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Turn the Dial: How to Shift Your Energy NOW

October 4, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Hey, my love! Welcome back to The Purpose Show podcast. Today, I’m bringing you a quick but powerful pep talk on how to shift your energy and turn your life around instantly—like adjusting the temperature on your AC dial! Sounds interesting? Let’s dive in!

Tune Into Yourself

Let’s start by pausing for a second. Right now, tune into how you’re feeling. You don’t need to close your eyes or meditate for hours—just ask yourself, What energy am I embodying right now?

Maybe it’s stress, maybe it’s peace, or maybe you’re not even sure. But here’s the kicker: you are always embodying something. The question is, is what you’re embodying aligned with how you want to feel?

If you’re feeling stressed, frustrated, or out of sync, I want to remind you of something really important: you don’t get what you want; you get more of what you are. Your external reality mirrors your internal state. So if you’re constantly embodying chaos or stress, that’s exactly what will keep showing up in your life.

Shifting Your Energy is Easier Than You Think

Here’s the best part: it’s easy to shift your energy. Think of your energy like a dial, just like adjusting the thermostat in your house. You can turn the dial up or down based on how you want to feel.

Feel stuck? Turn the dial toward flow. Feeling overwhelmed? Shift the dial to ease. It’s all about making a conscious decision to embody what aligns with the life you want.

You don’t have to stay stuck in your current emotional state. Shifting your energy is literally as simple as turning that dial in your mind.

Rewiring Your Subconscious Mind

Here’s the deal: your subconscious mind is running the show, often without you even realizing it. Most of what you’re embodying right now is coming from unconscious habits and belief systems. And the good news is, you can rewire your subconscious mind to support the energy and life you want.

Through techniques like visualization, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and neural energetic wiring (a method I use in my consultations), you can reprogram your subconscious so that it effortlessly embodies what you desire.

I’ve been doing consultations to help women like you rewire their subconscious minds, and it’s truly transformational. The beauty of this process is that once your subconscious is aligned with your goals, it becomes second nature. You no longer have to rely on willpower or motivation—it’s just who you are.

Aligning Your Daily Actions

Now, let’s talk about putting this into practice. Once you’ve shifted your energy and rewired your subconscious, it’s important to align your actions with your new embodiment. Here’s how:

  • Morning Ritual: Start your day by embodying the energy you want. I love doing my Becoming Her ritual in the mornings, which includes journaling, movement, and gratitude. This sets the tone for the day and activates the parts of your brain that help form new habits.
  • Check-in with Yourself: Throughout the day, take a moment to tune in and make sure you’re still aligned with the energy you’re embodying.
  • Curate Your Environment: Your surroundings affect your energy more than you think. Clear clutter, avoid negative influences, and surround yourself with positivity.

The Ripple Effect of Embodying the Right Energy

When you consistently embody the energy that aligns with the life you want, the world around you begins to shift, too.

For example:

  • Shifting from scarcity to abundance will bring more opportunities for wealth, love, and health into your life.
  • Shifting from overwhelm to peace makes life’s challenges more manageable, and the chaos that once consumed you will fade away.

Your external reality always reflects your internal state. So by shifting your internal embodiment, you’re creating a ripple effect that will transform your external world.

A Quick Exercise to Shift Your Energy Now

Let’s do a little exercise together. Take a moment to tune in again. How are you feeling? Identify the emotion or energy you’re embodying right now and label it.

Next, visualize turning the dial to shift to a better feeling—whether it’s ease, peace, or abundance. Imagine living the rest of your day in this new energy.

You are in control of what you embody. It’s your choice to adjust the dial and align your life with what you truly want.

Moving Forward: Take Action and Align with Your Desires

You have the power to shift your energy, rewire your subconscious mind, and align your actions with the life you desire. It all starts with that internal shift. Once you set that embodiment dial, align your actions, routines, and environment to support it.

Everything starts with your internal state. When you choose your embodiment consciously, the world around you changes in response. So, go ahead and play with this. Try it out and watch how your life starts to shift!

Remember, you don’t get what you want; you get more of what you are. Turn the dial, adjust your energy, and create the life you’re meant to live.

For more on rewiring your subconscious mind and aligning with your desires, visit alliecasazza.com/tpslinks to book a consultation with me.

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I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

Allie Casazza

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