intentional living

How To Stay Positive When Life Doesn’t Go Like You Thought It Would

October 5, 2018

I'm allie

I'm here to shake things up and challenge the status quo of motherhood. Let's throw out the old rulebook and create a new narrative where moms are living their dream lives unapologetically.

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I get it, daily routines can be overwhelming. But you? You're seeking life ownership. Dive into this beloved guide and tap into easy self-reflection, without overtaxing your brain.

Life is full of things that can just knock you over. Whether it’s an inconvenience or a life crisis, how you define your own difficulties depends on you as a person, your past experiences, your tolerance for pain, where you are currently in life and so on.

First, let me say that when we go through these hard seasons, it’s okay to have a tough time.

It’s okay to cry, to question, to cuss a little if you want. I’ve been there. I’ve been overwhelmed and lonely and felt the darkness of depression, so this is coming from place of total empathy.

I don’t want you to think you need to have this Pollyanna attitude and no matter what you’re going through it’s all butterflies and everything’s fine.  But I do truly believe that keeping a positive mindset is a super beneficial way to live and I want to help you make that happen. So here are three practical ways to stay positive that I have picked up and learned on my own journey. I truly believe they will help you on yours.

don’t play the victim.

No matter what you’re experiencing or what isn’t going right in your life, it’s important to not throw a never-ending pity party. It’s okay to have a quick one but don’t stay there. If you need a minute to vent, take a minute to vent. Call your family or a friend and share what you’re feeling in that moment but then you need to move on in a positive way.


Acknowledge your feelings and take action.

During seasons or moments when you are just completely overwhelmed with life, pay attention to how you feel. When you take the time to acknowledge your feelings you’re able to see more clearly what it is that you need to do and how you need to move forward. Are you tired? Take a nap. Are you stressed? Take a break. Are you overwhelmed? Cut things out or let them go.

You’re probably not going to immediately solve your problem and that’s okay! Just the act of doing something is going to make you feel so much better.  

Need help figuring out your feelings?

Get my “Working Through Your Mindset” freebie

Set boundaries on your breaks.

If you decide that you need a break and you need to just veg out in front of the tv and eat crap for a whole day or two, then you do you. But set some boundaries on your breaks so you’re not still eating crap and watching Netflix all day in three months.

Tell yourself that you’re going to do whatever you want for one or two days and then it’s back to your routine. Hold yourself to that. Even if it’s hard. The only way to get over something is to get through it, so push through it.

Maybe these seem like weird things to do to stay positive but when you’re in a season of crisis this is what positivity looks like. It looks like taking a break, acknowledging your feelings and shutting down the pity party. This is positive movement forward when you’re in a tough situation.

I hope these steps are a light to someone who’s in a dark place right now. I have been there, and I understand where you are are and I care about you. I’m rooting for you. You’re going to pull through and come out on the other side. One step at a time, one day at a time.

Because you, my friend, are an overcomer.




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