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Why My Business Was Stuck and How I’m Moving Forward

September 26, 2024

I'm allie.

I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

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Hello, my friends! Welcome back to Business Energetics. I’m bringing you a raw, real episode today because I recently experienced one of those gut-punch realizations that forced me to take a hard look at what I’m doing in my business. We’re going to dive into the tough stuff today, talking about those moments when you’re working your butt off, but the results just aren’t there. If that’s where you’re at, this one’s for you.

The Reality Check Moment

A couple of months ago, I was in a certification program where we practiced coaching each other. During one of these sessions, I found myself venting about my frustrations with Instagram’s algorithm and my lack of business results. My fellow student, acting as my coach, walked me through some questions that made me realize something major: I wasn’t showing up the way I needed to in my business. I’d let complacency and fear sneak in, and it was sabotaging my success.

Here’s the thing: you can’t coach yourself out of your own stuff. We are meant to support each other, and sometimes you need that outside perspective to see what’s really going on. My aha moment came when I realized I was frustrated not just because of social media metrics but because I wasn’t fully owning who I am and wasn’t showing up consistently. I had allowed myself to slip into a pattern of busy work and avoidance.

How Fear Sneaks In

Fear of being seen had crept back into my business in a sneaky way. Instead of showing up as my unapologetic, bold self, I was hiding behind tasks and to-do lists. I threw myself into busy work like redoing my website and extended projects that could’ve been completed much sooner. I wasn’t creating social media content regularly, I wasn’t going live, and I wasn’t showing up for my community the way I knew I could.

Fear was showing up as busyness, and I didn’t even see it at first. It was subtle but powerful. And the result? My business felt stagnant, my creativity was blocked, and the results were lackluster because I was giving lackluster effort.

The Root Cause of Stagnation

Why wasn’t I showing up? The root cause was fear—fear of judgment, fear of failure, and fear of being too much. It wasn’t the loud, anxiety-filled fear I had experienced in the past. This was a quieter, more insidious fear that made me avoid the very things that I know work in my business. It’s so important to recognize that even when you think you’ve conquered something, there can still be layers to peel back.

How I Turned Things Around

Once I recognized what was going on, I knew I needed to make a shift. Here’s what I did and what you can do too if this resonates with you:

  1. Own Yourself Fully: I took a deep dive into my journal and asked myself some tough questions. Where was I holding back? Where was I not showing up as the fullest version of myself? I wrote it all down and made a plan to start showing up more authentically and consistently.
  2. Commit to Consistency: I decided that social media content creation was going to be a non-negotiable part of my daily routine. Whether it’s a live video, a series of reels, or just a story post, I show up every day. Consistency builds trust, and trust builds results.
  3. Deliver More Value: I realized I had been playing it safe with my content. I wasn’t going deep, and I wasn’t giving my full self. I made a commitment to deliver more value, more insights, and more help. I started emailing my list almost daily with content that came from a place of service and support.
  4. Shift to a Service Mindset: I put a sticky note on my computer that says, “Everything I create comes from a place of service, love, and abundance.” Now, every time I sit down to create something, I ask myself how I can truly serve my audience today.

Action Steps for You

If you’re feeling stuck or not getting the results you want, I want you to ask yourself:

  • Where am I holding back?
  • Where am I not showing up fully?
  • Where am I letting fear dictate my actions?

Get honest with yourself and then commit to showing up fully in just one area this week. Maybe it’s being consistent on social media, or maybe it’s emailing your list more often. Whatever it is, show up from a place of service and abundance, and the results will follow.

If you need a little extra support, I created a free worksheet with some prompts and exercises to help you identify where you’re holding back and how you can start shifting your energy. You can grab it here.

Final Thoughts

Remember, we’re all in this together. I’m here for you, and I know you’re capable of so much more than you’re giving yourself credit for. It’s time to step up, claim your power, and start creating from the heart. Share your commitment with me on Instagram, tag me in your posts, and let’s support each other in showing up and shining brightly.

I love you, and I’ll see you next week. Keep going, keep growing, and remember, you are enough. 💖

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I'm an NLP, EFT and mindset certified coach, top podcaster and bestselling author. I'm here to help women transform their lives into their desired reality through self-concept work & neural energetic wiring.

Allie Casazza

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