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Transcript BE Episode 5: Setting Energetically Aligned Business Goals

October 3, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Hello, beautiful friends. Welcome back to the Business Energetics Podcast. I’m actually here live. I’ve got an amazing group of beautiful fempreneurs chatting with me, on the call with me here in the Riverside app, which we are trying out today, and we love it. It’s going great so far. Today we’re gonna dive into how to set the right kind of goals in your business. And what I mean by right is goals that align with the energy you want to be in and the energy you wanna see in your life and your business. Goals that allow you to grow your business without relying on willpower and hustle because that is a surefire way to get exhausted. goals are great, but traditional goal setting is something I personally will never mess with again. It has repeatedly burned me out, burned the candles at both ends, and led to so much exhaustion and disappointment for me. It also really just isn’t healthy for that struggle that I’ve had that I’ve shared on The Purpose Show before, where it’s like that performativeness, that like oldest daughter syndrome of like, I have to prove my worth, I have to be perfect, everything has to be perfect. Like if I don’t meet a goal and I’m balancing it on willpower, motivation, and performance, it really affects me in a negative way. So I’ve shared before that I will not mess with traditional goal setting ever again, and I mean it. But I want to get into. why and what I’ve been doing instead for quite some time now that’s going amazingly. And it’s based on some of the things that I’ve learned in my most recent two certification programs that I’ve, one that I finished and one that I’m about to finish. And it’s just opened my eyes so much and helped me so much. And I want to share that with you guys. So first let’s talk about the difference between traditional goal setting and energetically aligned goal setting. So traditional goal setting relies on discipline and willpower. It’s very like we’re here, we want to get here and this is how we’re going to do it and you just need to show up and make it happen. Do you want it or not? It’s almost like got this very like masculine energy and not like, oh, masculine energy is bad. It’s not at all. We need that. We need to tap into that and balance it with feminine, but almost like a toxic masculinity vibe where it’s like this like angry screaming CrossFit coach with veins bulging. Like, do you want it or not? Like, you have to push up to make it happen. And it’s like exhausting and it’s not sustainable. So when people solely teach that or that’s like their whole vibe, I need that sometimes. Like, I need a good kick in the ass. regularly, right? But when that’s the only thing that they offer, it’s just not sustainable. And if something is not sustainable, then it is not going to be a long-term solution. And so an energetically aligned goal setting process, that’s going to work with clarity, intention, and it’s going to work with the subconscious mind, which the subconscious mind is responsible for basically everything that you’re doing, like 95 something percent. I think it’s 97.5 percent. of what you are and what you do and your behavior, your habits, your decisions, everything is coming from the subconscious mind. So when we’re working with that, we are really getting to the root and we’re able to actually see change and we’re not having to push or try hard. So honestly, like every time I say that and every time I talk about it, I just get so excited and feel like expanded and like, oh, my God, tell me more, even though I already know what I’m going to say and I’m already doing this because it just sounds so good. And I want you to know, like this is not too good to be true. This is absolutely how things get to be. And so let’s get into that. So so many fempreneurs that I work with, whether they’re in a CEO club or private clients, Um, over the many, I’m God, I’ve been doing business coaching, I think for like five or six years now out of the like nine years that I’ve been in business. Um, but so many of these fempreneurs set goals that are driven by external pressure, societal expectations. So meaning like, Oh, I should be making this much money in my business by now. or I should be, this is the next thing I’m supposed to do. Or they make these goals out of fear of failure. They need to have this goal met because if they haven’t met it, then it means they failed. So that’s why, that’s what’s driving their goals. And having goals set in this way leads to stress, to burnout, and to self-sabotage. Because you are telling yourself you need to do something, and you’re going about accomplishing it in a very unsustainable way, and that is going against your subconscious programming. And your subconscious mind will reject whatever does not align with its programming, no matter what you do. The only way to shift your habits and behaviors in a true, long-lasting, sustainable way is to reprogram your subconscious mind. traditional goal setting is usually focused on how to achieve the goals and relies on sheer discipline. Okay, but this does not work when your energy isn’t aligned with the goal or when the goal itself is unclear or just not what you need. It’s