intentional living

Ep 219: Energy + Manifestation 101 with Reese Evans

June 23, 2021

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Reese Evans is a mindset and abundance coach, and the creator of the YesSupply method. She’s on a mission to teach the world the power of the subconscious mind, energetics, and universal laws to create the life you’re truly meant to live. If you ever wondered about energy and manifestation, this episode is for you! Let’s dive in!





In this episode Reese and Allie discusses: 

  • What energy is 
  • The correlation between thoughts and energy 
  • How to change your energy 
  • What manifestation is 
  • How to manifest
  • Faith, Religion & Manifestation 
  • Hypnosis 
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming 
  • EFT (Tapping)

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Mom life. We’re surrounded by the message that it’s the tired life. The no-time-for-myself life. The hard life. We’re supposed to get through it. Survive. Cling on by the last little thread. And at the same time, Carpe Diem—enjoy every moment because it’s going to go by so fast. The typical mom culture that sends us all kinds of mixed, typically negative messages. We shouldn’t take care of ourselves; it’s selfish. The more ragged you run yourself, the bigger your badge of honor. But also, ditch your mom bod and work out. Don’t yell. Make more money. Show up. Be better, but not at the expense of time with your kids. I am putting a hard stop to all of this. While being a mom, running a business, and whatever else you might have going on is hard, it is a lot and there’s lots of giving of yourself, the idea that motherhood means living a joyless, nonstop-hustle-with-zero-balance kind of life, where you give and give and give and never take, needs to stop. 

I’m on a mission to help you stop counting down the minutes till bedtime (at least most days). Stop the mom guilt and shame game. Stop cleaning up after your kids’ childhood and start being present for it. I want to help you thrive in work, home and life. I believe in John 10:10 that we are called to living an abundant life and I know moms are not excluded from that promise. Join me in conversations about simplicity, some business and life hacks, spirituality and lots of other good stuff that leads to a life of less for the sake of enjoying more in your motherhood. I’m Allie Casazza and this is The Purpose Show.

Welcome to The Purpose Show podcast! Today’s episode is going to be amazing! It’s going to be a really good one. I think you may want to get ready to take notes and expand your mind, because we’re going to go to some really cool places in this conversation. 

My guest today is Reese Evans. Reese is an incredible human. I really love her. I’ve been following her on Instagram for over a year, and I’m actually in her program learning NLP, hypnotherapy, EFT, and all kinds of good things. 

She’s a mindset and abundance coach. She’s the creator of the YesSupply method, which is the program that I just mentioned. She’s on a mission to teach the world the power of the subconscious mind, energetics, and universal laws to create the life you’re truly meant to live. 

She has an amazing story, which she shares here with us today. But I’m most excited for this episode because I’ve been getting so many emails, DM’s, and comments from people wanting to understand what I mean when I say that everything is energy. 

I talk a lot about how we’ve really got to start to pay attention to the energy that we bring to things and pay attention to how energy works. And people just don’t always understand that. Maybe their upbringing or religious experiences didn’t really expand on that or include that. So a lot of people are really wanting to learn. 

I have personally come a really, really long way in my own personal life and my own faith journey with energy, manifestation, and how I believe God created the world to work. We’re going to open up this conversation and talk about these things. 

What I love about Reese is that she really brings facts. She brings the way things work. The way the brain works. The way the subconscious mind works. The way the body is responding to energy. It’s very understandable and digestible. 

We’re going to get into Energy 101, Manifestation 101, and just make this super basic for you all. 

So, welcome Reese, and enjoy this incredible conversation! 

ALLIE: I am here with Reese Evans of YesSupply. Thank you so much for spending time with us and for everything that you’re going to bring to the conversation. I’m super excited!

REESE: Hi Allie! I’m so excited to be here!

ALLIE: We know a little bit about who you are and what you do, but could you maybe just expand for us and explain the type of work that you do, why you do it, and all that good stuff?

REESE: Yeah, absolutely. 

My big mission is showing each and every single person how powerful they really are, and doing that by showing you how to use your mind. We’re all walking around with this incredibly powerful supercomputer. But imagine you had the world’s best supercomputer but you didn’t have the instruction manual. 

You wouldn’t be able to use it. Or you’d use it to drive in the opposite direction of what you want. Unfortunately, that’s how so many people are living their lives. 

They’re getting caught up in drama and negativity. Or they’re thinking of the person that they always used to be and the things that they always used to do. Because they’re so focused on the past, or the negativity, or who they think they’re supposed to be based on expectations, they live their entire lives on loop. 

I was living my entire life on loop from working in a string of jobs I didn’t like and feeling like my income was capped. But when I started to learn about the mind and about focusing on what I want, releasing limiting beliefs, releasing negative emotions and things that were no longer serving me, I was able to leave all that behind, create a quantum leap, and then start living the life of my dreams, have the business of my dreams, the home of my dreams, all those different things. 

I’d love to say I’m traveling, but I’m definitely not during Covid. But I was. 

We all have that ability, but it really starts with our thoughts—how we’re thinking, and our energy. I want to bring that to the world in a way that’s really tangible and simple for people to implement.

ALLIE: I love that so much. 

I have beginner questions that I want to dive into… When you said what you’re bringing into your energy and what energy you’re allowing in, can you explain what that means? What is energy? Dive into that in a super basic understanding.

REESE: Yeah, absolutely. 

One of the things that we don’t realize is that everything is energy. You might be sitting at your desk and your desk looks solid but at the very quantum level, even that is energy. 

As I’ve been diving deeper into this, I recognize that our consciousness, us looking at the world, observing the world, or expecting different things of the world, actually creates our reality. 

So if you’re walking through your life and you have the energy of, “Things are going to work out for me. People naturally like me. There’s more than enough money for me. There are more than enough opportunities.” 

