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Feminism Isn’t Doing Everything Yourself

October 2, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Hey, beautiful! Welcome back to The Purpose Show! Today, we’re diving into a topic that has been on my heart a lot lately—feminine energy. It’s everywhere right now, but despite all the conversations around it, I feel like we don’t always go deep enough into what it really means. So, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let’s dig into this.

I also want to touch on something I’ve been thinking about a lot: feminism and how it ties into feminine energy. There’s so much messaging out there about what it means to be a “strong woman,” and I think we need to clear some things up. So, let’s get into it!

Feminism vs. Feminine Energy: What’s the Difference?

Let me start by sharing a quick personal story. I have someone in my life who, every time I mention wanting to be treated to something, like having my man take me on a trip or hiring help for a project, she jumps in with, “Why don’t you just do it yourself? You’re a bad bitch! You can take care of yourself! Feminism!”

Now, I get where she’s coming from, but every time this happens, I feel dismissed. And more than that, it feels like a misunderstanding of what feminism and feminine energy truly are. Feminism is about equality—it’s about being treated with the same respect and having the same opportunities as men. But somewhere along the way, feminism has been used to push women into feeling like they have to do everything themselves. And that’s where we get it wrong.

The Misunderstanding of Feminism

True feminism is not about doing everything on your own. It’s about equality, and yes, that means you can absolutely ask for and accept help! Somewhere along the way, some of us started believing that needing or wanting support makes us weak. But let me tell you something: feminine energy thrives on connection, nurturing, and support.

It’s okay to want someone else to do something for you. It’s okay to desire help, whether from your partner, your friends, or hired support. This doesn’t make you any less of a “strong woman”; in fact, it makes you stronger because you’re respecting your own needs.

Feminine Energy: It’s About Flow, Not Force

Feminine energy is so misunderstood. It’s not about grinding and pushing through like the traditional masculine way of doing things. Instead, feminine energy is about intuition, creativity, and flow. It’s about being in tune with yourself, your body, and your emotions, and allowing that to guide your actions.

When you’re constantly in “go mode,” pushing, forcing, and doing everything yourself, you’re actually stepping into masculine energy. Masculine energy is essential, too—it’s about action, structure, and logic—but it needs to be balanced with feminine energy for you to thrive.

When you accept help, you’re allowing the masculine energy in someone else (or even within yourself) to support your feminine flow. It’s about balance, not about doing it all alone.

Why It’s OK to Ask for Help

Let’s reframe the narrative around asking for help. Receiving support doesn’t diminish your power—it enhances it. Whether it’s your partner stepping up to plan a trip for you or hiring help for a project, these acts of service give you the space to step back, recharge, and lean into your feminine energy.

You can be a strong, independent woman and still desire support. In fact, I believe that receiving is one of the most powerful acts of feminine energy. When you allow yourself to receive, whether it’s love, help, or care, you’re honoring yourself. You’re saying, “I am worthy of this.”

The Magic of Masculine and Feminine Energy Working Together

Masculine and feminine energies complement each other beautifully. In relationships, when the masculine energy is grounded, stable, and strong, the feminine energy can thrive—it feels safe, free to nurture, and can flow with creativity and intuition.

The same goes for your relationship with yourself. When you allow your masculine side to create structure and routine—like setting goals and taking action—you create a container for your feminine side to flourish. The key is balance.

Feminine Energy Thrives on Rest

Here’s the truth: Feminine energy needs rest. If you’re constantly doing, doing, doing without giving yourself moments of stillness, you’ll end up disconnected from your feminine side. You can’t pour from an empty cup, babe!

Rest is not a luxury—it’s essential for your well-being. When you embrace rest, you’re giving your feminine energy space to recharge. And the beautiful part? You’ll be even more creative, inspired, and powerful after you’ve allowed yourself that space.

Embrace the Power of Receiving

It’s time to stop equating asking for help with weakness. Instead, recognize that it’s a powerful form of self-respect and self-love. Let people take care of you. Let your partner, friends, or hired help step in and relieve you of some of the load.

And here’s a little homework for you: Think about one area in your life where you’ve been overextending yourself. Where can you ask for help or allow more rest? Start there. Trust me, your feminine energy will thank you!

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, feminism isn’t about doing everything on your own. It’s about choice, freedom, and balance. And feminine energy? It’s about embracing the flow, creativity, and nurturing aspects of life. So, go ahead and ask for help, lean into your feminine energy, and let yourself receive.

You’re worthy of all the support, love, and care that comes your way. 💖

If you loved this episode, share your thoughts with me on Instagram, and let’s keep this conversation going!

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I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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