not aligned with what you really want and your subconscious mind knows what it is you really desire and what you’re programmed for. So energetically misaligned goals are just going to repeatedly create frustration because your subconscious mind is not on board. You cannot trick your, like you can’t beat your subconscious programming. You can reprogram it, but you can’t just like leave it there and then do something else and like beat it. It, it, it says it’s literally impossible. So. The key to setting the right business goals is really looking at clarity over willpower so willpower, of course, is relying on that motivation relying on force relying on. your desire and your actionability, because I’m making up new words today, to make the thing happen. But clarity is having crystal clear vision of what it is that you want. So the most successful business goals are born from clarity around where it is you want to go, not from forcing yourself to get to the next level that you think you should be at or forcing yourself to work harder or longer or get more. Okay. The other thing, the other keys, there’s two keys here, clarity over willpower, and number two is focusing on toward motivated goals. So there’s two types of motivation and goals. The first one is an away motivated goal. I’m saying away, like get away from me, an away motivated goal. Away motivated goals focus on what you wanna escape from. So it’s focused on what you do not want, like I don’t wanna be in debt anymore. Okay, but instead, a toward motivated goal is gonna focus on what you actually want to have, achieve, receive, build, create, whatever. So instead of, I don’t wanna be in debt anymore, I wanna generate financial abundance because by nature, having financial abundance is going to just naturally stop the, the overflow of money is just gonna naturally obliterate the debt. Okay? So what you really want is to feel abundant. You want to feel financially free. So instead of focusing on what you don’t want any more of, because when you focus on that, it expands by the law of increase, we’re going to focus on what it is that you want to have, that you already have it, and we’re going to focus on that. And then we’re going to map out how to create it and focus on reprogramming our subconscious minds in alignment with the type of person that we would be if we had that. Tell me in the chat, guys, is that resonating? Does that make sense? Any questions so far? We can edit out the pauses, so take your time. Did I mostly ask a question so I could take another sip of champagne?

SPEAKER_00: Yeah.

SPEAKER_01: But if you have a question, please share it.

SPEAKER_00: OK, good. Good, good, good.

SPEAKER_01: If you are typing a question, if you have anything you need, type it and I will pause and answer. It only makes the episode better. So I appreciate it. Yes, I feel like I totally make goals that are away motivators to get me away from debt or stress. Yes. And OK. We’re going to you can cut that out, Brian, and then we’re going to start again right here. OK, so Ali in the chat just said, I feel like I totally make goals that are a way motivated to get away from debt or stress. Yes. So. Again, when we’re doing that, all you are doing is highlighting, perpetuating, and calling in more of the thing you’re so focused on not wanting, because it’s just, it’s where you’re putting your attention. Your attention, your energy, your focus is so powerful. Your imagination is probably the most powerful tool you have in your toolkit, ever. And right beneath that is your attention and your intention. And to imagine something, you have to place your attention on it, right? You’re getting intentional about what you’re focusing on and what you’re creating in your imagination. So they go hand in hand. So when you’re focusing on what you don’t want, you’re creating a picture in your subconscious mind of that and putting attention on it and literally calling in more of it to you. So we screw ourselves over and it’s so annoying. But okay. Let’s get a little bit deeper into these two types of business goals, the away and the toward. So away motivated goals are rooted in lack and fear or escaping something undesirable. So another example could be, I don’t want to be broke anymore. I need more clients to survive. So even though that one, that last one wasn’t a, I don’t want this anymore, it was still rooted in fear and lack. I need more clients to survive. The energy and kind of like the emotion coded into that sentence is definitely not abundance and peace and the energy that you want to be in. Okay? Away-motivated goals create more frustration because they take your energy, your very powerful resource of your focus, and puts it on what you don’t want, expanding it. So in business, these goals can kind of show up symptomatically as like hustling for survival. and pushing and doing and like, I gotta go get it, I gotta do the grind, rather than building your business from a place of clarity, clear-headedness, abundance, peace, groundedness. So you’re putting all of this physical, mental, emotional, energetic attention on something from a place of lack. you are literally building a business on sand. You’re building a business on lack, on fear, on running away from something instead of in abundance and peace and a safe knowing that if you want it, it’s yours, it’s