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Transcript Episode 386: Reclaiming Your Power: Embracing the Divine Feminine

September 27, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Hi, gorgeous. Welcome back to the Purpose Show podcast. We are going to be getting deep into the divine feminine. If this is a term that you have never heard, welcome to an epic conversation. If this is a term that you’ve heard but haven’t really understood, this is really going to help you. And if this is something that you are kind of familiar with but you don’t feel like you’re fully in your divine feminine energy, then this is also perfect for you. This is going to really help you reclaim your power and explain what all of this means. So I’m going to talk about what the divine feminine is, why it matters, and how reconnecting with this powerful energy will transform you and your life. We’re going to be diving deep into understanding divine feminine, which is a concept that has been revered in various cultures and spiritual traditions for centuries. This is not about gender. It’s about embracing. It’s about more than that. As a woman, if you identify as female, then yes, that is, of course, a part of it. But it’s also about embracing qualities like your intuition, your creativity, your nurturing, and your compassion. And that actually exists within all of us. Let’s get into it. In our world, in our modern world at least, there is such an emphasis on action, and logic, and external achievement, and validation, and approval. And it’s just really easy to lose touch with these softer but equally powerful aspects of ourselves. The divine feminine is the energy of slowing down. That’s what the divine feminine invites us to do, is slow down, tune in, tune into that inner wisdom, connect with the natural cycles and rhythms of life. And when we’re out of alignment with the divine feminine, you’re going to feel disconnected, overwhelmed. You’re going to feel stuck in a constant state of doing. You’re going to feel depleted and burned out and exhausted. You’re going to feel like you’re just doing instead of being. So when women send me DMs, or they become clients of mine, and they tell me that that’s how they’re feeling, those are kind of like their energy symptoms, I know that they, right away, they are, in some way, shape, or form, disconnected from their divine feminine energy. And the anecdote to this is going to be to tune into that. So we’re going to explore this. I’m going to talk to you about how to recognize at a deeper level when you’re out of sync with the divine feminine energy, and also, of course, as always, get super practical to help you reconnect with that part of yourself. And then, of course, we’re going to discuss how harnessing the divine feminine can lead to a more balanced, happy, empowered life. Now, I want to mention, this is not at all about rejecting the masculine or masculine energy. We all also have that within us, and we need it. So rather, this episode is about integrating and balancing both divine masculine and divine feminine, but really focusing on embracing the feminine because that is usually the thing that gets dropped since our world and our society so heavily praises and prioritizes the masculine. So when I say this, the masculine energy is about doing. Action. Logic. It’s taking action on what the feminine receives. The feminine is nurturing. Nurturing your business. Nurturing yourself. Nurturing your soul. Nurturing your family. Nurturing your ideas. Taking care of yourself. Making space to receive new ideas, information, space to be creative. It’s receiving mode. It’s nurturing, calm, quiet down, calm energy. And then masculine is about taking action and doing, right? So we need both. We need to integrate both to be able to get things done and live a balanced life. So let me talk about… Kind of just a little bit of my personal journey. I want to keep this as quick as possible. My journey of connecting with the Divine Feminine has been a lot. I first came into contact with the idea of Divine Feminine Energy when I began working with Sarah Spears. She’s recorded some things with me. She’s been on the podcast. She’s featured in the Unburdened program. She’s a therapist and an energy healer. She’s a lot of different amazing things. And I worked with her for several years, met with her every week for like, gosh, three or four years. And she introduced me to this concept and it really, it really helped me a lot. I was having really bad issues with my hormone disorder, PCOS, also had endometriosis, and was just really struggling with that. And there was so much that I did medically and holistically, and it was just still so bad. And so she mentioned that it could be energy, since the body holds energy and emotion and then talks to us and gives us signals of what needs to heal accordingly. according to what’s going on. And I was so desperate. I was like, that sounds weird as fuck, but whatever. I’m down. And so we did some work on the divine feminine. And I mean, in so many ways and on so many levels, working with the divine feminine energy and tuning into that and acting from that place more than just being in a state of performance and pushing and logic and doing and action and pushing myself. helped