That’s the energy that you’re holding. Those are the beliefs that you have. The identity that you have. And typically, that’s actually how life will start to work out for you. 

And so, we want to release anything that’s telling us that life has to be a struggle, or that you have to work really hard for money, or that opportunities are not available to you. When you release that, you’re able to actually see all the opportunities that are right in front of you. 

I’m also a big believer that our energy attracts into our life different opportunities or people or manifestations. So making sure that our energy is on that right level is important. 

If you’re listening to this and you’re wondering, “What is energy? I don’t know if I believe in it.” 

Think of a time when you thought of a friend and then at the same time that friend just happened to call you or text you. There’s a big belief that even though they’re miles and miles away, your thoughts can actually signal to that person to think of you, or to change their mind, or to share something with you.

We’ve all walked into a room and said, “Oh, the energy is really good in here.” Or “Oh, the energy’s not so good in here.” 

ALLIE: Maybe a weird conversation was just happening and you interrupted it and you can feel it.

REESE: Or your ears are literally ringing and we’re picking up on that. 

I’m sure a lot of people in your audience are business owners, right? If you’re selling your business or selling your products with a good energy, people are going to be attracted to that. They’re going to think, “I feel like I should get this. I feel like I should be around this person. I feel like I should join their program.” 

But if you have the energy of, “Oh, I don’t know if this is going to work out or if people are going to like it…” Literally, what you’re putting out you’ll start to attract.

ALLIE: Do your thoughts create your energy? You were saying so much about the way you’re thinking about things. What is the correlation between your thinking and what’s happening in your mind versus your energy?

REESE: Thoughts are a big part of it. Inside our minds we have all these internal filters. And so, reality is happening around us and we’re filtering it based on what’s already inside of us. 

It’s who you believe you are. Your identity. Your values. What’s important to you in life. 

Also values in terms of maybe your religious values, your family values, your school values, and all these things that you grew up around. There are decisions that you made and beliefs that you have that you might’ve started to believe because of people around you or the TV that you watch.

For example, I grew up seeing lots of Vogue magazines. The person on the front cover of Vogue magazine looks a certain way, so it makes you believe that that’s the standard of beauty. Nothing else is beautiful, right? 

All of these pictures, imagery, and things that people say around us when we’re growing up, go into our minds and they create our internal filters. As we grow up and turn into adults, those filters are what are dictating our reality. Like you said, that is what’s going to create our energy and our feelings. 

And then, of course, our feelings are what will dictate our results, right? If you go into a meeting and you have that good internal picture and you feel good about meetings, you’re probably going to get better results at the meeting. You’ll be able to negotiate or get what you want or create win-win scenarios. 

But if you have all these internal filters like, “I suck at meetings. I always forget what to say. My mom never had a business, so how am I ever going to have a business.” 

When you go into the exact same meeting with those different internal filters, a lot of the time you will play out the negative outcome because what you have inside has those negative filters. The work that we do is so important because essentially we ask you, “What do you really want in life?” 

One of my big beliefs is that whatever you want also wants you. I think that our intuition of what we want is guided by something so much bigger than us. When we lean into what we want and we allow ourselves to want what we want, it’s not just for us selfishly. It’s actually for the greater good of all. 

It’s so important to lean into what you want and then ask yourself, “Okay, if I already had this, what would my identity be? What would my beliefs about the world be? What feelings would I hold inside of my body? How would I show up every day? What would my habits and behaviors be?”

Then with these tools that we teach in the YesSupply method, you can actually work on your mind to install those new beliefs, behaviors, identities or whatever it is that will support you in creating the life that you want. 

ALLIE: It’s so incredible just hearing you repeating the definition of energy and explaining how it works. It always makes me realize how important everything that we do is. Industries shift to being more inclusive and giving more versions of success in magazines, in media, everywhere, because that energy is contagious. 

It’s shaping kids. It’s shaping the next generations. We can change the energy of the way the world is going by fighting for these things and by shifting the way things look. 

When you really realize how important it is, how important the energy we bring to things is, it’s literally everything.

REESE: Absolutely. Like you said, us taking that action and being what we wish we saw, that’s how the world is going to change. We actually recently redid our website and I’m so proud of it because when you look at it, we’ve put all different kinds of people, all different shapes and sizes, all different backgrounds. 

So now when you look at our website, it reflects the people that you see in our live trainings. I feel like anyone could look at our website and feel welcomed.

We can all think about how can we invite somebody who looks different than us, or has a different background or level of ability as us, on our podcast, on our live streams, or Facebook group, whatever it is, so that each and every one of us can see different examples of success and people from different backgrounds represented as well. 

ALLIE: Yeah, absolutely. I love that analogy of the filters because that’s exactly how it works and feels. 

Where is the beginning of our control? You’re a kid, things are happening, and you’re just kind of automatically developing those filters unconsciously. No one is necessarily saying, “This is beautiful; anything else is not.” 

But that’s the filter that we receive from society. So at what point is there control? If the filter is just kind of born from life experiences, where does that control for ourselves come in where we can insert ourselves and change the pattern? 

REESE: That’s a great question. I’m sure everyone’s asking, “Okay, yeah, I’ve been brainwashed in a way that’s not working for me. How do I change all of this?”

The beautiful thing is the fact that you start to have awareness of it. That’s where it begins. We recognize that we grew up in a world that tried to place all these different rules on us of what beauty is or what success is. 

One of the things that I like to do is look at my results and if my results feel good—if I’m happy in my relationship, in my friendships, with my family or my business, I know that I’ve created some internal rules for myself that are good for me. 

A few years ago when I was looking at my life and some of my friendships, I noticed that I’d hang out with a person and I didn’t feel that great after. And I worked at my job and I was literally crying as I was getting ready for work because I just could not stand working there. I felt like I had to be a fake version of myself just to work at that job. 