coming for you. And on running toward what you desire. So when we do that with our energy, we are literally building up businesses that are gonna keep us in the energy we built them from. So toward motivated goals, those are driven by what you do want and what you’re building with very clear and very specific outcomes. So an example of a toward motivated goal might be, I want to create consistent 10K months while working in flow. I would like, that’s just off the top of my head, like I would like you to get more specific with that, like what does it look like to work in flow? But the initial goal, like the header statement of that goal can be that’s fine, okay? Or I’m building a business that allows me to impact women in every country. That’s pretty specific. You know where you wanna go and then we can break it down and work backwards from there. Okay, so now that we’ve gotten clarity on the away and the toward motivated goals let’s get into more the role of the subconscious mind right. So your subconscious mind controls most of your, almost all of your actions, your beliefs, and your habits. So if your goals feel unsafe or unfamiliar, you are gonna sabotage yourself. No matter how consciously you want a result, you want to have more clients, you want to create this amount of revenue in your business every month, you want to have this many followers on social media, whatever, if it’s, unsafe or unfamiliar to your subconscious mind. Which, think about it, if you’ve never made $10,000 months, that’s unfamiliar. So even though you have this big craving and you desire to create that, it’s unfamiliar to your subconscious mind. So it is automatically going to reject it. Because to the subconscious mind, familiar equals safe. Unfamiliar equals threat. So it’s going to reject what it thinks is not good for you. Business growth, most of the time, means stepping into new territory, which triggers that unfamiliarity response. It triggers discomfort and it triggers resistance and sabotage by the subconscious mind, whose job is to serve you. But the subconscious mind is actually not a mind at all, it is a computer. And computers operate purely on their programming, right? Based off their programming. So if your subconscious mind is programmed that $10,000 months is not familiar, it’s going to label it as unsafe and try to protect you. And you will resist and reject anything that would bring you to those $10,000 months. You can read all the right books. You can even work with, you know, a coach. You could do something that’s like, okay, I’m taking this risk. I’m going to make some. I’ve done this. I’ve worked with a coach that was not a good coach and I didn’t understand this at all. And they just wanted to give me the strategy. And I did everything right. And it didn’t work. Or One time it did work, but it didn’t last, because I self-sabotaged it, because this was not, we didn’t deal with the subconscious programming. This is why this is the real work, and this is the only way to create a new self, a new identity, a new life, is to work with the subconscious mind, because you’ll never beat it. And we don’t want to. We want this to come organically, right? So, okay. Let’s get into some examples here. So I really want you guys to understand this piece. Let’s say, so let’s say, let’s go back to the goal of you want to hit consistent $10,000 months in your business. You feel excited at first, right? And you’re like, okay, I’m going to do this, like I can see it. You kind of play with that picture in your head and you’re like, oh my God, I’m going to do this. But pretty soon you find yourself avoiding the tasks that you need to do, like showing up on social media. or pitching clients or creating new offers. You either start avoiding it and procrastinating it or getting kind of perfectionistic or you might even manifest a physical illness that knocks you on your ass and you like can’t work for X amount of days or weeks or create a block on social media where like your account gets hacked and shuts down or something like that. Why? Because hitting that goal of $10,000 a month means stepping into a new level of visibility and responsibility, which feels unfamiliar and is now labeled as a threat to your subconscious mind. And it will do whatever it needs to do to keep you safe as it perceives safety, no matter what that means. To shift this, you can start impressing the idea of making $10,000 months consistently into your subconscious mind by visualizing it and make sure that you’re not just seeing, you’re like, what would you see? What would you hear? What would you feel? You might see the alerts on your lock screen of sales coming in. You might hear the click of the keypad as you log into your banking app. and then you see how much money is in your account, or the $10,000 is your total that you made that month. You might feel relief, joy, ecstasy, excitement, abundance. And so you’re visualizing it with your senses, okay? That impresses the idea that $10,000 a month is actually okay. It’s safe, it’s familiar, and it becomes familiar to your unconscious. You can also affirm it daily through your, with your voice, with your words. And then taking small aligned actions as you work on that programming that’s gonna get you to those 10K months. So like making one offer a day or pitching one client a day, okay? Doing 