heal my womb. I mean, I physically started feeling different and seeing differences in my cycle and my cramps and just the way I was feeling and my hormones and everything. I even lost some belly weight, which belly weight for women is like high cortisol and stress and Absolutely, there’s an energetic aspect to that. So I really just want to set the intention for this episode. I want to help you reclaim your power by embracing your feminine energy, your inner goddess, OK? Let’s get a little bit into, I guess, a little deeper of what the Divine Feminine is. It is the sacred, intuitive, nurturing, and creative energy that exists within all of us regardless of gender. So again, the divine masculine is the logic, action, and structure. And again, it’s so important to balance both energies. Now, historically, in many ancient cultures, the divine feminine was celebrated and very revered through goddesses and rituals and matriarchal societies and over time patriarchal systems and institutions rose to dominance leading to the suppression of these sort of more feminine qualities and really just the devaluation of women’s roles and contributions to society. There was a massive suppression of the intuition, the suppression of the divine feminine, and it led to a widespread disconnect in women and in men as well from intuition and inner wisdom, making it way more difficult for people to trust themselves and trust their inner guidance. And so we’re taught and programmed to rely on outside sources. Religions do this by telling you that it’s not safe to trust yourself. And listening to your heart is, you know, which is such a cliche, cheesy phrase, but that that’s not safe. It’s not good that there’s something or someone outside of you that knows better than you. And that’s where you get your answers from. oh, look, there is a book that was written by men, but it’s got inspired. So this is the pathway to everything. This is the answer. It’s not inside of you. It’s outside of you. And then we just, by nature, want to tune into ourselves. And so they say things like, oh, just keep these in your heart. Keep these inside of you so you can access them at all times to kind of give this illusion that we are going within, because that is naturally and primally what feels right to us. So the other thing that this historical suppression of the divine feminine has had an effect on is just an overemphasis on the masculine energy really pulling us out of balance. Modern society, most of the time, is prioritizing masculine qualities, like, again, logic, action, productivity, and really just not giving value to the more feminine energy, like nurturing creativity and expressing your emotions. And so it’s led to such a burnout and such an imbalance. It’s created a culture of constant doing, stress, sickness, a lack of fulfillment, especially when feminine needs like rest, self-care, and connection are ignored. It’s really crucial that we, especially as women, but also inspire the men in our lives to do the same, to reconnect with the divine feminine now more than ever. It’s time for us to heal. It’s time for us to step into balance. It’s time for us to reclaim our personal power. So I want to get into some common signs that you are disconnected from your divine feminine. You may already be listening and know that, or you may have known that even coming in to listen to this episode. But just in case you’re like, I just want to listen to this, even though I don’t know, I don’t really get this. I want to clarify this for you. So common signs of disconnection. Feeling disconnected from your intuition or your inner wisdom, one of the symptoms of that symptom is just having a really hard time making decisions. Big or small, you just struggle with it. Experiencing burnout from overworking and constant doing without enough just being. Struggling with your self-worth, with loving yourself or nurturing yourself. A sense of lacking creativity or just feeling really like blah and uninspired. Feeling overwhelmed by emotions without knowing how to process them. So take a moment, reflect on, does any of this resonate? Is any of this like, holy shit, that’s me? Why? When did this start? Is this really how you want to be living? Is this where you want to stay? Are you willing to open up and learn about this and reconnect? One of the things that helped me reconnect to the divine feminine when I first was introduced to this idea was being in nature. I just naturally felt pulled to that. And I remember coming back to a session with Sarah Spears and telling her that. And she was like, how interesting that you intuitively were pulled to go outside and put your feet on the earth and just sit. And I had a lunch picnic by myself outside in between work meetings one day. And she was like, you know, it’s a mother earth, right? The earth is nurturing. The earth is a feminine energy. And so I was just like, that’s so cool. So that really helped me also dance. I’ve shared before on the podcast that dance is really something I love doing. I don’t know that I’m super good at it, but at this point I really don’t care. It’s just an art that I love. I loved dancing as a young girl. I used to be in ballet. ballet, and hip hop, and jazz, and modern dance, and expressive dance, and