When I would look at my results and be like, “Oh, that doesn’t feel good. I don’t like that.” I had to ask myself, “Okay, did I play a part in creating that?” 

And I realized that I did, because when I applied for jobs I didn’t apply for the job that I really wanted. I applied for the job I thought I could get. So, I put myself in this box of, “Oh, I can only work in retail because that’s what I went to school for.” So that’s all I applied for. 

Or, “I can only get paid this much because the people around me only get paid this much.” No one told me, “Reese, you can only get paid X amount of dollars.” I created this rule for myself based on my surroundings. And then I only went after things that fit inside that box.

Once you start to gain awareness of, “Oh, I created this rule that I can only make this much. I can only have this type of relationship.” Or whatever it is. 

You can start to ask yourself, “Well, how would I like things to be for me instead? What rule would I like to have?”

Maybe you want to start to believe, “I can have any job I want. I can make multiple six figures a year. I can make a million dollars a year. I can have friendships where my friends support me.” 

I am more of an introvert, so a lot of my friendships before would be people who would dump all of their problems onto me and didn’t even really know much about what was happening in my life. But then when I actually asked myself, “Well, how am I contributing to this?” I realized that I don’t even really talk about myself. 

It’s a two way street, right? It was not just that that person’s bad. I was contributing to it. 

Taking a step back and asking, “What rules would I like to have for my life instead?” And getting really clear on them, journaling them down, writing them down, and starting to live out your day like that is a great way to start to install it. 

Maybe you’re wanting to become a coach or you want to go deeper with these subconscious tools, you can actually use tools like EFT tapping. I also have a bunch of YouTube videos for anyone who’s interested. 

Using EFT tapping, hypnosis, or some of these neurolinguistic programming tools to actually install those new beliefs of, “ I can make as much money as I want. I can have friendships that support me. I am beautiful. I am likable.” 

Whatever it is that you feel like would fit into the new life that you want to have. When you reprogram your subconscious, your subconscious mind always works to make your outside reality reflect what’s happening on the inside. 

As long as you start doing that work, releasing what’s not serving you, and installing what would serve you, you’ll start to see changes. You’ll start to act differently, do different things, reach out to different types of people, or see yourself in different circles. And then before you know it, your reality will change. 

ALLIE: So, how things are in our lives currently is a direct reflection of the things that we have agreed on. The idea that, “This is the way things work,” may have been given to us by somebody else—society, or an industry—but we agreed that it’s true for us. So, then it is.  

REESE: A lot of the time unconsciously. Because when your parents work 24 hours a day for 40K a year or something like that, you might believe you have to work really, really, really hard just to scrape by, because that was the only example that you saw. 

There’s a book called Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. Have you read that one? 

ALLIE: Yeah. I love it so much. 

REESE: One of the things that he says in there is, essentially, that your external reality is like a print out of paper and what’s happening in your mind is what you write on the word document. 

So, if you print out a piece of paper and you don’t like what’s on the paper, you can’t get mad at the paper, burn the paper, rip the paper up. What you have to do is change the source. You have to change what you’re typing onto the word document. 

The same goes with our life. If we’re not liking the results that we’re consistently seeing, then that’s a good signal to go inside and say, “How can I change? What’s going on in my mind? How can I change the stories that I’m continually telling myself?”

Another great question that you can also ask yourself is, “When did I decide that?” 

For example, I used to have the belief that if I talked about money, people would hate me. And then, I did one of our techniques and I pretty much asked myself, “When did I decide that if I talk about money people will hate me?” 

It was because of witnessing my mom and dad having a conversation over money when I was a kid and being upset with each other. I internalized that as, “Oh, when you talk about money, people hate you.” 

But that’s not reality. That was just one situation. We have to remember that when we’re kids, we’re super-learning, right? We’re just taking whatever we see and we’re programming it in, because we’re learning how to survive in the world and how to live in the world. 

Most of what we learn is good. It’s good to learn how to walk, eat, rollover, and all those important things. But sometimes we get some learnings in there that actually aren’t supporting us in becoming who we want to be. 

Then we can just realize, “Oh, I just learned this because that’s how my dad used to be. That’s how that TV show or my teacher used to be. But that doesn’t have to be my reality anymore.” Then you can start to let that go.

ALLIE: The way that you speak about this is coming from such an empowering place. You get to be in ownership of how things go for you. You don’t have to play the victim to your past or your story. Instead you can use it. 

I feel like I hear a lot of people receive this type of messaging about the way that things work— like cause and effect—and heap shame on themselves or blame themselves that they are the reason that this awful thing happened. 

What has been the differentiation for you in those two ways to respond to this sort of teaching? How do you stay in an empowered, action-taking place versus the shame cycle of “What did I do to cause this?” Because I think it can easily get to that place.

REESE: Absolutely. In my personal opinion, I feel like it doesn’t serve any of us to stay stuck in the past. 

Let’s say something bad happened to you when you were three years old. I wouldn’t want to take cause and effect and say you created that. You were three years old. You probably had no idea what was going on. 

But now that you’re an adult and it’s been 20-30 years. If you feel like you’re caught up in it or you’re constantly replaying what happened in your mind, rather than that stopping you from living the whole rest of your life, ask yourself how you can move forward in an empowered way. You can be at cause for your emotions now. 

I also want to add that it’s not as easy as black and white like, “Oh, you want to move forward? Just move forward.” 

Everyone processes differently. Everyone processes trauma or big events that happen in our lives differently. I think it’s so important for each individual person to ask themselves, “What do I need?” 

For some people, journaling might be great. For some people, like me, the tools that I teach have changed my life. EFT, hypnosis, and all these amazing tools, they changed my life. That’s helped me work through so many things in the past, which is why I teach it.

I never want to make someone think, “Oh, you have to do this and this is the only way.” 

