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Transcript BE Episode 2: Stop Procrastinating: Breaking the Cycle of Avoidance and How to Take Action

September 26, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

hi, friend

Feel like you need a total revamp?


The Becoming Her Blueprint leverages neuroscience and proven strategies to help you rewire your habits and mindset, empowering you to systematically transform your life and become the next level version of yourself.

Hi, friends. Welcome back to Business Energetics, the brand new podcast. We are on episode two. So excited to be here and finally doing this. This podcast has been such a dream of mine. Quick thing before we jump in, I want to invite you personally to CEO Club. You need to get your ass in there. This is basically a mastermind for $99 a month. I create new courses all the time in there. I switched to a membership model last year because I couldn’t stop creating courses. And instead of having everyone buy separate things that were like hundreds or thousands of dollars, I just wanted to create one platform, one hub, where I can put everything. I do live coaching in there. We do productivity boosting co-working sessions together. It is the best membership on the internet. I have DMs coming in from women all the time. You can see them on the sales page for CEO Club. where they are like canceling other memberships because CEO club has it all. And there’s so much like energy work in there, their strategy. We just finished a massive social media surge program where we talked about every single platform on social media strategies, the energetics of being seen and getting comfortable growing. We talk about money magnet mastery. We talk about every, I mean, everything, literally everything. Next time I do a promo, I’ll pull it up so I can read. through some things for you all, but go to aliecasaza.com slash CEO club. You will be able to see testimonials, get the information, understand how it works and get the link to sign up. I love you so much. I want to see you in there. We’re doing a call really soon, so go get your butt in there. Let’s do this. All right, today we are focusing on the topic of procrastination. We’re going to talk about how to stop procrastinating and breaking the cycle of avoidance and finally getting to a space of taking real action. So, basically, to briefly get us into this space. So much of the time I’ve, I’ve catched myself doing this, but I see this, this came to mind because I’ve been doing a lot of more like one-on-one client work recently. I kind of go through spurts while I won’t take any for a really long time. And then I’ll open up a few spots and do like a bunch of people. And I’m in one of those spurts right now. I have, um, four different clients right now, which is a lot for me. And we are every single one of them, this has come up and we’ve had to reprogram and work through it. So I was like, we got to bring this to the podcast. So often we procrastinate the action we know we need to take in our businesses by seeking external validation or endlessly researching, doing busy work on the back end. And so I want to emphasize before we dive into this that everyone’s path to success is unique and there isn’t a single like right way to grow your business. But when you are Constantly seeking external validation before you make a decision, before you take action. When you are doing something that in the business we call procrasti-branding, where you’re just like, oh, I need to make a new logo. I need to work on my website. Bitch, no you don’t. You need to create the offer. You need to launch it into the world. You need to go get clients. Um, we do that with branding. We do that with busy work. We do that with random things and like research and like, I’m not ready yet. I got to figure out what to do next. I need to get external validation. I need to buy another course. I need to learn this. I need to be better at this. I need to read this book. Then I’ll do it. We are procrastinating. Procrastination comes in many, many forms and really just like Avoiding and researching is literally one of the biggest hidden ways that it shows up. So let’s get into it. The first thing I want to do is help you reclaim your power in your business decisions. So much of the time, like, yes, we need to have mentors. I am a coach. I fully believe in the power of coaching. I think everybody should have a therapist and every entrepreneur should have a therapist and a business coach separately. It is so important. You need to have somebody that is mentoring you, that’s been where you are, that understands you, that’s emulating the energy and the business that you desire to have, and you need that. However, So many entrepreneurs give up their power by assuming that there are other people that know the exact steps they need to take and that they need those other people to tell them that something is a good idea before they can actually take action on it. And what you need to understand is that no one knows your business, no one knows your vision or your personal strengths or has your intuition like you. You need to learn to trust your own path. Again, everyone’s journey is going to look different. The journey to success, what works for someone else may not work for you. It may not be your path. So when you try to mimic others’ steps, You are literally self-sabotaging. You are literally turning off your intuition, giving up your power, throwing your power in the garbage disposal and turning it on high power. You need to tune into what feels right for you, what feels right for your business and your mission. And yes, we always wanna be growing. We always wanna be learning. I am always reading books. I am always working with someone. I am always taking courses and programs. I’m always elevating, but I don’t not take action until I learn the next thing. I don’t, I’m really, I can’t say I don’t, but I’m very aware of my pattern of seeking external validation