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Transcript Episode 388: Turn the Dial: How to Shift Your Energy NOW

October 4, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

hi, friend

Feel like you need a total revamp?


The Becoming Her Blueprint leverages neuroscience and proven strategies to help you rewire your habits and mindset, empowering you to systematically transform your life and become the next level version of yourself.

Hi, my friend. Welcome back to the Purpose Show podcast. Coming in hot with a pep talk. We’re going to talk about how you can shift your energy now by turning it like a dial, kind of like you set your air conditioner. So let’s get into it. I want to start out by inviting you to pause and tune into yourself in this moment. Just take a minute. You don’t need to close your eyes or anything if you can’t right now, but just tune into yourself in this moment. What are you embodying? What is the prominent emotion or energy going on with you right now. This is being mindful. This is just self-awareness. This is the act of getting mindful. I bet you haven’t even done that today. Maybe you haven’t done that in a week or months or ever. You always have an opportunity to just tune into yourself and feel And then you’re in charge of that. You’re in charge of what you’re embodying, so you can shift it. So the more prominent question I want to ask is, what energy or emotion are you embodying most of the time? What are you embodying most of the time? Is it stress, negativity, frustration, just like resistance to everything because nothing is going the way you want? Or are you embodying peace, an abundant growth mindset, alignment with your higher self? Here’s the biggest takeaway. You do not get what you want. You get what you are. you get more of what you are being. So whatever you’re embodying now, it’s not set in stone. You do have the power to shift it and it’s actually really easy. So if you are getting a lot of what you are embodying and you want to get better things, embody something better. So, When you get present and you go within and you reflect on what state you’re embodying right now, it is an alignment. Sorry. Is it in alignment with what you want or is it something that feels off or anxious or heavy? What is it? If it’s not something that you, that aligns with what you want, then that is why, that is the sole reason why you are not getting the results, the life, the body, the money, the relationships, whatever that you want. What you embody internally is mirrored in your external reality. It is, you cannot get around this. It is universal law. It is a fact. And when you really understand that, you can begin to use it in your favor and get more aware of it. Instead of just going through your day, not being aware, and literally creating your external reality through your internal reality without even recognizing it. Because you’re doing it all the time. You don’t have to try. Again, it’s just universal law. But if you get aware and you do be more intentional with this, you have the ultimate life hack. If you’re constantly embodying stress, a state of chaos, frustration, that’s what’s going to show up in your life. More stress, more reasons to stress, more chaos, more reacting to everything, more reasons to be frustrated. OK? So I want to kind of introduce this analogy to you. Think of your embodiment, so what you are embodying, the energy you are embodying at any given moment, like a dial, similar to adjusting the AC in your home or the temperature of your house, OK? Hot or cold, you can turn the dial. Just like you can turn that dial on your AC for more comfort, you can turn the dial on your energy and shift what you are embodying that easily. It is a choice. So when you realize you’re embodying something that just doesn’t feel good and you know, well, I don’t want to be like this anymore because I don’t want to get more things that don’t feel good because I know I’m going to get what I am, not what I want. then you can make a conscious choice to adjust that embodiment dial. So it’s about getting really intentional and putting your focus on deliberately shifting to a better feeling state, a more aligned energy. And what I mean by that is an emotion, an energy, a vibe that feels more aligned with how you want to feel. So practical example. If you’re feeling really overwhelmed, you can literally turn the dial toward ease. If you feel stuck, you can turn it toward flow or momentum. You do get to choose your energy. So a part of taking action on this and really getting into a place of sort of like effortless embodiment and making it as easy as turning the dial is understanding the subconscious mind. So your subconscious holds the patterns that dictate your like default action, your default state of being. So most of the time you’re operating from your unconscious habits and belief systems that reinforce what you’re currently embodying. So the good news is you can rewire your subconscious mind so that the new embodiment becomes just as effortless as the current embodiment that you don’t want anymore. Okay. Cause you’re not even, you weren’t even aware of it really in this moment until I pointed it out to you and I showed you how to get self-aware, right? That was effortless. You were effortlessly embodying something so you can effortlessly embody what is it going to attract what you really want. just as easily if you focus on rewiring the subconscious mind. And that’s what I do. I’ve been doing these consultations. You can book them at the link in my Instagram bio if you would like. And I’ll also link it at the aliexpress.com slash TPS links URL for you guys as well. They’re like 99 bucks. And it’s just a consultation to access your subconscious mind and get what is like a map of what needs to be programmed in and what needs to be programmed out in order for you to align with your goal, like what you really want, the problem you want to solve. Once you’re rewired, you won’t have to make conscious choices all the time. It’ll happen naturally. So side note, after the consultation, if you want to work with me, there are several packages. I feel like they’re priced really well at this point in time because I’m really just trying to build up a clientele. They’re like three months in length and they’re awesome. I only take like a handful of clients at a time. I’ve got a couple of spaces open right now. So go to that link, the TPS links URL on my website if you want to go book a neural energetic wiring consultation. They’re amazing. And it’s $99. You don’t have to work with me after, but I will tell you what the plan is if you would like to move forward. Or you can go and do your own journey and try to do that yourself. But my point here is that this is where my work comes in. This is where the work comes in. Rewiring your subconscious through mindset work, visualization, EFT, and all these other tools, neural energetic encoding, anchoring, all these different things. This is how you embody naturally what you want to become, and you make it second nature. So once the subconscious mind is in alignment with what you want, the new embodiment flows without constant effort. You are not relying on willpower