How I Got My Book Deal

In case you missed my live announcement on Instagram… I GOT A BOOK DEAL! ⁣ GUYS! I’M GOING TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! ⁣Things like this can sometimes seem like luck, so I’m sharing a few pieces of what led to this moment you’re seeing in that pic above (that’s the moment I signed my […]

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6 Steps to Overcome Your Paper Clutter


10 Ways to Hit the Reset Button On Your Day


How to Simplify Your Laundry


Silencing the Negativity in Your Life

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A sanctuary for moms who are ready to break free from the hot mess mom culture and create a life they truly love. Here, you'll find an abundance of inspiration, practical tips, and empowering stories that will uplift and motivate you on your journey.

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i want to know something. why is laundry detergent so expensive?? ugh.   making my own soaps is part of how i stay home when we can hardly afford it. it really adds up and helps a lot, even if it doesn’t seem like much. i prefer powdered detergent, and most of the recipes i found […]

homemade powdered laundry detergent

everything else

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social media. It’s so anti-Instagram right now. Most of what I see being popular online is perfection- perfect hair, stylish clothes, moms with perfect bodies, neat and perfectly decorated homes. I appreciate beauty and a great photograph, but there’s something wrong when we stop being real with one another. Sometimes life gets messy, and I have […]

A Dirty Kitchen


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Read this Update First! Update 6/16/2021 This was one of my very first blog post I ever wrote. I have expanded on this quite a bit and added some more content, because I remember what it was like being a stay at home mom, being alone, waiting for Brian to come home after a LONG […]

For the Wife Whose Husband Works Long Hours: How To Thrive and Not Just Survive At Home

intentional living

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