
Ep 090: Day-After-Christmas Decluttering Pep Talk

December 26, 2018

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

Feel like you need a total revamp?


The Becoming Her Blueprint leverages neuroscience and proven strategies to help you rewire your habits and mindset, empowering you to systematically transform your life and become the next level version of yourself.

It is the day after Christmas … and I hope you had an incredible holiday! For my family, the day after Christmas is always the best day to declutter. Why? Because we are all much more willing  to get rid of the toys, clothes, and stuff we collected through the year since we just opened up new ones. This doesn’t have to bring down the holiday spirit by any means either. It can be a super fun and interactive way to celebrate the season and gear up to start a New Year!




In This Episode Allie Discusses:

  • Why the day after Christmas is the BEST day to declutter your home.

  • Tips for decluttering kids toys post-Christmas.

  • Ways you can quickly declutter the stuff in your home while still enjoying the holiday season.

  • How decluttering after Christmas prepares you for the New Year.

Mentioned in this Episode:



Mom life. We are surrounded with the message that it’s the tired life. The no-time-for-myself life. The hard life. And while it is hard and full of lots of servitude, the idea that motherhood means a joyless life is something I am passionate about putting a stop to. I’m on a mission to help you stop counting down the minutes till bedtime, at least most days. I want you to stop cleaning up after your kid’s childhood and start being present for it. Start enjoying it. I believe in John 10:10 “that we are called to abundant life” and I know mothers are not excluded from that promise. Join me in conversations about simplicity, minimalism and lots of other good stuff that leads to a life of less for the sake of enjoying more in your motherhood. I’m Allie Casazza and this is The Purpose Show.


From the dawn of time, mothers have warred through unmatched trials, the pain of child bearing, seemingly insurmountable piles of laundry, PMS.  The time has come. Mothers all over the world will gather, trash bags in hand, war paint on their faces, an unstoppable force against the clutter that fights to steal their time.

Warriors Gather! Declutter Like A Mother 2019 is upon us!

Visit to enter this 30-day challenge. Don’t worry, it’s free!

Hey you! Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

I’m so excited to talk to you about this. This is probably going to be a super short, to the point episode as it should be because it’s Christmas and you guys are chillin’ with your family probably, but I had to not skip an episode this week. I usually skip episodes when there’s a holiday, but I’m not skipping this one because today (the day that this is launching) is the day after Christmas and it is the best day to declutter of the entire year, so how could I not do an episode, you guys? Of course I’m going to do an episode!

So if you’re listening on launch day and you’re hanging out and cleaning up wrapping paper and stuff, I’m super impressed with you for listening to a podcast today. And I’m really glad you did because it is the best day of the year. If you watch Parks & Rec you’ll know what I’m saying –  {sings}“the best day of the year!” – that is the only time I’ll ever sing on my show…ever!

Anyway, okay. Why is this the best decluttering day of the year? First of all, the kids are home from school and they’re super wrapped up in their new toys and games, so basically…go, girl, go! Of course you should declutter. This is a great day. Kids are super busy with their new stuff. It’s awesome.

The next reason this is the best day of the year to declutter is because your kids just got a bunch of new stuff or even if they didn’t get a bunch because your family was super onboard with simplifying (great!), but they got some new things so they’re much less attached to their older things and they’re much more willing to give things up, let things go, move on and say, “Mom, I’m ready to donate this. I don’t really need this toy. I got this new one. I love it more. Let’s do this.”

This is a great day to declutter, so I want you all to take action on this. Ugh…I wish it wasn’t the day after the most major holiday, but it just works out that way and it just is. It’s just the best day and I think everyone should take advantage of it.

If you’re listening to this, on the day that this episode is launching, I am currently decluttering. I always declutter my kids’ stuff the day after Christmas. So, let’s talk about that.

The kids’ toys. How do you declutter your kids’ toys the day after Christmas? First of all, make sure that you make it exciting. This is not a punishment. This is not a burden. This is not a chore. Your kids want to chill. They just had Christmas. They’re super excited. Maybe you guys are even going to visit family and doing Christmas with them today after your original Christmas Day Christmas and you guys have stuff going on. Your kids are really excited. You don’t want to make this crap for them. Make it exciting.

Just say like, “Guys, you got so much great stuff! You have so many good things. What are you ready to let go of so we can make room for this stuff? I want you guys to play with all this stuff. What is not cool anymore?” Don’t word it like that, but make it good. Make it like, “Hey guys, just wondering, you got all this great new stuff and to make room for it, let’s each pick some things that we can get rid of because you guys got blessed with such awesome new stuff.” Come at it with that attitude.