30 days of live streams to grow your social media audience, whatever, okay? Example two, it’s not directly money, because I don’t want all the examples to be about revenue. Let’s say that you want to expand your team, okay? You want to hire your first VA to help you scale and to take you out of some of the admin work that you just don’t need to be doing, okay? But you find yourself procrastinating and kind of like messing with your money and making less money because you’re not doing the work that you need to do to make the money you’ve been making and you’re just kind of messing with what it is that you want to do and you’re messing with the pathways that would get you there. Maybe you’re also like doubting whether you’re really ready to take the step. Oh, look, the business is I don’t know. I don’t know if I can do this now. OK, the subconscious mind is resisting because being a boss and delegating work and trusting someone else with pieces of your business is new and it feels safer to stay in your comfort zone and have everything being done by you because you can control you. You can’t control another person. So unfamiliar, unsafe, sabotage. So to shift this, begin really small. Delegate one task to a contractor. You create a job description, you go on Freelancer or Fiverr and you create a job description and you just familiarize yourself with the idea of being a leader in your business. You see people applying, responding to your ad, your post on an ad. It’s a post on these platforms. And you begin to do the same thing that I said with the revenue. You’re visualizing this going well. You’re visualizing yourself. What would you see? Maybe you see the email filling up as you type, and you hear the keyboard clicking with your keys, emailing this person with instructions. Maybe you see the task getting checked off the list in a message from this person. Hey, here it is. It’s done. Let me know if you want any changes. Maybe you see yourself skimming it and giving some feedback and asking for some changes. Like, what would you feel? You feel that relief. You feel like, damn, I did it. I’m a boss. Like, this is good. So you’re familiarizing yourself, and then you’re also doing something to get yourself closer to making that happen by posting on the website that you have a need. And this is also a really, really great suggestion and something that I give to clients a lot is don’t hire somebody. Just give them the job. Hire them for the one task. Don’t commit to hiring somebody to be your VA. Just give them a task. You can give them your login to one thing, give them one task, and then see how it goes. And then give them a few more if you like them. And over time, after they’ve done however many tasks you want them to do, maybe you’re like, hey, can we just do a retainer? Can we just do a VA? What does your packages look like? and go from there. Takes the pressure off, but you’re still taking action and you’re still working to familiarize your subconscious mind with delegation. Okay? Champagne sip, everyone. Karen, you’re in my head. Yes, I am. Oh my God. Phoebe, are you good? The loudest pet in the world. OK, let’s get back into it. OK. So now let’s get into the steps that I want you to take to set energetically aligned business goals. There are six steps that I’ve outlined for us. Step number one. This is so overstated, but people really suck at doing this. So I’m going to say it again. Get super fucking clear on what you truly want. Take time, like look at your business, reflect on it. Reflect on what success looks like for you in your business. And then visualize and write down the exact outcomes that you want and be specific. So example, I want to launch a course that brings in $50,000 by the end of quarter four of this year. I want to book four new pay-in-full clients by the end of December 2024. I want to have 1,000 members in my membership by the end of quarter two 2025, whatever it is, okay? So get super clear. The bonus points. Get, not even bonus points, no, fuck that, mandatory, by Allie, to you, okay? Get really clear on those three things. What would you see if you had it? So let’s take this example of I wanna launch a course that brings in 50K by the end of quarter four. Let’s say that’s your goal. What would you see when you have that? I would see the $50,000 in my payment platform. I would see it moving over to my bank account. I would see those numbers. Okay, great, I would see all the new students logging in. I would see, maybe there’s a Facebook group attached to your course and you see people commenting and introducing themselves and excited to start the program. What would you see? What would you hear? I would hear the sound of my partner, my husband, my bestie, my kids, whoever, celebrating, cheering, being like, oh my God, I can’t believe you did it. This is amazing. Like, I would hear the popping of champagne. I would hear celebrating. I would hear me calling my mom to tell her I did it. What would you hear? And what would you feel? What would you be feeling? Relief, joy, excitement, shock, possibility, like I did it, okay? Step number two to setting aligned business goals. Avoid away motivated business goals. So if you’re setting goals, like I don’t wanna struggle for clients anymore. Or, I want to be out of debt. I want to be debt free. Catch yourself and