all these different things. I just loved it. So when I even just kick the kids out and send them off with Brian and turn on music and dance in my living room, I feel so connected to my divine feminine. When I was single, I would practice tapping into my divine feminine energy by doing a divine feminine meditation. getting dressed and taking myself out and going to sit at a restaurant or a nice wine bar or something. And I would just sit in my divine feminine power. And there would be a visceral difference between how people, men and women, but especially men, treated me, looked at me, talked to me, responded to that. It’s very, very powerful. So I really began to play with this. And it was so empowering, so good. I want to help you reclaim your divine feminine power. And so the first thing we need to do, like step one, is cultivating awareness of it. Become more aware of your inner world. Listen to your intuition. Try to notice it. See if you can find its voice among the mess that we create inside of ourselves, right? And it becomes so hard to hear it, but it’s there. Recognize your emotions. Notice what you need and honor those needs. I would even just encourage you, let’s just do this right now. Let’s take a minute and just do like a short mindfulness thing here. I want you to, if you’re not driving, close your eyes if you can. Take a deep breath. Put one hand on your heart and one on your belly. Tune into your body. And tune into your emotions in this moment. And ask yourself, what do I need in this moment? And just see what comes up. And you can always pause and continue to do that. But even just that alone, that is awareness. That’s giving space for the divine feminine. You’re not even giving space, but you’re in the divine feminine energy when you do what I just did. It’s as simple as that. The next step is really embracing self-love and self-compassion. So self-love, of course, so over-talked about, but so under-practiced, right? The divine feminine energy is the nurturing energy. So nurture yourself. It’s not about just like, oh, self-love. It’s truly about having compassion, having empathy for yourself, seeing yourself for everything you’re doing, and how amazing you are, and how far you’ve come, and really just taking care of yourself. It’s as simple as sitting down earlier than you normally would at the end of a long day. As simple as, you know, turning the TV off. Because while it might feel good in the moment to numb out, it’s not really what’s going to support you. And just drinking some tea and reading a book or listening to something peaceful and going to bed early. Whatever you need. It’s about nurturing yourself and what you need. Think about the healthy, divine, maternal energy of taking care of you when you’re sick, and getting you what you need, and having you take some medicine or vitamins that might taste really nasty but are good for you. It’s like that. So maybe you have a daily self-nurturing ritual, like a morning affirmation. Or if you’ve never heard of mirror work, I would highly recommend the book Mirror Work by Louise Hay. Just some sort of nurturing practice each day. It can just take a minute. Step three is tapping into your creativity. So your feminine, the divine feminine is like, really comes from your sacral chakra. If you look at the chakra system, the chakra body system, the divine feminine energy is like sexuality and creativity is coming from the sacral chakra. It comes from the same place. So exploring creative outlets that make you happy is so tuning into the divine feminine. And it can be really simple, like journaling, painting, coloring, dancing, going for a walk, and listening to just like super girly music that makes you happy, makes you feel super girly. This is the reason that I love skincare and makeup. I literally have fallen so in love with it. I feel so feminine when I am taking care of my skin. I love like trying new lip products and new serums and face masks and all these things. It is literally so fucking fun to me because it puts me directly in my divine feminine and What’s really interesting, and I’m actually just realizing this now as I’m recording this episode, I didn’t really get into that stuff in terms of in a fun way until I was working with Sarah and started tapping into the Divine Feminine and noticing that I wanted to be outside and that made me tune into it and I started like Sorry, I cannot stop yawning. Oh, my god. I started doing all these fun things, and dancing more, and taking dance classes, and coloring at night, and just tuning into that energy. Makeup and skin care used to be a painful thing for me because I had such bad cystic acne, and I really kind of hated myself and hated my skin. I was covering it. I was hiding. But I’m really just realizing this right now as I’m talking. Holy shit. As I healed the divine feminine and worked through that, my skin cleared that year. And then I started falling in love with, like, it’s so fun to try different serums and all these things. And I love my scarring. I love my scars. I’m OK with it. And so that’s really, honestly, mind-blowing and beautiful to me that I fell in love with something that I used to hate and resent and used to cover up. And now I use it to nurture and love myself. So that’s the