
3 Things To Do After A Hard Day of Motherhood

April 29, 2015

I'm allie

I'm here to shake things up and challenge the status quo of motherhood. Let's throw out the old rulebook and create a new narrative where moms are living their dream lives unapologetically.

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You know the feeling. Your legs ache, your feet hurt, your head is clouded, all you want is to climb into bed, and you haven’t even started dinner yet. I’ve been there so many times, and since I have a husband who works extra hours so that I can stay home with our little tribe, I don’t get any relief until the kids are in bed.

But you know what? This is my one and only chance at life. This is where God has placed me, and I am called to serve in this season with a joyful spirit.

And so are you. 

“Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.” Hebrews 13:15 (emphasis mine)

So, friend, together we are going to learn how to praise God in the middle of an old battle we feel like we’re always losing. I’m sharing with you the things that refresh me at the end of a long day, when I know I have to start all over again after just a handful of short hours of sleep.

1. Put the kids to bed early.

I feel like so many moms think this is somehow not okay? You’re the mom, lady! If you’ve had it and you can’t handle the final hour or two of a hard day, put the kids to bed! They need to listen to you. They don’t have to physically go to sleep, but they can be in their beds with a book or a quiet toy until they do. Use this precious extra time to put headphones in and listen to a relaxing song, take a bubble bath, light some candles and read a book, veg out on your favorite Netflix series… whatever you need. You’ll be a better mom tomorrow if you take time for yourself tonight.

2. Do one helpful thing for tomorrow’s you.

Don’t get the whole house in order before you finally hit the pillow, just do one helpful thing that will make your morning routine a little easier. Give yourself a break and just pick one daunting task, like the dishes, and make it as pleasant as you can (headphones in, an encouraging podcast on). When it’s done, stop. You’re finished for today, mama. Go rest.

3. Text a friend.

There’s something about feeling the camaraderie of motherhood that makes the hard days bearable. Text the friend that gets you, that gets life, that gets the throes of motherhood and tell her about your day or just how you’re feeling. Let her encourage you, just listen to you, or make you giggle, whatever her way is of loving on you. Know you’re not alone.

Motherhood isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s okay to have days when you just don’t know if you can take another minute of it- you’re a human being! But don’t just sit in the trenches crying, take care of yourself. You can’t keep giving to your husband and kids if your well is all dried up.


What you do in the evening definitely affects how your morning goes. I’m telling you, it’s not about you personality type. It’s about setting yourself up for success, for joy. I created a FREE guide to help you figure out what you can get done during your evening routine so you can make the next day easier! And you know I am all about making my days easier! 


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