reframe. Focus on goals that reflect what you want to create. Like, I am attracting high value clients effortlessly. And then I want you to define what makes a client high value in your opinion and what does effortless look like and feel like and sound like to you. or I am building financial abundance with ease. I really like the word overflow. I actually have a gold necklace that I custom ordered that has little letters and it says overflow on it because that was my word for the year a couple of years ago and I just I want to find that and wear it again because it’s Overflow naturally obliterates stress, anxiety, debt, and problems. So overflow is the vibe. So I’m building, I’m creating financial overflow with ease. And then define what does overflow look like? How much money is that? How often is that money coming in? What does ease look like, feel like, sound like? Kind of get the vibe. And so step three is to go deeper into toward motivated goals. Define your goals like, I want to grow my email list to 5,000 engaged subscribers by December 1st. Or I want to book five speaking engagements that pay me $5,000 each by the end of this year. Make sure your goals are positive, that they’re ethical, that they’re clear, and that they are aligned with your vision for your business and that you are not making them because you think you have to or you should. Number four, we’re going to work on aligning the subconscious mind with this goal. So start small. Just begin to familiarize your subconscious with the new reality. by visualizing it every day, affirming it with your words to yourself and as you speak to other people. Don’t speak negatively about yourself, about your business, about what you’re creating. Words are so impactful. And taking these daily, small, inspired action steps like we’ve been talking about. So for example, if your goal is like you’re working towards increasing your income, start by visualizing yourself easily making that money every month. and then take aligned action like creating a higher ticket offer than you normally have. Or going live twice a week to call in new people. Create a series on Instagram to build some hype around your offer. Okay? Step five. Step five, visualize and feel your success. You have to, have to, have to. No, scratch that. You get to, get to, get to. Make visualization a daily practice. Close your eyes and feel the feelings of already having achieved your goal. This truly tricks your subconscious mind into accepting the new reality as safe, and it cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality. So it thinks you’re doing this, and it’s like, oh, we’re safe. So when you’re imagining it, you might feel fear and resistance. You might have trouble visualizing it clearly. Keep sitting with it. Keep trying. Keep coming back to it. because it is familiarizing your subconscious mind with this, which helps avoid the sabotage cycle that we’re all so sick of. Step six. Excuse me. Step six is take inspired aligned action. So instead of forcing progress through discipline and motivation and that angry veins bulging CrossFit coach energy, right? Take inspired action that actually feels good and feels really aligned with your vision and what you want. So example, instead of forcing yourself to cold pitch 100 clients, start by building relationships and networking in an authentic way on social media with a handful of potential, of people online that have your potential clients in their audience. And it doesn’t need to feel gross or slimy or sleazy or annoying. It gets to feel really good. And you get to find ways to make that, to make it feel really good. I’ve created something for you guys. It’s called the Fempreneur Goal Setting Blueprint. And it’s it’s so good. I’m going to pull it up right now because I want to tell you guys about it. It’s like 11 bucks. So super low cost, really easy. It is basically a step-to-step guide to creating really clear, toward motivated, aligned goals for women who are just done fucking around with their businesses and want to like get super clear and know and see the path clearly. to where they want to go. So you’re going to get really clear on what you want and I’m going to help prompt you and prompt your subconscious mind into familiarity with defining your vision. And there’s action steps and prompts. We’re going to identify a specific goal and create action steps and prompts and examples listed in this workbook for you. We’re gonna get so clear and actually be taking action just by filling out the workbook. And that’s not even like taking action on what you fill out on the workbook. So there’s a lot of action and a lot of like forward movement coming from this blueprint, this workbook that I’ve made for you guys. We’re shifting from away to toward motivated goals and I’m helping you get clear on that. Identifying where there are away motivated goals that are really messing with you, messing you up. OK, we’re going to reframe our goals. We’re going to visualize the success and shift what our comfort zone is. You actually don’t want to get out of your comfort zone. You just want to shift what your comfort zone is. So when people are like, get out of your comfort zone, that’s actually not going to work. It’s actually like not going to help your subconscious mind. It’s not you’re not going to stay out there and grow that