The health and fitness industry brings in billions of dollars every year. For something that’s as basic as eating what’s good and moving your body every day, that’s a lot of money. The industry tells us we don’t know how to eat or how to exercise. They tell us we have to do it an exact way or we’ll fail, and that’s why we need their magic pills, vitamins, books, shakes, etc. It’s not true, and getting healthy really is simpler than we act like it is.
Three years ago I discovered minimalism, and it changed my life. I recently started wondering what would happen if I brought the philosophy of minimalism into my health and fitness regime. What would happen if I stopped making goals, planning, obsessing, and just cut the crap and starting doing? A lot happened, and a lot changed very quickly.
In today’s podcast episode, I’m telling you about my experience, and how you can implement a minimalist approach in your eating and exercise habits.
Hint: you’re way more likely to actually reach your goals…
Listen on iTunes here and on SoundCloud here.
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