How I Got My Book Deal

In case you missed my live announcement on Instagram… I GOT A BOOK DEAL! ⁣ GUYS! I’M GOING TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! ⁣Things like this can sometimes seem like luck, so I’m sharing a few pieces of what led to this moment you’re seeing in that pic above (that’s the moment I signed my […]

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6 Steps to Overcome Your Paper Clutter


10 Ways to Hit the Reset Button On Your Day


How to Simplify Your Laundry


Silencing the Negativity in Your Life

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A sanctuary for moms who are ready to break free from the hot mess mom culture and create a life they truly love. Here, you'll find an abundance of inspiration, practical tips, and empowering stories that will uplift and motivate you on your journey.

Whether you're seeking ways to simplify your home, find balance in motherhood, pursue your passions, or nurture your own well-being, this is the place to be.

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When it comes to decluttering, so many people get stuck on the hurdles that come up in the process that they procrastinate and never actually take action to kick the clutter. These hurdles can be tiny or big – it doesn’t matter – the point is, they let a problem get in their way and […]

4 Reasons Why – No Matter What’s Going On – You Need to Declutter Your Home Now


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Minimalism can get a bad rap. A lot of times when people think about minimalism they think they need to empty out their homes and live with the bare minimum. That’s just not what I’m about. I’m about simplification, about mindfulness, about purpose. That’s why I’m so intentional about the things I purchase and allow […]

Six Things I Said Goodbye To In Order To Live A Life of Purpose

intentional living

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Why we chose to turn the loft into the school room When we moved into this house, the upstairs loft jumped out at me right away. I’m of the mindset that you can homeschool anywhere, without a designated “school room”, but if you have the space for it, it definitely makes things easier! Even with […]

Our Minimalist Homeschool Room


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Consumerism is a nasty habit. It’s one you don’t realize you’ve formed until you think about it and try not to buy things. That cute candle at Target that smells like cotton candy… you already have four candles in your house, but this one is just too cute and smells way too yummy. Gotta have […]

How to Stop Buying Things You Don’t Need


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Tackling an entire house is a lot. I think we’ve all been the person who got fed up with a cluttered area, pulled everything out of the closet, then halfway through got sick of cleaning and discouraged by how much worse everything looked and didn’t follow through. I’m going to show you how to take […]

Minimalism: How to Get Started


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