way. You want to shift what your subconscious mind defines as your comfort zone. And that’s the biggest life hack of all. That’s what successful people do. That’s what they know. Okay, then we’re gonna set an aligned action plan. So when I say we’re breaking this goal down into the steps that you need to take to get there, what does that even mean? We’re mapping out those steps and getting really clear on what feel good action even looks like for you. And there’s specific subconscious mind prompts that I have in this workbook to help you do that. And then we’re gonna look at what are the habits that this version of you that has this goal already achieved, what are the habits that she does that made this goal inevitable? And we’re going to get really clear on that and break that down into like your daily routine. And it’s going to feel so good, you’re going to want to do it. You’re not going to need to use willpower for that. We’re going to cover potential blocks. And there’s subconscious prompts that I have in this workbook to help you identify those. And then we’re going to align, we’re going to act, and we’re going to adjust as we go. And I’m going to walk you through all of that. So that is gonna be, all of the links I mentioned on the show are gonna be at aliecasaza.com slash BE links. So BE, like, be good, okay? BE links. Everything is gonna be there. I will link that for you. It’s only 11 bucks and it is in depth and I’m really proud of it. It’s really great. Oh, thank you, baby. Okay, so. Okay, so let’s remember what we just went over. We are no longer relying on willpower and force. We are no longer setting goals that we feel like we should meet or have to get to. We are done with traditional goal setting and we are saying yes to energetically aligned goal setting, okay? We are not going to do the old way because it’s selling ourselves short and it’s unsustainable and it doesn’t work. Okay. We’re going towards motivated goals, not away. Motivated goals. Okay. And we are getting clear on what we want. We are moving away from those negative focused goals and moving toward motivated goals like we said. We’re aligning the subconscious mind. We’re visualizing and feeling our success. And we’re taking inspired, feel good, aligned action. Okay. I want to encourage you guys, reflect on your own goals and ask yourselves, is this in a way a motivated goal or a toward motivated goal? Go get the workbook. It’s $11 for Pete’s sake. It’s going to support you so much. And I invite you to implement this workbook, implement this episode, implement this process of goal setting in your business starting today. Please don’t just listen to this and get inspired and do nothing. So let me give you a call to action right now. Go get the Fempreneur’s Goal Setting Blueprint, first of all. Second of all, while you wait for that, grab a pen and a journal and write out your top three toward motivated business goals. And really challenge yourself, like cognitively, to shift the way you normally think about your goals and make sure they’re toward motivated. And please, like, share them. Post them on social media. Post them to your Instagram story to keep yourself accountable and put them out there in the universe. And tag me and I will give your business a boost and reshare it. For feedback, accountability, like, if you don’t want to share publicly, DM me. But do something with this and take action. All right. I love you guys. Miranda says it’s $11 because it’s so good. You can’t just give it away for free. Exactly. Exactly. I was like, shit, I got to do something with this. I love you guys so much. Thank you for being here and doing this episode with me. Please make sure you share your workbook, share your three goals, share something, put it out there into the universe, tag me. I want to see it. I want to support you. I want my amazing women on Instagram to go see you and see your page and follow you too. I love you. Have an amazing day. Woohoo! We did it. How’s everyone feeling? Does anyone have anything coming up? Does anyone like need to talk through something? Have a question? It doesn’t even need to be about goals, guys. Like if you just have like a strategy question or something’s been just like bugging you about business. Let’s talk. I feel like we need some music. I don’t know if this will let me like. Oh, good. I’m so glad you feel relieved. Leticia, that’s the vibe. Just like playing with this platform. Oh. Does this let you guys hear? Sorry, I’m just playing with this. Oh, Steph, I’m so glad. Danielle, I see you. Let me get to that. I’ll just turn the music off, it’s being weird. OK, Danielle. Growing my Instagram, I’m having a hard time showing up there. OK, yes. Let’s get to that. OK, so Danielle is saying that she is wanting to grow her Instagram. She’s having a hard time showing up there. And then she adds, over the last few days, I have been more consistent, but I just dislike Reels so much. OK, Danielle. So first of all, let me just I’m going to spit some things out for you, OK? When you I’m glad you said specifically Reels, because the first thing that comes to mind is There is no reason that anyone would have a distaste for reels themselves. Only the way you think reels need to look or the way you are assuming that you need, like, for example, if you think I have to get my phone out and film