
Me, Myself, and I

January 24, 2024

I'm allie

I'm here to shake things up and challenge the status quo of motherhood. Let's throw out the old rulebook and create a new narrative where moms are living their dream lives unapologetically.

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It’s me, just checking in from a cozy hotel room back in my hometown of Murrieta, California. If you’re watching this, you can probably tell from the hotel-like backdrop that I’m not in my usual space. But hey, I’m here soaking up family vibes and, you know, just living.

I gotta tell you about this thing that happened yesterday. It was one of those moments that’s all internal, like it’s just for you, by you. But it got me thinking, and I figured, why not share it? Maybe it won’t hit you like it hit me, because, let’s be real, we all experience things in our unique ways. But this… this felt big, and I think there’s something in it for you too.

So, here’s the deal: I’m ditching the whole idea that every podcast episode needs to be this super researched, polished masterpiece. Sometimes, it’s just about sharing the raw, real stuff that pops up in life, you know?

Having this platform is huge, right? It’s a chance to share the real-deal experiences we go through. Like, when I chat about the ups and downs of health, the rollercoaster of emotions during a divorce, or the wild world of dating as a mom, it’s not just talk. It’s about connecting, about going through stuff together, out loud, instead of in silence.

Now, about yesterday. I hit up the ocean, which, if you didn’t know, is my happy place. Growing up in SoCal, the beach was my backyard, and it’s always held this special place in my heart. Despite living in the desert now, every time I see the ocean, I’m like, “Man, I miss this.”

So there I was, at the beach with my fam, just soaking it all in. And amidst the fun and chaos, I had this moment. It was just me and my dog, Phoebe, a bit away from everyone else. Suddenly, everything went quiet. I mean, dead silent. No waves, no chatter, just… silence. And in that silence, I felt this deep, soul-level connection to myself.

It hit me then, this realization that this quiet, this peace, is always there, beneath the noise of life. It’s about tuning out the external and internal chatter and just being with yourself.

This got me thinking about the year ahead. Like, what if this year is all about embracing that quiet, about really diving deep into understanding and loving myself? Because at the end of the day, it’s just you and you.

This isn’t about being selfish. It’s about grounding yourself in your truth, so you can show up as the best version of yourself for the people you love. It’s about cleaning up your own energy and keeping it real, with yourself and with others.

So, I’m curious, what does this stir up for you? Ever had one of those moments that just shifts everything? Drop me a comment, send me a DM, let’s chat about it.

Thanks for letting me share and process out loud with you. Here’s to a year of getting real, diving deep, and showing up for ourselves. Love you all, and cheers to embracing our true selves this year!

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