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Fear of Being Seen: The Witch Wound

September 26, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Hello, friends! Today, I’m diving deep into a topic that so many of us struggle with—the fear of being seen. This fear can be especially powerful for those of us who are stepping into new, unconventional roles or who feel like we’re carrying the weight of past wounds. Whether it’s fear of judgment, fear of failure, or fear of being “too much,” these worries can hold us back from showing up fully in our businesses and lives. Let’s break it down together.

The Witch Wound: Fear of Being Seen and Judged

In a recent hot seat coaching session, I spoke with Amanda, an incredible organizational coach for neurodiverse women who also teaches esoteric arts like tarot and astrology. Amanda shared her struggle with feeling a catch in her throat when talking about her business in a rural, conservative community. She uses the word “witch” intentionally to reclaim and redefine it, but she fears how this might affect her children. This fear of being “outed” is known as the “witch wound”—a deep, ancestral trauma where powerful women were persecuted for their gifts.

The witch wound isn’t just about witches; it’s about any woman who’s ever been silenced, judged, or shamed for standing in her power. It’s about women who’ve felt the need to hide their true selves to protect themselves and their loved ones. This wound can show up in various forms—fear of criticism, fear of success, fear of not being liked—and it can be paralyzing.

A Personal Story: My Own Witch Wound

Amanda’s story resonated with me deeply. I’ve faced my own fears around being seen, especially after stepping away from the church and navigating the judgment that came with it. I used to have recurring nightmares where I was literally burned at the stake by people I once called friends—symbolic of my fear of being judged and rejected for who I am.

It took a lot of inner work, coaching, and energy healing to move past this fear. And even now, it can pop up in subtle ways, like second-guessing my content or worrying about how my kids might be perceived because of my platform. But each time I face this fear and move through it, I reclaim a piece of my power.

Facing the Fear: A Transformational Process

Here’s how we worked through Amanda’s fear, and how you can start to face your own fears of being seen:

  1. Identify the Fear and its Root: Amanda realized her biggest fear wasn’t about herself but her children. She worried they would become pariahs if people in their community judged her for her work. Acknowledging this fear is the first step. What are you afraid of? Write it down. Get specific.
  2. Challenge the Belief: We often hold limiting beliefs that aren’t true. Amanda felt she wouldn’t be protecting her children if she stood in her truth. But living authentically is one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids. It shows them what it means to honor themselves, regardless of external opinions. What limiting beliefs are you holding on to?
  3. Reframe the Situation: I asked Amanda to think about what she would do if her worst fear came true. Would she leave the community? Homeschool her kids? The point is to recognize that there are always options. Instead of shrinking in fear, consider how you could expand and use your power if faced with adversity.
  4. Embrace the Power of Your Story: We’re not just living our lives for ourselves; we’re also creating a legacy for those who come after us. Amanda’s daughters are watching her live authentically. Her story, her resilience, and her bravery are teaching them to do the same. How can your story empower others?

EFT: Releasing Fear at a Cellular Level

During our session, I guided Amanda through an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) exercise. EFT, or tapping, helps release negative emotions by tapping on specific acupressure points while verbalizing fears and affirmations. It’s a powerful way to shift energy and release blocks. If you’re new to EFT, here’s a simple script you can try:

  1. Karate Chop Point (side of the hand): “Even though I have this fear of being seen, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  2. Eyebrow Point: “I’m afraid of being seen for who I truly am.”
  3. Side of the Eye: “I fear judgment and criticism.”
  4. Under the Eye: “I worry that people will come for me and my family.”
  5. Under the Nose: “It feels unsafe to stand in my power.”
  6. Chin Point: “I’m ready to release these fears.”
  7. Collarbone Point: “I choose to step into my power.”
  8. Under the Arm: “I choose to be seen and heard.”
  9. Top of the Head: “I trust myself and the universe to keep me safe.”

Repeat this process until you feel a shift. You can use EFT anytime you feel fear creeping in and need to release it.

Owning Your Power and Authenticity

It’s time to stop playing small. You are not here to be a watered-down version of yourself. Whether you’re dealing with the witch wound or any other fear of being seen, remember that you have the power to heal and transform not just your own life but the lives of others around you.

Your authenticity is a gift to this world, and when you shine, you give others permission to do the same. So, take up space. Be “too much.” Speak your truth. The right people will be drawn to you, and those who aren’t are not your people. And that’s perfectly okay.

If you’re feeling this deeply and want to dive into more, I’ve created a free worksheet with prompts to help you identify and release your fears of being seen. Download it here.

You’ve got this, and I’m cheering you on every step of the way!

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I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

Allie Casazza

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