For someone else, going to see a psychologist or therapist might be better. For some people, maybe a spiritual healer. That’s the beautiful thing about there being 7 billion people on the planet, and probably millions of great coaches, teachers, coaching programs, and things like that. 

It’s really important to first, before you decide to purchase a program, hire a coach, hire a therapist, or whatever you’re planning to do, take a step back, go inside and ask, “What do I really need right now? What do I really need?”

Because a lot of the time coaching is more about moving forward, going after that big goal, and that type of thing. But depending on what might’ve happened to you, before you start taking quantum leaps, you might need to take a little bit more time to process that thing that already happened. 

Process the emotions. Let yourself sit in those feelings and work through them before you’re ready to go to that next level. You might even want to work with the therapist first, if you’re experiencing that, or if you experienced something that was really, really deep. Then, once you feel like you’ve moved forward, move into coaching. 

I like to look at cause and effect as, “How can I be a cause for my life moving forward?” I don’t think it really serves any of us to ask, “How was I at cause for that thing that happened 30 years ago?”

ALLIE: What about things that have happened that were super negative that were in your adulthood? Like maybe a death or a miscarriage or things like that. I feel like there can be a lot of shame around that for people.

REESE: I agree. Yeah. 

So I did say 30 years ago, but let’s just say someone’s walking across the street and they get hit by a car. You can’t say that the person caused it just because they were walking across the street on a beautiful sunny day. But let’s just say that 20 years later that person is still angry at the person who was driving the car. 

Now that person has spent 20 years thinking about that one event when maybe they could have lived a more fulfilling life, or seen more of the beauty in life if they had been able to maybe take some time that they needed for themselves to see a therapist, work through it, do some personal reflection, journaling, or whatever it is so that they could work through those emotions.

 They might have been able to see that, “Okay, that unfortunate thing happened but on the bright side, I’m still alive. On the bright side, I still have a family that supports me. On the bright side, I’m excited about this thing or that thing.” They can still have those extra 20 years of happiness after that. 

I never want to make someone think that they have to rush through their healing, because one person could get through a car accident in a week and another person might take them a year and another person it might take them five years. I think everyone’s healing is different. It’s important to ask yourself, “What do I need right now?”

ALLIE: That’s so good. 

One other thing that I wanted to ask you about is manifestation. I would love for you to give an explanation of manifestation and how that works in a way that relates to women and moms just doing life outside of the business growth/revenue space, because manifestation is so often brought over to just money. 

Speak to what it can look like for living that abundant life outside of being a business owner. What if you’re a mom? What could that look like and how could you use it? What are the benefits of that?

REESE: Can I share a story with you? If anyone’s looking for the explanation, manifestation is essentially just creating what you want in your life for the highest good of all. I really think that nature and the universe supports us when our intention and our goal is to support ourselves, support everyone around us, and create a better world for all of us. 

A funny story that I can share specifically for moms is that when I first had my son, I took a lot of time off. Then, for a few months, I was doing work while he took a nap, but obviously there’s only so much you can do when a newborn is napping and just kind of flipping back and forth.

So, when he was about five months, we decided we wanted to get a babysitter. We went on the apps and the directories looking for a nanny, looking for a babysitter to support us during the day. I had an idea of the type of person that I wanted, but I didn’t really get intentional with it. 

We went on a few of these different sites and nothing was working. My husband was getting frustrated with the whole hunt and I was like, “Wait a second. I know how to manifest. We don’t need to be struggling with that.” 

So, I got really clear on who I wanted. Everyone obviously is going to have their own needs for their babysitter, but I wanted somebody who felt like a family member so that when my baby was with her, or whoever that person was going to be, he felt like he was with a family member. That was something that I wanted. 

I wanted somebody who could also speak French because in Canada we’re bilingual and when he goes to school I wanted him to have that in his subconscious floating around, and a few other things. 

One day my husband and I were driving somewhere and our friend’s sister called us and was telling us about these Facebook groups for nannies, so I joined a couple of them. A few days went on and then one day I was like, “You know what? I’m done with looking. We’re going to get a nanny.” 

I looked on my phone and I was part of this Facebook group that I didn’t even remember joining. I scrolled down and we found this girl who was absolutely perfect. She’s literally with my son right now. 

She was essentially a laid off flight attendant because of everything that’s happening with the pandemic. She’s bilingual. And her name is actually the exact same name as my cousin. 

Once she started working with us, I actually found out that same cousin has a brother and a sister with the exact same names as my nanny’s brother and sister. They were even spelled the exact same way. One of my cousin’s names is Meghan and it’s spelled M-E-G-H-A-N, which is a very unique way to spell Meghan. So, I was like, we have 100% manifested this person into our lives.

It was a win-win because she was laid off. She was looking for work. She had a lot of experience with babysitting and loves kids. We wanted support from somebody who we felt really comfortable with in our home. 

Manifestation is, essentially, the act of putting something out into the universe or the world of what you want or what will help you. Because, of course, if my son is with someone he’s comfortable with and is stimulating him, playing games with him, and whatever else, that’s for the greater good of him. Then, when I feel comfortable with his caretaker, I can get work done and support the people that I want to support and that’s obviously for the greater good as well. 

It’s just being really intentional about what it is that you want and then things kind of align and collide in ways that you might not have previously imagined for them to work out. It goes back to that energy of expectation. I expected that we were going to be able to find the right person and that opened the energetic doorway for that to show up in our life. 

ALLIE: I really think that manifestation is really just getting intentional. It’s getting clear and giving yourself enough space to even ask, “What do I really want the outcome of this to be?” instead of just going through life and letting it happen to you and at you.

REESE: Obviously, there’s lots of different techniques. There’s the water technique and 5/5/5 technique. 

So many times people get so caught up in the belief that they have to write out their intention a hundred times a day in order for it to work. But the thing is, if you believe that you have to write it out a hundred times for it to work, that’s what’s going to work because it’s your beliefs that make it work. 

