How I Got My Book Deal

In case you missed my live announcement on Instagram… I GOT A BOOK DEAL! ⁣ GUYS! I’M GOING TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! ⁣Things like this can sometimes seem like luck, so I’m sharing a few pieces of what led to this moment you’re seeing in that pic above (that’s the moment I signed my […]

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6 Steps to Overcome Your Paper Clutter


10 Ways to Hit the Reset Button On Your Day


How to Simplify Your Laundry


Silencing the Negativity in Your Life

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A sanctuary for moms who are ready to break free from the hot mess mom culture and create a life they truly love. Here, you'll find an abundance of inspiration, practical tips, and empowering stories that will uplift and motivate you on your journey.

Whether you're seeking ways to simplify your home, find balance in motherhood, pursue your passions, or nurture your own well-being, this is the place to be.

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You know the feeling. Your legs ache, your feet hurt, your head is clouded, all you want is to climb into bed, and you haven’t even started dinner yet. I’ve been there so many times, and since I have a husband who works extra hours so that I can stay home with our little tribe, […]

3 Things To Do After A Hard Day of Motherhood


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This post isn’t meant to make anyone feel like a bad parent. Neither is it meant to shine a spotlight on me or make me look wiser than the rest of the world, because I couldn’t be farther from that. Let me be clear that what I want this post to do is open eyes […]

How We Are Giving Our Kids a 70’s Childhood in A Technology-Obsessed Era


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I had taken the kids to Starbucks to have breakfast outside on the patio. They asked a lot of questions and I answered them, mostly while skimming through apps on my phone. After that we headed to the park. They played hard, as they always do, and I kept the baby happy in the grass. […]

How I Stopped Waiting for Naptime and Started Enjoying My Kids


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Burlington Coat Factory online has been a huge help with saving on maternity clothes as well. I also joined local exchanges on Facebook where people post items they are selling for super cheap in my area. Craigslist has been great for bulk toys like Thomas the Tank Engine and building blocks (sanitize, sanitize, sanitize!) as well […]

How I Stay Home When We Can Hardly Afford It

intentional living

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Instagram feed [@allie_thatsme] It’s one of the questions I get asked among all the other common ones… “How far apart are they?” “You sure have your hands full, don’t you?” “Do you stay home or work?” And when my answer to that last one comes with a smile and personal pride, “I stay home with them”, […]

On Staying Home// No Luck in this Sacrifice


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