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Setting Energetically Aligned Business Goals

October 3, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Get the Fempreneur’s Goal-Setting Blueprint

Hello, beautiful friends! Welcome back to the Business Energetics Podcast! I’m so excited to dive into today’s topic because we’re talking all about setting goals that actually feel good and don’t lead to burnout. We’re not talking about the traditional, hustle-driven goal-setting that leaves you exhausted and questioning your worth if you don’t hit your targets. No, thank you! We’re diving into a different approach—one that’s aligned with your energy and allows you to grow your business sustainably and joyfully.

Why Traditional Goal Setting Isn’t Working

First, let’s talk about why traditional goal setting is such a trap, especially for those of us who feel the pressure to always perform. Traditional goal setting is often driven by willpower and discipline. It’s like that angry, screaming CrossFit coach yelling at you to push harder: “Do you want it or not?!” It’s exhausting, unsustainable, and not the vibe we want in our businesses.

When you’re forcing yourself to achieve a goal because you feel like you should, or because you’re trying to keep up with some arbitrary standard, you’re setting yourself up for burnout and disappointment. Trust me, I’ve been there. Traditional goal setting triggered my “oldest daughter syndrome” (proving my worth, trying to be perfect) and left me depleted. It wasn’t healthy or productive.

What is Energetically Aligned Goal Setting?

Energetically aligned goal setting is about creating goals that resonate with your core values and the energy you want to bring into your business. It’s about working with your subconscious mind, not against it, so you’re not relying on willpower alone to get things done. It’s about setting goals that feel expansive and exciting rather than exhausting and overwhelming.

When your goals align with your energy, you’re working from a place of flow and inspiration, not hustle and grind. You’re not forcing things to happen; you’re allowing them to unfold.

The Difference Between Traditional and Energetically Aligned Goals

Traditional Goals:

  • Rely on discipline and willpower.
  • Focus on the “how” more than the “why.”
  • Often driven by external pressures or fear of failure.

Energetically Aligned Goals:

  • Focus on clarity, intention, and subconscious alignment.
  • Come from a place of what feels good and right for you.
  • Are about attracting what you want, not just avoiding what you don’t want.

How to Set Energetically Aligned Goals in Your Business

Here’s how you can start setting energetically aligned goals that actually support you and your business:

1. Get Super Clear on What You Want

Take some time to reflect on what success looks like for you. Visualize and write down exactly what you want to achieve in your business. Be specific! For example, “I want to book four new pay-in-full clients by the end of December” or “I want to generate $50,000 in revenue from my course launch by the end of Q4.”

2. Focus on “Toward” Motivated Goals

Avoid goals that are rooted in fear or scarcity, like “I don’t want to struggle for clients anymore” or “I want to be out of debt.” Instead, reframe these into positive, forward-moving statements like, “I am attracting high-value clients effortlessly” or “I am building financial abundance with ease.”

3. Align Your Subconscious Mind

Start small and begin familiarizing your subconscious mind with your new reality. Visualize your goal daily, speak it out loud, and take small, aligned actions that move you toward that goal. For example, if you want to increase your income, visualize yourself receiving payments and feel the emotions associated with that success.

4. Visualize and Feel Your Success

Make visualization a daily practice. Imagine what it would look, feel, and sound like to have already achieved your goal. This helps your subconscious mind accept your goal as your new reality, reducing resistance and self-sabotage.

5. Take Inspired, Aligned Action

Instead of forcing yourself to do tasks you hate, find ways to achieve your goals that feel good. For example, instead of cold-pitching 100 clients, focus on building authentic relationships with potential clients on social media. This approach feels better and is more sustainable.

Shift Your Comfort Zone, Don’t Step Out of It

A common misconception is that you need to “step out of your comfort zone” to achieve your goals. But the truth is, you don’t need to force yourself into discomfort. Instead, you want to expand your comfort zone to include your new goals. This way, your subconscious mind feels safe and supportive, and you’re more likely to stick to the new habits and behaviors that will lead to your success.

Free Resource for You!

I’ve created a Fempreneur Goal Setting Blueprint to help you get super clear on your business goals and set them in a way that aligns with your energy and values. It’s just $11 and packed with actionable steps, visualizations, and subconscious prompts to support you in creating the business (and life!) you really want.

Download the Fempreneur Goal Setting Blueprint here.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the way you set goals can either support your growth or sabotage it. Traditional goal setting is all about force and hustle, while energetically aligned goal setting is about flow, ease, and creating from a place of abundance. Choose the latter, and watch your business—and your life—transform.

Reflect on your current goals. Are they in alignment with your energy, or are they coming from a place of fear and lack? If it’s the latter, it’s time to make a change. You’ve got this!

If you found this helpful, please share your thoughts or your new goals with me on Instagram! Tag me, and I’ll share it to support you and give your business a boost. Let’s make 2024 the year we stop hustling and start thriving!

I love you all so much! Have an amazing day, and I’ll see you next week! 🌟💖

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I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

Allie Casazza

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