As humans we’re natural manifesters. I’m sure you know someone who’s manifested an amazing life or a lot of success or whatever, and they don’t even know what manifestation is. They’re just that type of person that when they go after something, they put their energy behind it. 

They go all in for it. They trust that it’s going to show up. We all have that natural, innate ability. 

And oftentimes, having these techniques can be supportive of that, especially if we’ve been really programmed with the belief that “it” has to be a struggle. Or “it” has to be hard. Or you can’t get what you want. And what goes up must go down. 

If you’re really programmed with that belief, then of course, it’s going to be harder to get it. But when you can release that and remember that we live in a world that was created from someone’s ideas. The phone that I’m talking on, that was Steve Jobs’ idea. Laptops or whatever else, they all started with ideas. 

When we remember that, we can remember that the idea of what we want for our life or where we want to go, whether it’s a partner, a friendship, the home you live in, somewhere that you want to go, you can manifest all of those things in the exact same way that you would manifest business success or a certain amount of money. 

ALLIE: This is just coming up for me now and this is kind of a big one. If you’re not ready for that, we can just edit it out. But I’m just thinking of people listening and the different faiths and religions that everyone is coming from. 

I feel like this idea of manifestation kind of gets wrapped up in a bunch of other stuff that it doesn’t necessarily need to belong with. And it makes people scared of it. Or they feel like it won’t fit in with their belief system about who God is. Could you speak to that?

REESE: Yeah, for sure, but I might not have the perfect answer for every different belief. 

For each individual person, it’s so important to listen for what’s right for you. It’s very interesting because if you look in a lot of older spiritual texts, they actually talk about manifestation. If you go through the Bible, and I’m going to totally misquote this, Jesus says things along the lines of “Believe it, and it will show up. Have faith and it will show up.” 

If you look through different spiritual texts, you’ll see things that are very much synonymous with that. Instagram is new and of course we’re getting manifestation information from Instagram and YouTube and all these different places, so it feels like it’s new, especially if you grew up around family members who never talked about it because they didn’t know about it.

But when you actually look, it actually shows up a lot in history. A lot of people who might have different religious backgrounds still subscribe to manifestation because they believe that, “Well, my God (or whomever I look up to) says if I have faith, they’re going to support me in creating it.”

A big part of it is just having faith that when you go after it and you trust, it will be able to show up for you. If someone just talked to me about stuff that I’m interested in they might think that I’m “woo-woo.” So, in my marketing and how I show up, I never say, “Oh my God, I’m going to go totally “woo-woo” and make you believe that you can have what you want.” 

Because I don’t believe that it should be “woo-woo” to have what you want. I don’t think it should be like, “Oh my God, that’s so crazy that you get the partner of your dreams, the family of your dreams, the home of your dreams, the business of your dreams.” 

Like you said, I think it goes back to intention. If you set the intention and you get clear— I want to have this kind of business. I want to have this kind of schedule. I want to get to make art. 

Or for me, I want to talk about motivation, positivity, and the subconscious mind. If I set that intention, I show up and I do it from a place of love and fun, and I commit to it, why wouldn’t it eventually become my reality?

If you want to get into a relationship, if you set the intention, “Okay, I want to be in a relationship,” and then you listen to The Inspired Action, maybe download Tinder, or when it’s safe to do so go out to some bars or out with friends or whatever, if someone talks to you, talk back to them. Don’t shut them down.

Have the intention of what you want and then be open to the different ways that it might make its way to you. You also play a part in that as well. If you want to manifest your partner, staying at home and never talking to anyone might not be the way. You might have to download an app or get yourself out there or whatever it is.

ALLIE: Setting the intention, getting clear on what you want, and then thinking about how it would feel if you already had it. Feeling those feelings changes the energy that you are putting out. And since we are magnets, now you’re a magnet to what you want. 

It’s really just the whole thing about what you focus on expands. You get what you focus on. If the term manifestation bothers you, then don’t call it that. 

It’s fact. It’s science. It’s the way it works. And it’s happening whether you are controlling it or not, so you might as well play the game. It’s already written in your favor. Step into that.

REESE: Totally. Everything is a self-fulfilling prophecy, or so many things in life are self-fulfilling prophecies. 

I used to be a really shy person and I remember if I went to a party, a networking event, or something where there were lots of people, inside my head the story I was playing was, “I’m not that interesting. No one’s ever going to want to talk to me. I’m not going to make friends.” 

And so, of course, if that’s a story that I’m playing, how am I going to act? I wasn’t the life of the party and starting conversations. I was standoffish. 

What’s the point in talking to people? They’re not going to like me anyway. I created my own self-fulfilling prophecy. 

And so again, looking at these loops that we’re playing and then asking ourselves, “Am I setting up rules that are creating this?” And knowing that we have the opportunity to change it.

If you want to make manifestation “woo-woo.” You want to get your crystals, your oils, and whatever else, and you believe that’s what works, that will probably work.

But if you believe, “When I set a goal and I go after it, I get it,” it’s still manifesting. You’re just calling it “setting a goal” and going after it and getting it. And there are a lot of people that are successful with that. 

Going back to what we were talking about with the different religions, if you believe that whoever you believe in or whatever you believe in is based in love and not ego. Based in love, service, and supporting all of us, I don’t think that ‘it’ cares if I call it love, manifesting, universe, or whatever. That’s my personal belief. 

 It’s a human-made label. Whatever ‘it’ is is so much bigger than any human-made label. I think that we all have an innate connection to that through our intuition. Some of the time we’ll get little whispers or nudges telling us to do this thing or call this person. It’s so important to tap into that. 

Rather than just listening to all the gurus on Instagram tell you that you need to do this and that, before you do all that, go inside and ask, “What do I want? Where do I need to start?” That will probably propel you a lot further than just listening to what other people are trying to tell you to do.