vibe. That’s the feminine process, the feminine energy reconnection process. The other thing that’s really huge here is honoring your cycles and rhythms to reconnect with a divine feminine. So we live in a cyclical world on a cyclical earth with cycles everywhere, OK? It is so important to honor natural cycles, whether it is your menstrual cycle, the moon phases, the changing of seasons, the different cycles of life. So little things like resting during menstruation Like, we are in this man’s world where we still have to get up and push. Like, no. setting intentions during the new moon, and clearing and releasing things, and learn about it. I mean, just go ask Chad GPT. Explain the cycles of the moon and how I can honor the divine feminine accordingly. We live in a world that’s so mirroring what we are and what we need. Tune into that and use it to connect with the divine feminine. OK, let’s get a little bit more practical here before. I don’t want to close without getting a little bit more practical. So daily rituals are a great way to integrate all the things I just went over. Slow down. Slow the fuck down and have a daily ritual that is slow and good. So incorporating daily rituals that really honor the divine feminine, like a gratitude practice, being in nature, or just doing something that’s good for your mind or good for you, like the Becoming Her daily ritual. When we make it performative and we enter the masculine energy, we’re really robbing ourselves of so much of the gift of it. Slow down. Enjoy it. Let it be. It’s called a ritual for a reason. It’s supposed to be ritualistic. It’s supposed to be nurturing and calming, not something you’re pushing through and forcing. The other tip I want to give you here is connecting with other women. Even as I say that, I still have a little bit of resistance come up because I have so much trauma around other women. This is called the witch wound. There’s so much there. Oh my God. to heal the divine feminine energy and to heal your relationship with feminine energy and other women. Seek them out. Connect with other women who are aligned, who are on a journey to embrace their divine feminine. And they are out there. Make yourself open to it and set an intention to meet these women, and they will come. Join a women’s circle, a support group online. Join the collective and bring this topic up. There’s so many babes in there that are like, oh my god, yes, I’m working on this. Let’s text. I see it all the time in the collective, women bonding together and becoming friends and keeping each other accountable and just being friends, working on something together. It’s a positive friendship energy, and it’s so healing to the witch wound and to the divine feminine energy and reconnection that we need there. And then the last tip I have here in the practical section is really, like, I couldn’t think of a, I was like, I thought, I wanted to say embodying the goddess. And then I was like, oh, I should retype that. Like, that’s going to sound too weird. People are going to think I’m, like, too much, too weird, too witchy, too woo woo, whatever. And I just was like, no, that’s editing myself, and I don’t do that anymore. So tip number three, embody the goddess. Embody the qualities of the goddess version of yourself, the highest version of yourself in day-to-day life. So this can be standing in your power instead of people-pleasing, speaking your truth instead of just agreeing or being submissive and quietly nodding to make things easier for someone else, or nurturing yourself, nurturing others. That’s embodying the goddess. And so many of you are so good at that already. So this is another thing that I love about the Becoming Her daily ritual is that it is nurturing you. It is nurturing your mind, forming new neural pathways, aligning you with that inner goddess, aligning you with your higher self every single day in just a short amount of time. So if you don’t already have the blueprint, go get it. It’s aliecasaza.com slash TPS. Links TPS for The Purpose Show. Everything is there. Scroll down. Find the Becoming Her blueprint. It will explain the method and the daily ritual and give it to you for free. It is game changing. So we are embracing The Divine Feminine, now that we understand it, we are recognizing the signs of disconnection from her. We are reclaiming our power and integrating the Divine Feminine into daily life through these daily rituals, daily practices. Embrace your inner goddess, my love. Trust yourself. Trust your wisdom and strength. Remember that reclaiming your power is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to alignment and empowerment. I love you. Please share your experience with this journey. Share it on social and tag me. Send me a DM, like whatever feels good. Go in the collective and post about the breakthrough you had from this, if any. Make sure you are subscribed to the podcast wherever you’re listening. Hit subscribe. Leave a review. It helps me so much. Like, do a little good karma and leave a review. It is the lifeblood for podcasters. I love you so damn much. Thank you so much for being here. Cheers to your divine feminine, babe. Hey! Laken said she’s going to check one more thing first.

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