myself recording. and talk, and have talking points, and then edit that down, and add music, and add text, and blah, blah, blah, then, of course, then you might think, I hate that, okay? But there’s no reason that you would have an actual repellent energy in yourself towards a reel itself. And a reel can be an image, stagnant, with text over it. It doesn’t even have to be a video and it certainly doesn’t have to be a specific video like you talking or you doing something. There are plenty of ways to create reels that tell the algorithm, hey, she’s doing reels, let’s push this without doing reels the way you think you have to do them in a way that doesn’t feel good to you. So that’s the first thing. The second thing is, Danielle, in terms of this conversation that we’ve been having tonight with the subconscious mind and the programming and all of that, what the work would be for you is actually not pushing through and just making yourself show up, but visualizing the audience coming to you, visualizing it growing, seeing the numbers increase, seeing yourself showing up and creating whatever type of content, whatever type of content feels good for you, whatever you want, you don’t have to do reels, whatever you want, and seeing that going really well, seeing people engaging, seeing new people find your stuff, seeing yourself like researching and understanding, you know, keywords and Hashtags and just feeling really confident and creating content and it feeling so good. And the right people just being called in and finding you and that number growing, the audience growing, people messaging you like, I’m so glad I found you. This is so great. You’re amazing. How can I work with you? And like you’re really visualizing it. And really see your, so the result, yes, but also visualize yourself taking action to familiarize your subconscious mind with this is normal, we do this, we create content, we post, we do this, this is familiar, this is normal, this is safe. So visualizing yourself creating and it feeling really good, feeling accomplished, you know, whatever it is, okay? Affirming that, like this is just my job, this is part of my life now. I do this, I show up, I create content, it’s something that I do every day, it’s just part of who I am. And you’re visualizing this new self-concept, this new version of yourself, this new identity where this is a part of who you are and this is a part of your life and it’s so regular and typical for you. And you’re seeing the results, and it’s going so well. So that’s the reprogramming work. Then on a strategy and a practical level, I definitely want to draw your attention to the fact that you don’t need to do reels if you don’t want to. And it’s probably not the reels themselves, but the way you think you have to do them that doesn’t feel good. Good. I’m so glad. Does anybody else have anything? I’m so excited for tomorrow. I need to fix this page. I might just work on it right now while we hang out. This is really good. I got almond champagne from like a local winery. And it’s really good. And it reminds me of home, like where I grew up in Temecula is like the Southern California wineries. Um, Brian and I got married up there. Like it’s, it’s really fun. It’s really pretty. It’s a big deal out there. And there’s a winery called Wilson Creek and they make almond champagne and it’s like famous out there. Like everybody knows what it is. So many stores carry it and it’s so yummy. It’s like the only sweet drink that I like. And, um, I saw that this place out here in, um, Phoenix had an almond champagne. I’m like, Oh my God, I got to try. And it is so good. It reminds me of home. So I knew I had to buy a bottle and try it for tonight. Leticia, thank you for coming. Yeah, girl, you need to try Riverside. I hated them before, but they have added so much. I came back like I canceled everything and I I really disliked this platform. And they made a lot of changes and they listen to their customers feedback. And it is so sublime now, like it is above everyone else. I am obsessed. So definitely recommend. OK, babes. Yeah, it makes editing very easy. OK, so here’s the vibe. Launch day for this podcast is tomorrow. please, please, please, please, please, reshare stuff, leave a review. If you leave a review, you get entered to win a one-on-one coaching call with me. Okay, everyone that leaves a review. So go leave a review and then take a screenshot and just DM it to me. That’s how you enter, that’s all you need to do. And then you get entered three times instead of one time if you leave a review and you share the show and tag me. So I’m keeping a list, a digital list, and Laken and I are going to have this randomizer online pick a winner. And there’s not a lot of people that actually step up and do this. So the odds of you winning are really high. It’s a 60-minute, one-on-one coaching call. OK. I’m so excited. Thank you so much for being here with me, you guys. I love each and every one of you so much. It’s so much more fun to record with like an audience. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you for your support tomorrow. I’m so looking forward to this. I love you. Have an amazing night. And thank you for being here. Bye, babes.

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Allie Casazza

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