ALLIE: Absolutely. 

I think that makes the whole process of getting intentional with what you want, figuring out where your life has gone so far, where you really want it to go, and how to start to shift that makes it so much more personalized.

For me, just talking to God, getting centered, getting clear on, “I’ve been feeling like this, and I don’t want to feel like this. I want things to go like this, but they’re not. What is right here? What’s the next right thing for me?” 

And then from that place, you’re getting clear in your intention, you’re aligning your energy and all of those things. But it can come from wherever you need to start. 

Your starting point can be in your faith. It can be in where your beliefs are. But the process is still the same. We just maybe have different labels for those steps.

REESE: Absolutely. 

I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t start by going inwards. I could have asked a hundred people, “What should I do?” No one that I knew knew what coaching was. That wasn’t even in my world. 

One day after a tough day at work, I was just like, “I’m done with this. What do I want instead?” 

I started to journal, “How would my life look if my life was amazing?” I wrote, “I just want to empower people. I just want to create the online space that I wish existed.”

I started with blogging, making posts, and everything like that. Later on, I discovered coaching and I was like, “Oh, that’s kind of what I’m doing. I just haven’t created programs around it yet.” And that was my stepping stone. 

Oftentimes, if we just lean into our natural strengths, talents, and abilities, and we just have fun, play, and create without attachment, that’s when we actually create more success than trying to force something and being so attached to the outcome.

ALLIE: Wow. So good. 

So, all the things you teach, all the things that you bring into play with tapping, hypnosis, and NLP, could you explain what each of those does? What’s the purpose? How does it all tie into living in this way where you’re aligned, intentional, focused on being the creator of how your life is going, and working with God to create the life that you want. 

It feels a little complicated and convoluted. How do those tools all play into that?

REESE: Totally. So these tools help you to install or uninstall all the programs that would work for you or wouldn’t work for you. For me, it really starts with asking yourself, “What do I want?” 

The question I always ask myself or my clients is, “What would you ask for if you knew the answer was going to be ‘yes’?” That allows you to dream. 

Not, “What kind of job do you think you can get? What kind of life do you think you can get based on who you always were?” 

But, “If you knew that whatever you asked for, someone’s going to say, ‘Yes, you got it!’ What would that be?”

You start with that. You start with that goal. Align it to, “When you succeed, how is that going to serve the greater good?” 

Maybe the world needs to see someone just like you succeed. A woman, a mom, a person of color, someone who’s lived through abuse or had a tough background, whatever it is. Or maybe when you create the success that you want, you’ll donate to great charities or foundations. Whatever that is, tie it into something that’s meaningful for you.

And then this is where the programming, the installing and uninstalling starts to happen. You’re asking yourself questions like, “Okay, the version of me who has achieved it, who would I be? What would my identity be? What would I believe about myself? What would I not believe about myself?”

Once you’re clear on the beliefs, identities, and values that you would have, and the ones that you wouldn’t have, that’s when you start to install or uninstall. We’ll go through the list… 

Hypnosis is a great tool to install a brand new program. Let’s just say that you want to be a coach and you want to start feeling confident, showing up, doing live streams consistently, and sticking to your schedule. 

You can actually create a hypnosis. If you go through the program, you can create one for yourself. Or, you can hire a hypnotherapist and they can do one for you, a session for you. 

You would actually have that person speak to your subconscious mind in hypnosis and say, “You love jumping out of bed and doing a live stream. You love sticking to the schedule. Money comes easy for you. You love creating programs and products that serve the world.”

Hypnosis is great for installing that new program. It works for quitting smoking. It works for health and fitness. It works for money mindset, business mindset, all the things.

ALLIE: Why do you think that a lot of people are afraid of hypnosis? I have found that there’s a lot of resistance around hypnosis.

REESE: From my understanding, people are resistant to hypnosis because of what they’ve been shown on TV and movies of what hypnosis is. I’m sure most people who are hesitant about hypnosis don’t actually know a hypnotherapist in their real lives. 

They saw a movie where there was a guy with a pendulum saying, “You are very sleepy.” And the way that the movie portrayed that hypnotherapist made them say, “Oh my God, this person’s trying to brainwash me. They’re trying to control my mind. I’m staying away from that.” 

I’m sure that hypnosis could be used in negative ways. It’s like a knife, right? You can use a knife to hurt someone. You can use a knife to make a really delicious avocado toast, which is what I had for breakfast. Hypnosis is the same.

Make sure that if you hire a hypnotherapist you trust the hypnotherapist, and that you know they’re going to work with you on exactly what it is that you want. Or, if you take a course like mine, you can literally record your own hypnosis and be your own hypnotherapist. 

You can understand how it all works. You can listen to the sound of your own voice to hypnotize yourself for whatever it is that you want. 

If you look in history, you’ll see that hypnosis was used in very, very powerful ways. I actually used hypnosis to give birth. I gave birth without anesthesia, just using hypnosis. Hypnosis has been used in the past for anesthesia during surgeries and that type of thing. 

This might be going a little conspiracy theorist on you, but it could be that potentially maybe the government doesn’t want us to use hypnosis because then we would be so powerful that we could be in control of our own minds. Just putting it out there.

ALLIE: Yes, I love it. 

I love that you mentioned that, and I love that you mentioned that anything can be a weapon or a tool, like the knife example. It’s funny how people will be so willing to try something and then something else that’s very similar they’re like, “Whoa, what is this? I need to research that.” 

I think it’s just the fact that it’s new, it’s different, or maybe it’s got all these stereotypes wrapped up around it. For me, in my experience, I have found people who love Jesus, believe in God, in that sense, believe and read the Bible are amazing people. They use scripture to bring life and to help people live well, to help them connect with themselves, connect with God and step into their higher selves.