on an idea. And I’m really working on that and just taking action with what feels right to me. So let’s get a little deeper into procrastination in the form of like research and course hopping, okay? This gives such an illusion of productivity. The endless research, the buying all kinds of courses, watching tutorials, researching online can feel like progress and sometimes it truly is, but so often it’s actually a way of avoiding real action. You’re procrastinating by constantly seeking new information and actually getting that kind of gives you a dopamine hit. So it’s giving you the false feeling that you moved forward and you’re just constantly seeking that new information rather than trusting yourself to take action now or taking messy action while you research, while you learn what to do. I started my business by going to the University of Google. I just dove all the way the fuck in. I had no idea what was going on. I had no idea what to do. I taught myself how to code because there was no like pre-coded website platforms in like 2016. At least I didn’t know about any or couldn’t afford any. Um, I, I Googled what to do. I went on YouTube. I figured it out. Right. And yes, I also was investing in things. I bought a course on webinars that I couldn’t afford and then just trusted the process. I made the payment. I bought a course on launching. I did the investing, but I did the action while I was learning. And I just know that’s the biggest reason that I had success. Early ish on. The disempowering action that you’re doing is killing your chance at success and keeping you from reaching the goals you want to hit. Doing all of the like right things like reading or learning is not bad in itself, but if it’s keeping you from moving forward, It’s actually extremely disempowering. So it’s like, you don’t need another course to tell you what to do. You already have what you need. If buying the course or working with the coach or joining the thing is going to give you answers and clarity and how to do the next step really well, but you’re already doing it, you’re golden. But if you’re like procrastinating learning, that’s bullshit. You’ve got to knock it off. So we need to know when we’re doing this and be able to self-identify and then shift. So once you’re aware of this pattern and that you’re doing this, we want to shift into taking empowered action. But how do you do that? The first thing, it’s so hard, but well, that’s the limiting. It doesn’t need to be hard. It can feel so difficult, but you need to embrace imperfection. You don’t need all the answers or the perfect plan before you start, before you take action. And actually, we were just talking about this in CEO Club. We’re having one of our mastermind calls, and we were just talking about how it’s actually literally not the way the universe is set up to work. You’re supposed to need an element of faith. You’re supposed to not have all the answers. You’re supposed to not have the full plan because where’s the fun in that? Where’s the faith required in that? You’re supposed to have the feeling, the desire, the dream, and then you’re supposed to messy start and trust that the next right step is going to appear in front of you just when you need it. And that is how life works. So when you think you’re going to need to have the whole plan, you need to know exactly what you’re going to do, and then you start the journey. You’re literally working against the way the universe works, and it’s never going to go well for you. Every step you take, even if it’s not perfect, is part of your unique path to success. The way you get there is the right way to get there for you. I’m going to say that part again. The way you get there is the right way for you to get there. There are no mistakes. There are only lessons. There is no failure. There was only lessons. Everything is for you. And we talked in episode one about the abundance mindset. And this is an abundant mindset that I literally can’t fuck it up. I literally cannot even like, even my biggest mistakes, The biggest things I’ve done that I would, you know, I would label them as wrong, or I really screwed up. I now can look back and be like, no, I did not. That all happened for me. I learned so many lessons that I need moving forward. And I am so grateful that that happened. The next thing you need to do is you need to tune into your intuition. I, in the Becoming Her Collective, I have a guided visualization. It’s almost more like a hypnosis where I walk you through meeting your higher self. I would highly recommend if you join CEO club or you have access to become your collective separately, please go in there and find that. You really need to do that. Meeting your higher self is going to wildly support you in your business. You need to connect with her and you need to learn to tune into that and to tune into your intuition and your higher self. Trusting your instincts. When something feels aligned, act on it. Even if it’s not, you know, what a book or a course or even a coach suggests, if something feels aligned, act on it. And knowing the difference between your intuition and your fear and your old patterns of self-sabotage. that self-awareness to differentiate like a pattern of you know I’m gonna fuck this up and self-sabotage my success and knowing like no really I have a strong instinct to do this and I’m gonna follow that. The third thing is you have to stop waiting for permission. You literally do not need external validation or the perfect time to begin. You have permission to start now and you should start now. I started my business with no credentials, no qualifications, no education, no money, no resources. And I began sharing my experience and that led to me really like mentoring women. And now I’ve gotten credentials. Now I’m getting more certifications. Now I’m understanding and I’ve pivoted accordingly. But I started so messy. And I didn’t care when people said, like, who are you to be teaching me this? My