or motivation. When you’re relying on willpower and motivation, the second that one thing happens that like interrupts your effort, you’re back to, you’re operating out of your subconscious programming. And if that subconscious programming is not in alignment with how you want to feel and be and what you want to get in life, you’re just going to go back to where you were. It should never be coming from effort. You shouldn’t be having to try to embody something better. It needs to be reprogrammed so that it is just who you are. So once you’ve set that embodiment dial to where you want it, you need to align your actions and what you do every day, so like your routines, to support that embodiment. It’s not just about shifting your mindset or shifting your energy. It’s about structuring your days to match that higher aligned frequency. So for example, going back to what I always go back to, your morning ritual. Starting your day with practices that reflect your chosen embodiment. So doing the Becoming Her daily ritual every day. 25 minutes of embodying that flow. getting to a state of gratitude, embodying abundance, moving your body, stretching, journaling, activating all those different cognitive parts of your brain and your mind and forming new neural pathways is all part of turning this dial with ease. Checking in with yourself throughout the day. Making sure you’re staying in alignment with your chosen energy to keep your mind on track and really train it like, hey, no, we’re acting like this now. We’re shifting. We’re making these new neural pathways. And then your environment. You guys know I’ve talked for forever about how much your environment affects you. It affects everything. So creating physical and emotional environments that support the embodiment you want, whether that is decluttering your space and getting more mental clarity or surrounding yourself with more positive influences and listening to positive podcasts and positive music and not hanging out with people who bring you down anymore. If you are embodying ease, structure your day to avoid unnecessary stress. Simplify. Cut your to-do list. Stop making it seem like you have to do all of this stuff by yourself and that you have to do it all now. It’s not helping you embody what you want. You’re calling in, you’re attracting more stress. Create space for a little bit of rest. Avoid over-scheduling. Start setting better boundaries and saying no to shit you need to say no to. there is a definite ripple effect. When you shift your embodiment, life is going to follow that. So again, your external reality is a direct reflection of your internal embodiment. So when you make the shift internally, the external will begin to reflect it. So for example, Shifting from a scarcity energy to embodying abundance. Abundance of everything. Abundance of health. Abundance of opportunities to get healthy. Abundance of money. Abundance of opportunities to receive money. An abundant mindset is like knowing that you get to just receive money, you actually don’t have to work for it. And I know that is like really a mind fuck for so many of you, and that’s OK. But that’s the truth, it is universal law. Abundance of everything, abundance of, there’s always, there’s so many fish in the sea, I will always attract the man of my dreams if that’s what I’m focused on. Abundance of opportunities to connect with your kids, and fun things to do with them, and opportunity to improve those relationships. Shifting from scarcity, there’s never enough, everything sucks, to abundance. There’s always more where that came from. You’re going to start to see more opportunities and flow, whether it’s financially, relationally, whatever, health-wise into your life. Another example is shifting your embodiment from overwhelmed to peace. When you embody calm and peace within, which is a choice, situations that used to feel really overwhelming will become easier to manage and they will fade from your life. It’s not that nothing is ever, you know, negative is ever going to happen or come to you, but you are, embodying peace and calm so that’s what you’re bringing to every situation and your experience in every situation is completely different than it used to be. So let’s do a quick like active shift in your embodiment right now. Let’s do this like guided exercise together and feel free to pause and come back to this if you’re like driving or you feel like you can’t really focus. Okay first I want you to tune in Go back within, get into that place where you’re connecting with yourself. Release any thoughts, just let them go and flow. And then tune in and really just take a second to identify what you’re currently embodying. Feel it and see it and then label it. What is the emotion? What is the energy? What would you call it? And then once you have that, I want you to visualize putting your hand on the dial, the control dial for what you’re embodying, and see yourself turning it to something that feels better, a more aligned emotion and energy, more aligned with the life you want to create, the experiences you want to have. And once you see yourself turning that dial, I want you to imagine yourself living and acting in the rest of your day in that new energy. You can come back to this and repeat this embodiment check every day, multiple times a day, once a week, just whenever you feel like you’re out of alignment. It really is as simple as this. And then you’re taking inspired action moving forward, doing the things that align with that new embodiment you’ve decided on, where you turned that dial. You are in control of what you embody. You have the power to turn the dial, to reprogram your subconscious mind, and align your actions to reflect your desired state. So moving forward, you are not going to let default patterns and old energy run the show. You are going to take action, do what you need to do, take control, shift your embodiment, and live in alignment with what you desire. So remember, everything starts with your internal state. And when you consciously choose your embodiment, the world around you changes in response. You have the power. Use it. And if you don’t believe me or you think this is like woo or whatever, try it, play with it and watch shit shift for real. All right, my loves, alexaza.com slash tpslinks. You’ll get any link that I mentioned here on the podcast, including the link to book one of those consultations with me for neural energetic wiring. It is so impactful. Even just the consultations themselves are impactful, let alone if you choose to work with me moving forward, the packages that we have. Like, you’re literally rewiring shit that’s been keeping you held back for life. It is your life, it is your energy, and your choice. Adjust the dial, take action, align your life with what you truly want. Please make sure to take a screenshot, tag me on Instagram, social media, wherever, and share this show with your friends. Tell them what breakthrough this gave you. Women support women. Thank you for sharing. I love you.

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I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

Allie Casazza

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