And then, I’ve also seen people use the same person, the same figure—Jesus—and the same book—The Bible—to utterly cripple and destroy and abuse people. Every spiritual tool, every belief system, even good things like feminism, can get taken to such an unhealthy, hateful, extreme. 

I think it’s really just about looking at the facts. Looking at, “How you are going to use this? How are you going to use the knife? Is it going to be a tool to make an amazing breakfast? Or is it going to be something that’s completely damaging, rotten, and rotting you and bringing negative energy into you and your life?”

REESE: Absolutely. I vote for breakfast personally.

ALLIE: It makes avocado toast. Like, honestly, let’s just go that route.

REESE: I think that’s why it’s so important with anything that you purchase or sign up for to make sure that you trust the person that you’re signing up with. Make sure that you’re looking at it through different perspectives. Maybe ask a friend what they think. 

A big thing is that with social media, so many people will see someone who maybe has a lot of followers or has beautiful pictures and they put them on this pedestal. People don’t realize that that is also a form of hypnosis. Having someone on a pedestal where you think that everything they say is law is a form of hypnosis. 

When you’re looking at your screen—your TV, your computer screen, everything like that—the flash rate of it is something like 60 frames per second. That actually puts you into a state of hypnosis. Me sitting down to do a session with you is not the only way you get hypnotized. 

You get hypnotized when you watch a movie. You get hypnotized when you listen to music. You get hypnotized when you look at your screen. 

If someone’s sitting down and says, “I’m going to hypnotize you today,” that’s probably the most honest form of hypnosis that you’re ever going to get, because you’re getting hypnotized by so many other things.

Even a doctor in a white coat is a form of hypnosis because you’re putting them on this pedestal of authority. You’re trusting that everything that they say is true. But has there ever been a doctor that accidentally misdiagnosed someone? 

I’m sure. And then someone might live 10 years of their life thinking they have one thing when really it’s nothing at all or it’s something else. 

Going back to the whole Instagram pedestal thing, if you’re deciding to sign up for a course or sign up as a coach or whatever it is, make sure that you’re doing it by first asking yourself, “Do I really want this? Is this right for me?” 

And you’re not just following someone who has a lot of followers, or someone who has really beautiful pictures. Because that person is human just like you. Maybe they were just on Instagram longer. 

They just have a really good strategy or whatever it is, but they’re not any better than you, smarter than you, or necessarily more experienced than you. There are people that come into our program who are doctors and have PhDs. I don’t have that. 

Different people have different strengths. Don’t let that pull you into making the decision that’s not necessarily right for you. That’s just a whole little side note on the other ways that we could get hypnotized.

ALLIE: That’s a good point. I love that. Thank you for bringing that up. 

What about the neuro linguistic programming? I know you could probably expand for hours on each one, but just in general.

REESE: Neuro Linguistic programming is kind of a lot of things, but my favorite part, which I’ll focus on right now, is how all of our thoughts, our beliefs, and our identities are essentially programmed in our mind, almost like a holographic filing cabinet. 

If you think of something that you did last week, you might actually think of that memory and it feels like it’s behind you, or it feels like it’s to the left. Or if you think about your birthday that’s coming up, you might realize that you recognize that you store that picture or that representation somewhere completely different. Or if you think about how much you like coffee, you might think of that somewhere different.

What we teach is how to look at all the different ways that we store our feelings, our thoughts, our beliefs, and our identities, and you can literally move and shift how these pictures are stored in our internal filing cabinets to shift the way you feel about something. 

For example, let’s just say every single day you spend four hours scrolling Instagram. And you’re like, “I wish I could stop scrolling Instagram so I could be more productive.” The reason why you’re doing that is because you store that habit in a certain way that’s your brain’s go-to. 

But when you use one of the techniques to shift the way that you think about that and store it differently, instantly you just won’t feel like going on anymore. It’ll literally change how you feel about that certain thing. 

That’s just one example. This can work for anything that you can think about. For example, how you feel about exercising. 

How you feel about eating a certain food. How you feel about doing a live stream. How you feel about receiving money. 

Anything that you can think about, you can use these tools to help you shift how you think and feel about it. And then, of course, it’s going to shift your actions. 

If you notice that in your coaching business you want to do live streams, but every time you do a live stream you are panic-stricken and it seems like the worst thing in the world and you procrastinate on it, you probably won’t get much done. But if you shift the way you think about it and you’re like, “Oh, live streams are exciting!” 

You’re probably going to do a heck of a lot more live streams. And of course, it’s going to help you with your business success and growing your community. 

So that’s a Coles Notes of neuro linguistic programming. It’s just that ability to shift your internal storage of how you believe or think about certain things to think in a way that serves you better.

ALLIE: So, it seems like NLP is kind of going back into the way that things are, the source of your reaction to things, and reprogramming that. Hypnosis can support that. And then, I feel like tapping is a little bit more of a surface thing that you can do in a moment to shift. At least that’s how I use it. 

REESE: Yes. That’s typically how I use tapping too. 

Tapping works better with persistence. Typically, if you just tap on something once you’ll see a little bit of a shift, but if you commit to it for a few weeks, that’s when you’ll really start to see that deep shift. So, yes, you’re absolutely right. 

I typically use tapping in a moment, maybe if something’s frustrating me or I’m feeling anxious about something. Maybe I’m about to do a public speaking or live stream and I’m feeling nervous. In that moment I can tap and I feel great. 

I also like to tap on anything that I want to release resistance around. So, let’s say you have a goal and you want to make 50K a month, but it’s feeling like it’s far away or it’s feeling like it would be hard to get it. Tapping on that feeling will release that dense energy, release that resistance, so it feels like it would flow to you easier. 

ALLIE: Could you explain what tapping is really quick? How does it work?

REESE: Tapping is all about rebalancing your body’s energy system. Your energy also affects the entire world around you. You often see that you manifest very quickly when you’re tapping regularly. 

