In today’s world, kids have so much stuff. Toys all over the house. Dressers and closets full of clothes. Calendars packed with activities.
I create programs to help you unclutter your home and your life, and now I’m going to help you breathe simplicity into your kids!
It’ll help your kids understand minimalism and get involved by decluttering their own things in ways that they’ll actually enjoy.
It doesn’t have to be a struggle. This is your game changer.
Uncluttered Kids is a collaboration with Amy Tirpak, a clinical social worker with a focus in play therapy with children.
The course combines my expertise in practical minimalism for moms with Amy’s psychotherapy background to bring minimalism to your family in a positive, life-giving way.

This course will:
Empower you to give your kids the gift of less.
Help you understand your kids’ perspective of this lifestyle shift and teach you how to implement it in ways that they will understand.
Walk you through easy, practical ways to approach decluttering, customized to your child’s personality traits and motivators.
Tell you exactly what to do with the hard stuff (toys, clothes, art projects, craft supplies, school papers, and much more!)
Guide you through common hurdles like hand-me-downs, toy rotations, and kids pushing back.
Help you set tech limits so you can raise (mostly) unplugged kids.
Prepare you to deal with holidays, birthday parties, and constant gift-giving from relatives.
Equip you with resources like talking points, coloring sheets, book recommendations, consumable gift ideas, and a comprehensive guide to the best types of toys by age.
Get the entire program for $349!
A: Your Uncluttered Home is a massive course that focuses on every area of your home and stuff. Because it covers so much, it would be impossible for me to dive super deep into every area without the course becoming too big, overwhelming, and expensive. There is some content that is found in both courses, like lessons on how to declutter toys, clothes, and art supplies. If you’ve worked through those lessons in YUH and were successful in simplifying those areas – that’s amazing and this course may not be for you.
Uncluttered Kids is unique because it empowers and equips you as the parent to help your children understand and get on board with this lifestyle. Life is so much easier when your kids are enjoying the benefits of minimalism AND helping you along the way instead of pushing back.
I’ve pulled in Amy Tirpak, who has years of psychotherapy experience with children and families, to create this program. It not only goes into more detail of HOW to clear the kid clutter, it will help you understand your kids better, communicate with them in positive, effective ways, and prepare you to move forward maintaining your progress.
A: First, know that I’m not about wasting time, so I wouldn’t have worked for so long to create this course and be charging an enrollment fee if it was the same content that’s already out there.
Second, Uncluttered Kids includes insight and teaching from Amy Tirpak, a psychotherapist with children. She’ll help you understand your kids better and coach you on how to apply the lessons in ways that will work for your specific kids. One therapy session with her alone would cost more than this entire course.
I’ve talked about the benefit in decluttering your kids’ toys and clothes in blog posts and on my podcast, The Purpose Show. There are a lot of moms out there who can hear that little bit of surface-level information and jump right in and declutter it all on their own.
But what I’ve found is that MOST moms are busy, and tired, and need a little extra motivation and support. If you need more detailed instructions about exactly HOW to do it, guidance for questions and hurdles that will come up, and extra resources to equip you for success – that’s only found in the course.
A: For starters, communicate how you feel to him. Most husbands want their wives to be happy and most don’t understand that you’re struggling.
Next, explain that the format of this course is backed by science, and that I’m a reputable teacher with an approach that works. I’ve helped thousands of women through my courses and have been featured on Good Morning America, the TODAY show, The New York Times, and many others (just scroll to the bottom of this page).
Finally, let him know that online courses of this size are typically $500+, and this one is obviously much less. It’s an investment that will change your family for the better.
A: The course is hosted on a mobile-friendly platform so you can listen and learn on the go. I’ve made it as easy as possible for busy mamas of any lifestyle because YOU ARE WHO I SERVE. I’m known for my straightforward approach so most lessons are 5-10 minutes.
Also, take a look at how you spend your time. Go into your phone settings and get honest about how much time you spend on social media. Are you telling me there’s no time at all you could cut back on in order to create positive, lasting change in your family?
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