
How I Bring Art into Our Homeschool (When I’m A Truly Terrible Artist)

January 31, 2017

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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The Becoming Her Blueprint leverages neuroscience and proven strategies to help you rewire your habits and mindset, empowering you to systematically transform your life and become the next level version of yourself.

I can barely draw a stick person. That’s not a clever way to start this blog post that I came up with, it’s the sad truth. Observe.

See? Told you. Art is not my thang.

Give me a blank piece of paper and tell me to fill it with words that suck you in so much you miss your next meal, and I’m on it. But guys, I can’t draw.

When my oldest, Bella started showing pretty insane signs of artistic ability when she was super young, I have to admit I panicked. I had planned on homeschooling, and wasn’t sure how to cultivate her talent.

In our homeschool, we are all about finding what our kids are really good at and cultivating that like crazy. We’re also all about pushing the limits and encouraging them to get better at things they aren’t naturally gifted with.

And so, for both reasons, art has always been a part of our homeschooling. Since I can’t draw, I started using YouTube videos to teach the kids more about drawing, and we bought curricula that taught them about the classic artists to provide background knowledge. The YouTube videos though, weren’t cutting it once Bella turned seven.

I kept searching for more advanced YouTubers, but it never challenged her and I wasn’t a fan of their ads and crappy video quality.

A few months ago, Brian and I were fed up with less-than-inspiring online art lessons for the kids and were about to sign them up for in-person lessons when we came across Artventure.

We signed up for a free trial and instantly knew this was awesome. Artventure is run by Kirsty, another mommy who lives in Australia.

She’s a super amazing, gifted artist and has the sweetest temperament as she walks the kids through each lesson.

During our first week using Artventure, the kids were spending hours drawing and creating artwork. They didn’t want to do anything else – it was amazing! Even the boys, who are usually less excited about art time, couldn’t get enough and were creating some really great pieces.

One of the things I’m most grateful to Kirsty for, is inspiring Bella to teach. As she and I worked together on creating the Just For Kids module in my course, Your Uncluttered Home, Bella was really into finding ways to inspire the kids who watch to get creative and get outside. She had the idea of teaching them how to draw a few animals rather than sitting in front of the TV (her words – proud mama here!).

She led three lessons on drawing three different animals just like Kirsty does in Artventure, and it’s adorable.

Artventure has given my kids inspiration, skill, and the patient guidance to draw better – something I cannot give them.

After we had used Artventure for a few weeks, I emailed Kirsty and told her I absolutely had to share her website with you guys, and she kindly offered an exclusive discount just for my readers.

This code can be used to purchase any level of membership (3, 6 or 12 months) with 25% off.

Discount Coupon Code: ALLIECASAZZA

Head to Artventure, select your preferred membership, use that code at checkout and you’re good to go!

I am so happy to have found Artventure, and so grateful to Kirsty for partnering with me in sharing it with you guys!

We even put together a video all about our experience with Artventure! Click below to watch.

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I'm an NLP, NEE, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

ALLIE casazza




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