When you start tapping, you think about the thing that you want to focus on that is bothering you. Let’s say I’m anxious about a phone call I have to make. I would think about that phone call I have to make, and then, I might actually feel that anxiety in my body. 

By thinking of that event or that thing I’m activating the neural pathway. And then, when I tap on these different energy meridians, I’m balancing my energy. It’s literally like recalibrating and rebalancing. I activate the neural pathway and then I rebalance the energy. 

Then, when I go back to think about it, I’ve desensitized the charged, negative, fearful, or anxious energy. I could feel more neutral about it or I might even feel really good about it.

ALLIE: I’m going to drop one of those tapping face and body points guides for people so they can see where to actually tap. And I know you have so many resources too on learning that. 

REESE: Totally. And for anyone who’s interested in it, I have a ton of tapping videos on my YouTube channel for free. 

ALLIE: Okay. I’ll link to your channel. Amazing. We may need to do a followup episode or something.

I’ve used so much of what you teach to release weight and excess fat that was making me sick and not serving me. I’ve used it to release the resistance to becoming a healthier version of myself. 

Because you think, “I want to lose weight.” But there are all of these attachments and versions of myself that I had decided, “This is who I am. This is my identity.” But I’m releasing that. 

And being able to also get really good at this in the last year and teach it to my kids. Why is it not taught in schools? You know what I mean? 

It’s everything to cope with anxiety, to do life, to be able to be a mom, run a business, and do all of these things that we’re expecting ourselves to do and expecting ourselves to do them perfectly and without any uncomfortable emotions coming out. 

Not having a tool for when they do come up, it’s just this spiraling of being scattered and stressed and unnecessarily ill equipped. Everyone needs these tools. 

REESE: I 100% agree. That’s why we started our school. I was sitting in my training and at first I just took this because I was like, “Oh, this would be cool to help my clients and I’ll learn something.” 

Then by day three, I was pissed off. I was just like, “Why didn’t I know this 20 years ago? Why does nobody talk about this?”

So, I switched gears from thinking, “Oh, I’ll help a few of my clients with this,” to, “I need everyone to know about this. I don’t know how I’m going to help everyone know about this, but I’m going to find a way.” 

That’s a big part of why I put so much content on our YouTube channel for free, because maybe not everyone wants to be a coach or maybe not everyone wants to necessarily sign up for my program or maybe doesn’t have the resources. 

But I feel like by putting so much content out there for free, at least I’m doing as much as I can to put this in the hands of a lot of people. Then hopefully people are reactive to it and take it and use it. 

We get lots of great testimonials and feedback from people using our YouTube channel to manifest and do all these great things. It’s exciting.

ALLIE: I love what you do and I’m loving the program so much. 

Like I said before we hit record, I don’t know exactly what it will look like for me or if I’ll do anything else with it, but just having the knowledge for my own life and for my kids. 

One of the things you say in the beginning of the program is that you’ll retain the information so much better if you repeat it to someone else instead of just listening. And so, I do that with my family. Regurgitating what I just took in to my husband, to the kids, and bringing it in as part of our homeschool. 

My kids are already pretty in tune and they’re pretty “woo,” which I know it shouldn’t be called that, but it is. They know how to tap. That’s what we do when we’re feeling these things. 

But to get even deeper with them and see them shifting. Their first response is to dig into, “Why am I feeling this way?” 

I did not have that. And it is wild to see an 8-year-old boy say, “Mom, I need help understanding why I’m feeling this way.”

REESE: Oh my god, I have chills.

ALLIE: It’s amazing. What you teach is amazing. I think every person, every kid, every mother needs these tools. 

REESE: Oh my god. I have chills right now. 

I want to ask you to do a little YouTube video with us to talk about how you’re using it with your kids. My baby’s six months old, so it’s a little early, but I’m so excited to teach him all of this stuff. 

And you’re so right. It’s so foundational to just being a human, whether or not you use it in your business. It helps you communicate better. It helps you understand other people better. It helps you understand yourself better. 

Like, why do I know what an acute triangle is in school, but I never learned about my own emotions or communicating effectively. I’m obsessed with this work. 

ALLIE: I love it. I think we need to have you back to expand more on this because I feel like once these women hear this and they are beginning to understand, the questions are going to open up. So, we’ll have to have you back.

This was so insightful, helpful, and mind blowing. I appreciate your time so much and bringing your expertise to the table like this for us is very generous. Thank you. 

REESE: Thanks so much for having me and bearing with all the tech issues. 

ALLIE: No worries. We will link to everything in the show notes. Where do you want to send people to learn more? Your website?

REESE: Yeah, absolutely. If you’re hungry to actually see these tools in action, definitely check out my YouTube channel. We put new videos up every week and you can actually work through different emotions with EFT and hypnosis and all that great stuff on there. 

We post to Instagram almost every day. We’re starting to get into the reels, so getting into all that world. I’m on Instagram at YesSupply

And then just checking on our website where we have more information on our certifications, upcoming dates, and our blog. 

ALLIE: Amazing. I love your work. I thank you again so much for this entire episode. There was so much good teaching. 

REESE: Oh, thank you so much, Allie!

Thanks so much for hanging out with me! In case you didn’t know, there’s actually an exclusive community that’s been created solely for the purpose of continuing discussions around The Purpose Show episodes. It’s designed to get you to actually take action and make the positive changes that we talk about here. I want you to go and be a part of it. To do that, go to

Thank you so much for tuning in! If you’d like to learn more about me, how I can help you, how you can implement all these things and more into your life to make it simpler, better, and more abundant, head to There are free downloads, online courses, programs, and other resources to help you create the life you really want. 

I am always rooting for you, friend! See you next time! I’m Allie Casazza and this is The Purpose Show.

Hey mama! Just a quick note, this post may contain affiliate links.


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I'm an NLP, NEE, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

ALLIE casazza




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