. It’s just what I need.” Everyone gets it, everyone understands, and they’re grateful that I’m setting that boundary for myself. 

Another thing that I do is I always take two days off per week from Instagram. That has been an absolute game changer. I’m going to give credit to Holly at Our Full Farmhouse. She’s a huge mentor of mine. 

She has 500,000 followers or something. She says, “You’ve got to protect your off-days fiercely.” So, that’s what I do and that’s helped a ton. Do you do that? Do you take days off? 

ALLIE: Yeah. I have Sunday and Monday that I’m not there. Then on Monday I have content that’s pre-prepared for that day and my social media assistant will actually post for me. 

But I don’t open the app and it’s so refreshing. It’s refreshing, too, that one of the days is a weekday. Because it’s like the whole world is going and everything is normal, but I’m taking my own special pause. It’s just really nice.

SUZY: I’m so proud of you. 

If there was one takeaway from this podcast, actionable steps that I wish people would do to make themselves like social media more and feel better it’s: (A) unfollow like crazy (but don’t unfollow me or Allie, obviously). 

ALLIE: We’re amazing! Why would you? 

SUZY: And (B) take two days a week and don’t open the app. I would start with one. If two feels like we’re sending you into some weird detox, just start with one day where you do not open the app.

ALLIE: I love it. It’s super simple. Instagram is so right there and it’s so easy to not have a boundary with it, but it’s actually the thing, in my opinion, in my life, that I need to have boundaries with more than anything. I will delegate DM’s to my assistant and she’ll respond as herself and be like, “Hey, I’m answering this for Allie today. This is where you can find that podcast link,” or whatever it is.

If I need to pause, stop, get out, delegate, do something so that I can continue to show up for my children and for my tribe in the way that they need me to, I will. They think they need me to respond to every single thing they say. But what they actually need is for me to be healthy, well, and energized so that I can continue to give them value.

SUZY: Totally. For me, Instagram is a huge root of my business. That’s where everything stems from. But if we get rot in those roots, we’re not growing healthy businesses, we’re not growing healthy lives. 

And it’s something that people aren’t talking about. They’re talking about grow, grow, grow your Instagram, show up every day, 24/7 hardcore. But no one’s talking about how that’s going to lead to some rot in your roots. That’s going to actually just make you not grow.

ALLIE: Absolutely. That’s so good. And there’s nothing wrong with balance. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing the growth, doing the tactics, following strategies, but check your gut. 

How are you feeling? No growth is worth being mentally ill over something. And the bigger you grow, the more those opportunities for that mental yuck to come in, because there’s more people. So, as you grow I think it’s more important to practice that wellness so that you know how to handle it when you have 500,000 subscribers.

SUZY: Totally. Yes.

ALLIE: I love that. This was so good. 

Can you send everybody your way? Do you want them to follow you on Instagram?

SUZY: I do have sponsorships coming back up, so hopefully by the time they listen to this I will be in a better place.

Simply Suzy is my Instagram. It’s basically just my own reality TV show. I’m an off-the-cuff mom. One of the things I do is go to McDonald’s literally every single day to get a diet Coke.

ALLIE: I know you do. Do you get a lot of stuff about that?

SUZY: I think I used to, but I think people now know they’re not going to change my ways. 

ALLIE: Who cares? Let you live! 

SUZY: If I want to poison my own body, let me poison my own body!  On Instagram, there are my mom fails and my mom wins. 

I really love to talk about Instagram growth and monetization over at Suzy School. That’s where my business heart lives. 

I also want to say one thing to all the business people that are listening, it is possible to build a business. I have a seven figure business that I’ve grown by being myself, going to McDonald’s every single day, being a mom who literally doesn’t change her kids’ pajamas, being who I am, which looks different in motherhood and business. 

You don’t have to show up as anybody else online; show up as yourself. You’re going to keep the rot out of your roots on Instagram, you’re going to be able to grow a more beautiful life if you just listen to your heart and show up really as who you are.

ALLIE: I could not have said that any better myself. That was so good. 

I feel like our business philosophies and the way we do life is so similar. That’s why I love you so much. You make me feel like this isn’t going to stop, this isn’t going to fail, I’m going to continue to grow because I’m seeing somebody else doing that and it works. 

I just recently started doing Facebook ads in my business. Everything, multiple seven figures, organically grown from showing up. People are always looking for the formula, the equation for what to do. And it’s like Jasmine Star says, “Show up till you blow up.”

If you show up, keep showing up. Be yourself. You’ll be sustained because you’re being yourself. 

You’re not putting on this mask, this tension and energy of, “I hope it doesn’t fall and everyone sees who I am.” You’re just being who you are and showing up in the most authentic way you can, and that is sustainable. That brings growth. That brings connection, which is what we’re all here to do on Instagram.

SUZY: I love that quote—“show up till you blow up.” I think we are given our platforms and they blow up when we are most ready to receive and most ready to serve our audiences. For me, that was showing up for seven years. Quite literally seven years. 

I was at 30,000 followers a year and a half ago. I showed up just to get me there. That took me a while, but I was finally ready and in a place within my heart where I could add value. Because I was good enough with myself, which made me add value to my followers. 

What took me from there until I “blew up” was I turned the switch and I decided, “Okay, I’m just going to be me.” But sometimes that takes time to find and to have the ability to just be you. But just keep trying to be you.

ALLIE: I love that so much. Thank you so much, Suzy, for encouraging everybody. Everybody go follow Suzy on Instagram and soak up her value and her knowledge. 

Your kids are adorable. The way you share is so encouraging. I just love you. Thank you so much.

SUZY: Thank you. I love you too.

Thanks so much for hanging out with me! In case you didn’t know, there’s actually an exclusive community that’s been created solely for the purpose of continuing discussions around The Purpose Show episodes. It’s designed to get you to actually take action and make the positive changes that we talk about here. I want you to go and be a part of it. To do that, go to

Thank you so much for tuning in! If you’d like to learn more about me, how I can help you, how you can implement all these things and more into your life to make it simpler, better, and more abundant, head to There are free downloads, online courses, programs, and other resources to help you create the life you really want. 

I am always rooting for you, friend! See you next time! I’m Allie Casazza and this is The Purpose Show.

Hey mama! Just a quick note, this post may contain affiliate links.

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I'm an NLP, NEE, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

ALLIE casazza




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