experience. And if you don’t like that and you need more, go find more. This is where, this is who I am and this is what I have to offer. And if it resonates, great. If not, I’m not for you. Bye. And you need to have that confidence. You need to stop giving up your power to what other people think, giving up your power to the information other people have and start, stop waiting for permission and take your power back and fucking go. The other thing I want to touch on here is that We don’t want to give away our power when we work with coaches or mentors for support. Coaches are guides, not gurus. Okay. A coach’s job, like I absolutely love being a business coach. I do some like life coaching, but I mostly do business coaching because it is my favorite to work with fempreneurs. And as a coach, I know my guide, my job is to support and guide you, but ultimately you’re the one driving the ship. You have the answers inside of you. It is my job to reprogram your subconscious mind and guide you to the answers you already have inside of you. The right coach, a good coach, is going to empower you to trust yourself and your vision rather than giving you a one-size-fits-all formula or guarantee that this works. Be very aware of messaging like that. I actually had a coach a couple years ago that I worked with, and she ended up becoming a friend, and we’re still friends to this day. However, as we moved out of the coach-client relationship and into friendship, there was a time where I was going through a big, I was hitting a big wall, and it was when I knew that I needed to be done with courses as my business model and shift into a membership model. And I had the idea, I had the breakthrough that like, oh my God, this is it. And I was so excited. And I ran to her and I sent her a voice message. And I was like frantically excitedly telling her my breakthrough, my idea. And I know she loves me and I know that she wants me to be successful. However, whatever was going on in her life, whatever was going on that day, she was super discouraging. She didn’t voice message me back. She texted me like, you know how hard memberships are, right? You know how like unsuccessful they usually are. Like, seriously, are you sure, and just the way she said it like it just was like such a bubble burster and it was so discouraging and then the next time I spoke with her, she actually continued that pattern and just said some things to me like. just really putting, trying to put doubt in my mind. And then it later, a couple months later, we had, and I kind of pulled back a little bit. And then a couple months later, we were just kind of catching up. And it came out that she was just like really feeling like a loser and just really struggling. Like she was in a really dark place. She was feeling super discouraged. And there was some jealousy that had come up toward me. Um, because we don’t, it’s crazy because I was going through a really hard time and she didn’t really know it. So we always like, don’t know what other people are going through it. But that also goes to show you need to be really careful with who you share your ideas with and who you share your wins with, because we don’t know what people’s intentions are, and we also don’t know where they’re at. So while this is a really good friend, at that point in time, she was not able to hold and support that idea for me. And so it hurt me because she is a coach and she was my coach and I respect her. And so, you know, we still kind of had that leftover feeling of that coach-client relationship. So when she kind of shit on my breakthrough, it did put doubt in my mind. And so the right coach is going to empower you to trust yourself, follow that big feeling that breakthrough feeling that intuition rather than like discouraging you or putting their own limiting beliefs over you like unfortunately my friend did. So having shared that story and said that, coaching is still so important. Hiring a coach is not about finding someone to tell you every step. It’s about having someone to help you hone your strategy, hold you accountable, and keep you aligned with your unique goals. And I would add on for, in my case, to guide you through reprogramming your subconscious mind so that you’re shifting your beliefs and you’re shifting your vibration to align with what you really want, the results you want. If your subconscious mind is a computer, it’s not actually a mind, it is a computer, this is according to the principles of psychocybernetics, then computers act based on their programming and then you get the results based on that programming. So if you want different results, you need to reprogram. A good coach is going to help you do that. A good coach is going to help you tap into your own inner wisdom and make confident decisions. So, trust yourself. Trust your unique path. stop procrastinating, stop researching, start, start doing shit, take empowered action, take your power back and start getting aligned with the business you want with the higher self that you are. And remember that you have everything you need to succeed and that a great coach is going to help bring that out, pull that from you and amplify that power, not replace it. So I hope this encouraged you. Also again, go join CEO club today, alexazza.com slash CEO club. The price just recently increased and it will be increasing again. This is an incredibly valuable space. And as I add more and more, we will always be increasing. But once you’re in, you are grandfathered into that price. As long as you remember, I’m here to support you. I love you so much. Have an amazing rest of your day.

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I'm here for the ones who refuse to procrastinate their best lives. I'm here to not just inspire, but to walk with you to your next level.


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I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

Allie Casazza

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