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Main Character Energy: The Worksheet
Hey loves! Welcome back to the blog, and if you’re here for part two of the Main Character Energy series, you’re in the right place. Before we dive into the practical steps, make sure you’ve checked out part one. Trust me, it lays the foundation for what we’re about to dive into. I don’t just want you reading this—I want it to shift your perspective and energy completely.
Let’s dive into how you can embody main character energy in practical ways throughout your life.
Show Up for Yourself, Not the Day
One of the most powerful shifts you can make is learning to show up for yourself. This idea clicked for me after a conversation with my man. He pointed out how I’d always say, “I need to get ready for the day,” or “I have to show up for this event.” He suggested I shift that mindset—get ready for yourself, not the role you’re about to play.
This subtle shift changes everything. Imagine getting ready, not for your to-do list, not for the kids, not even for work. But for you. How do you want to feel as you move through your day? What energy do you want to bring into every room? That’s how you show up as the main character.
Ritualize Your Energy
Y’all know I’m a huge fan of daily rituals. My Becoming Her Method is built on them. These rituals are about much more than your skincare or wardrobe. It’s about setting up your energy for the day. The moment you wake up, instead of rushing into mom mode or work mode, what if you took just 25 minutes to pour into yourself?
Take time to ground your energy—whether it’s through meditation, journaling, or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Activating your parasympathetic nervous system calms your stress and brings you back into a state of peace and alignment. When you’re grounded and aligned, everything shifts—your presence, your interactions, and your ability to show up for your family.
Boundaries and Self-Respect
Main character energy also means establishing boundaries with confidence. How many times have you said yes when you really meant no? This is a huge act of self-betrayal, and it chips away at your energy every time. Boundaries are self-respect in action. The more you practice setting them, the more empowered and at peace you’ll feel.
If you struggle with saying no, I created an EFT script specifically for this. You can grab it here. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!
Dress the Part
It might seem simple, but how you dress absolutely affects how you show up. It’s not about the clothes themselves—it’s the energy behind them. When you feel confident and stylish, even if it’s in your favorite sweatsuit, you’re more likely to embody that main character energy. You’ll carry yourself differently, and people will notice.
I’m obsessed with this because it’s something I’ve experienced firsthand. Even when I was dealing with cystic acne and hiding behind my hair, I still wanted to feel good about how I looked. Now that I’m on the other side of that, I show up for myself in a way that feels powerful—whether that’s in a cute outfit or even with minimal makeup.
Visualization and Energy Shifts
One of the most powerful tools we have is our imagination. Whatever you imagine, you’re telling your subconscious mind that it’s possible. I love grounding and centering exercises before I walk into any space—whether it’s virtual, like a Zoom call, or in-person, like a restaurant. Imagine your main character self walking into the room, grounded and in her full power.
You can even take this practice a step further by visualizing how you want to show up in different situations. Whether it’s a family dinner or a big meeting, how do you want to feel? Embody that energy before you even walk in the door, and watch how everything shifts.
Manifestation and Assumption
Here’s where the fun comes in: the law of assumption. Whatever you assume to be true, you create. If you assume you’re not confident or not good enough, that’s what you’ll experience. But when you assume the identity of your higher self—your main character self—you shift into that reality. You don’t need to wait until you’ve lost the weight, cleared your skin, or achieved some external goal. You can be her right now.
And once you make that energetic shift, everything else follows.
Take Action: Your Main Character Homework I want you to take one practical step today toward embodying your main character energy. Whether it’s setting a boundary, dressing for yourself, or doing a grounding ritual, choose something that feels aligned.
Then reflect on this: Where have I been playing small? Where have I been shrinking myself? Journal on this and commit to showing up as the main character in your life from this moment forward.
Grab your free worksheet on main character energy to help you dive even deeper into these ideas. And remember—you’re the queen of your life. Own it.
I hope this resonated with you and sparked some powerful shifts. You’re worthy of taking up space and showing up for yourself in a big way.
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