Simplify Your Homeschool

September 10, 2020

I'm allie

I'm here to shake things up and challenge the status quo of motherhood. Let's throw out the old rulebook and create a new narrative where moms are living their dream lives unapologetically.

hi, friend

Feel like you need a total revamp?


I get it, daily routines can be overwhelming. But you? You're seeking life ownership. Dive into this beloved guide and tap into easy self-reflection, without overtaxing your brain.



simplifyyourhomeschool Simplify Your Homeschool B

As a homeschooler, you have nearly unlimited freedom to decide what, how, when, and where your children learn. AND, it’s all on you. That can be a lot of pressure. Here’s what I want you to know:

You can give your children a high-quality education without devoting your entire life, house, and day to it.

We’re going to cover the things you can do, the questions you can ask yourself, and the moves you can make to simplify your home school.

This course will help you:

  • Release the feeling that you’re not doing enough for your kids
  • Confidently decide what they need in their education
  • Declutter your home school
  • Reevaluate your schooling schedule & create school routines that serve your family
  • Pin point your specific stress-causers and uproot them!
  • Set up your home school from top to bottom in a fresh, new, life-giving way you hadn’t thought of before!
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“This is my 4th year homeschooling, but lots of things I needed to hear and be reminded of. Allie is a coach and a cheerleader all rolled up in one.” – Kristy

“I’m loving the course. The visuals are HUGE for me! I love seeing the different homeschool spaces and how much (or how little) you need to effectively homeschool. Allie and her courses have truly transformed my life!” – Emily

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“The content Allie provides is so life-giving, joyful, and real. From a Masters of Education holding, part-time ministry working, mom of four – three homeschool kiddos and a toddler – who really could make every excuse for chaos and complicated… Don’t wait. Don’t try to figure it out on your own. Let Allie and Simplify Your Homeschool make the most of this precious time with your children.” – Kandis

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