Hey guys! Have you heard Declutter Like a Mother is coming back? I’m super excited! This is my annual challenge. I’m beyond ecstatic to even be saying this to you guys!

I look forward to this every year. It is the one time of year that I just clear my schedule. I show up. I’m live with you guys. We’re chatting. I’m answering questions. We are focused on decluttering.

The whole premise of Declutter Like a Mother  is 30 minutes a day, every day, for 30 days. That 30 minutes can be broken up throughout the day or done all at once, whatever you need to do, but the point is my whole community comes together. We rally. We become decluttering warriors. We focus. And it just creates this team atmosphere unlike anything else. That’s why I get so amped up about it and I’m always urging everybody to join.

Last year we had over 40,000 women from all over the world joining together, showing up to the live streams, reading the emails, decluttering their houses, and getting insane results.

This is the time! If you like accountability, if you like that team feeling, if you like me and you want to hang out with me and hear me talk about this in a really focused, intentional way, Declutter Like a Mother is where you need to be!

It’s totally free to sign up. You can go to and you’ll get the signup page. Totally free!

I want to see you there! Let’s do this!

Don’t come out at like, “All right! The fun is over! Everyone get up. Get your crap together. We’re cleaning!” Don’t make it like that.

Another great thing to purge the day after Christmas is your stuff. What’s been bothering you? What’s been feeling really cluttered that you can knock out while you’re in the zone today? Remember to make piles. Keep/Trash/Donate. There is no ‘don’t forget to give this to Aunt Mary pile.’ There is no ‘well maybe, I’m not sure pile.’ Keep/Trash/Donate. Make the decisions.

This is a great day to clear the holiday decor clutter too. I don’t know if everyone feels like this, but we’ve talked about this on Instagram before and it seemed like everybody was pretty onboard. Most people feel ready to ditch the holiday decor and move on into the New Year. The holidays can be super fun but they can also be like, “I just want to get back to my usual.”

Clear the holiday decor clutter. Get that ‘spring cleaning’ feeling and just prepare to head into the New Year with a fresh start.

That’s just what I wanted to say. Just a few-minute pep talk on why this is the best day to declutter of the entire year. How to go about it with the right attitude and the areas to really focus on. Mainly the kids’ toys.

When I say this is the best day to declutter of the whole year, I’m really talking about your kids’ stuff because they are just way more on board, way more into it and you can get in the zone and get ready to head into the New Year fresh.

Speaking of the New Year, Declutter Like A Mother is coming back! If you guys have been around for a bit, you may have been here for one before. This is going to be our…I think it’s our 5th time around, but our 3rd annual Declutter Like A Mother challenge. We used to do this more than once a year. Now it’s an annual thing. January first we start.

So Declutter Like A Mother  is my challenge. It’s 30 minutes a day, every day for 30 days. That’s the main premise of the challenge. We just get our war paint on. We get our trash bags in hand. We go hard at decluttering for 30 days and we kick our New Year off right.

Because it isn’t about clutter. It’s not about having a clean house. It’s not about perfectionism. It is about the fact that what takes up your space, takes up your time. And we want to say ‘no’ to that.

We want to take that back into our hands and want to get intentional with that and go into the New Year with a clearer motherhood. With more time to spend on our kids. Play with them. Pour into them. Help them with their homework, homeschool them if that’s what you do. Cook meals for your family. Spend time with your hubby and have date night. Not be nagging and stressed out all the time about all there is to do because that’s what clutter does for you.

Declutter Like A Mother is a really big deal and it’s coming! Make sure you guys sign up! You can go to the shownotes to do that or just go to

Okay? Go there! Get yourself signed up! We’re starting in a few days. I don’t want you to miss it! Happy best decluttering day of the entire year! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! I adore you guys. Go have an awesome day!


This was an episode of The Purpose Show. Did you know there is an exclusive community created solely for the purpose of continuing discussions surrounding The Purpose Show episodes? And to get you to actually take action and make positive changes on the things that you learn here? Go be a part of it. To join go to

Thank you so much for tuning in. If you are ready to uplevel and really take action on the things I talk about on my show, and get step-by-step help from me, head to There are free downloads, courses, classes, and ways to learn more about what the next step might look like for you and to focus on whatever you might need help with in whatever season you are in right now.  

I am always rooting for you, friend!

See ya next time!

Hey mama! Just a quick note, this post may contain affiliate links.

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I'm an NLP, NEE, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

ALLIE casazza




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